Beginners - June 2011 (Page 10)

I'm writing my first large program project, and I need header files/modules.
I need to know how to make modules and header files. I need to know how to compile it with gcc on a linux compuputer with the command line. Also I'm dealing w...
[4 replies] Last: the library argument? -l".h pathname"? Header files are not librari... (by Moschops)
by sebgar
error: stray '\342' in program
trying a code for a simple game i downloaded. when i run it i get lines and lines of this error: error stray '\200' in program (with different numbers) - i'm us...
[11 replies] Last: Don't use import. It seems that your preprocessor doesn't recognise it... (by Moschops)
function prototypes
Do not use any math libraries to calculate the area and circumference I am writing a program to calculate area or circumference using no classes. I have my cod...
[5 replies] Last: I have everything running correctly except one last thing. void GetAr... (by Pizzaboi)
Hi guys, I've created an ASCII table. Whenever I compile it, the system gives a beep sound but still the console shows the table. I know something is wrong wit...
[13 replies] Last: Oops, if only English was as verbose as programming languages. (by Intrexa)
by stage0
how to make an emailing keylogger in c++
hey i hope in the future to make my own anti virus software but for now i need to learn how they work so can you guys give a code for some emailing keylogger an...
[7 replies] Last: May you explain why you would need a keylogger for an antivirus? Why d... (by GisleAune)
struggling with loops
Hi there, I am trying to make my first SFML game. Basically the game consists of a tank sprite and a bullet sprite. The problem I have is with the shooting ...
[no replies]
My first large project with classes
New errors... 1>------ Build started: Project: TextBasedRPG, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> Monster.cpp 1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved externa...
[4 replies] Last: This means that you either didn't implement these two methods of Playe... (by hamsterman)
by Luke95
Print out Random array
Im trying to randomly print out cars from the string carnamesArray depending on how many cars the user wants to race. Im not quite for sure how to do so, so...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks man, I was curious on how to use "for" on this. After realizing... (by Luke95)
Consol Closing Despite My Best Efforts
I'm learning C++, and I thought that I knew what I was doing until I wrote the following program to display the song, "The Twelve Days of Christmas" using strin...
[4 replies] Last: thanks for the quick replys, to: xander314 First, I know that I n... (by culturaldeviant)
I am trying to write code for my friend to help him with a timed race to get on a college football team. I have the the "Stop watch" section working but what i...
[6 replies] Last: Well at least I learnt a new word, albeit one I doubt I'll use very of... (by anonymous23323124)
NVM delete this!
OOPS please delete/lock this mods
[no replies]
Unhandled exception...Access violation writing location
So im trying to write a program that takes the users input for the size of an array then creates an array of that size and fill it with random numbers. BUT it ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks dude it works perfectly now!! now just to get that windows pro... (by nano511)
by tonnot
Delete a structure with nested structure instances does not work ?
I have two structures: struct W1 {int v1;...}; struct W2 { W1 my_w1; ..... }; Later I create an instance of W2 I have : W2 * my_w2 as private , and ...
[4 replies] Last: I have the my_w2 = new w2 and there is no NEW execution, because it k... (by ne555)
Efficient way to keep tallies? (1,2)
Hey all, I previously wrote a class that basically used maps to create a counter object, which functions something like this. A blank counter is just {}, then ...
[29 replies] Last: You would not believe the number of people who don't know to turn opti... (by kev82)
Help with simple problems
So I'm new to all this and I decided to independently create this program: #include "../../std_lib_facilities.h" int main(){ //Program to calculate t...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks for the replies. Yes, I am reading the Programming Principles &... (by Cppcats)
Little help with debugging
A little while ago i asked this forum for help with a program that just kept exiting at random points. I was pointed in the direction of debugging. I now und...
[5 replies] Last: I dont think posting my code will do any good as its for a game im bui... (by chr15chr15)
by bbcc
a very very beginner question
Greetings, I have a very very beginner question. I am terying to understand a code and sometimes I doubt about a beginner point !!! edepSum *=x; edepSum...
[3 replies] Last: The third line implies that the previous value of edepSum2 is subtrac... (by anonymous23323124)
Class Declarations so other classes can see before defined.
I'm basically having trouble with my first program that has classes(first one not dealing with tutorials and exercises). I ran into a problem where the class...
[1 reply] : See if this helps solve the... (by LB)
by chipp
sizeof in function (1,2)
i don't know why is this happen... #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; //temporary function for password until i get a better o...
[32 replies] Last: thanks for your reply man. i guess i'm clear about this. but how about... (by chipp)
compiling error
I am relatively new to C++ programming and building a small program in Dev C++ which is producing the following compiler output: Compiler: Default compiler ...
[2 replies] Last: Both of your functions are declared to return a result of type double.... (by closed account iLUjLyTq)
June 2011 Pages: 1... 89101112... 41
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