by fafner
Removing whitespace
[6 replies] Last: Awesome, the istringstream works;) I'm just curious, because I used an... (by fafner)
by mystar
Copy content between txt files.
[1 reply] : On this line: line.replace(line.find(" "),6,"RTXApp"); You pro... (by firedraco)
by Mike200
private data passed to non memebr function
[2 replies] Last: This site also has a section: (by mcleano)
by ravpulp
Class Operators
[4 replies] Last: I can't thank you enough for you detailed explanation. Finally unders... (by ravpulp)
by sendjy
undefined reference (again)
[4 replies] Last: Is there another way to hide the implementation then? or do i put bot... (by R0mai)
by CableGuy
App won't run on different PC (ntdll.dll)
[1 reply] : Ouhc, how stupid of me :| there was no "C:\\Server\\MySQL\\share\\eng... (by CableGuy)
by ToniAz
Printing a 2-D arrat
[3 replies] Last: Galik: Could you please provide me with the code, I'm not too good ... (by ToniAz)
by solomgebre
C++ code
[no replies]
by timothyguo
Initialization of const array member
[3 replies] Last: Many thanks! I used static array in my code, but m4ster r0shi really... (by timothyguo)
by paulin
prompt for user input between 0 to 100
[1 reply] : Use a loop while getting input from the user - prompt the user for ano... (by bluezor)
by eggmatters
Difficulties implementing a struct defined in a class
[11 replies] Last: See above: Why the type reference escapes me. The following also... (by eggmatters)
how to read from file |
[no replies]
by ayush20m
reading HEX characters
[3 replies] Last: You shouldn't use binary file IO and strings together. Here's an exam... (by Null)
by Zero One
Opinion on Coding Practices/Methology
[10 replies] Last: I'm gonna go ahead and close this thread. Thank you to all who contrib... (by Zero One)
by EEmsu
Finding a certain integer
[3 replies] Last: I would agree with Declan. You need to check sum, not numbers. A coupl... (by Zero One)
by anushka
how to maintain a database????
[4 replies] Last: [quote=anushka]but i want to print only the required one. Oh, ok. Th... (by m4ster r0shi)
by cmccmc
convert a string to a double?
[5 replies] Last: thanks for the help (by cmccmc)
by CAreLo
countdown timer on my quiz game program
[1 reply] : Where wold the timer be placed, waht would it be used for, and what ot... (by C to the UNIT)
by Amit Goel
increment operator
[5 replies] Last: The parenthesis are meaningless here because the ++ operator has a hig... (by Disch)
by declan
How do I take in a keystroke, but only if there is one?
[5 replies] Last: Here's a post that is what you want. (by jsmith)