Beginners - June 2009 (Page 5)

by Bazzy
Set Precision Opposite?
Try something like cout << setfill('0') << setw(2) << number;
[1 reply] : Yeah I just figured it out a second ago, thanks. I tried to delete the... (by superQ)
by superQ
MSVCP90D.dll was not found
I'm making a fairly simple program (That I've already had other issues on and got help for) but just a few moments ago I compiled it and tried to run it for the...
[4 replies] Last: Haha Switched to Multi-threaded debug, compiled, maxxed out the error... (by superQ)
by superQ
Issue initializing 2d array
So i have absolutely no idea whats happening here but I'm sure I'm just making some kind of sad beginner's error and I can't see it. If someone could just take ...
[9 replies] Last: I probably will, as I'll be rearranging the values alot. I would just ... (by superQ)
by Faken
openinig files with sequental filenames
Hello everyone, I have a whole bunch of bitmap files that are sequentially numbered (0000.bmp, 0001.bmp, 0002.bmp, ect) and i want to open each one successiv...
[4 replies] Last: Alright, thank you jsmith. It all worked out. (by Faken)
function style initializer
Howdy gang, I'm a student at Virginia Tech and taking a c++ introduction course. I am a complete noob in c++ and programming in general...have had a little ...
[4 replies] Last: function call: void calculateFPS (obsWeight, obsK, gravity, obsTim... (by jsmith)
fopen woes
Hi, Newbie question/problem. I have a list of files which are being opened by fopen and the data within given to variables. This currently works fine but ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, seems to be good. (by TastyRadiSkull)
Access another class
Hi, I'm a newbie in C++, and I would like to access a class from another object. Here's the code: mainConsoleObj2.h class OtherMe { public: ...
[1 reply] : first of all oe.setA(30); this is wrong, because you dec... (by Dufresne)
again I'm not getting what I want
I'm not getting the parameters right. if (q <= height && t <= length)// height and length are size of grid { h = 0; i = 0; do{ g = Long ...
[3 replies] Last: fire child, Please read: (by closed account z05DSL3A)
mail.dat project
hi i have this project and i need help with it, maybe someone can help me. please? im really new and really confused. "You're working for a company that's ...
[1 reply] : you should read line by line from file , in c++ it can be done with g... (by Dufresne)
Stopping a function if wrong information is given
What am I missing to in this function to terminate the processing and print an error message if there is a wrong meter size input? Here is code: //Heade...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the advice. (by My Name)
Trouble Understanding Void Pointer
Hi everyone, sorry to ask another question that seems so simple, but I really can't figure this one out. I'm reading about Void Pointers in "The C++ Language Tu...
[3 replies] Last: I understand now. Went and experimented a little. Thx for all the help... (by Retro94)
Alphabetical String Sorting
Hello again, I've been searching for a way to sort strings alphabetically from a to z or from z to a, and the most frequent solution I find from google is to p...
[8 replies] Last: That's no problem, thanks for trying to help. (by AngelGithara23)
Missing runtime? What can I do?
I want to time the execution of one of my functions. My best guess to how to do this is by taking the system time, then execute the function, then take the syst...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you. (by NoobsDeSroobs)
by vivmen
VECTOR problem
void main() { vector<int> v; vector<int>::iterator pos1,pos2; for(int i=0,k=0;i<10;++i) { v.push_back(++k); } ...
[1 reply] : If you erase() from a vector, I'm fairly certain that invalidates all ... (by Zhuge)
some how my parameters are off
the g is not going high enough it stops right before the last row radius = 0; q = High; t = Long + 1 ; a = 0; b = 0; if (q <= height && t <= length) ...
[5 replies] Last: I don't mean to be complicated, I normally simplify after I know it wo... (by fire child)
by Null
<< and >>
Hello, what is << and >>? And how to use them? (example would be great!). I'm not about cin and cout , i'm about binary. Thanks for replies.
[3 replies] Last: Now i understand, thanks! (by Null)
I'm having trouble using array and enum...
I'm trying to make a simple food database using a maximum of 50 foods stored. The options are: a) add a food, d) delete a food, l) list all foods, m) "meal m...
[5 replies] Last: Food is a new data type. When you declare an integer array do you writ... (by Dufresne)
Strings (1,2)
How does one break down a string into individuals chars? and then convert them to ints (alphanumeric a=1 b=2 c=3 etc)
[28 replies] Last: LOL, yes, I knew that. I was only explaining to the OP why it was fail... (by Duthomhas)
Cannot understand use of " : "
Hi, I'm just beginning to learn C++, only other language I know is Html.I'm trying to use the operator " : " to get a Boolean true or false. I've spent the last...
[17 replies] Last: I also agree with kempofighter XD (by Disch)
how can private data be accessed in copy CTOR
The following code is weird, the reason is that private data can be accessed here! but it really can be compiled sucessfully, am I crazy or is it mad?! cl...
[3 replies] Last: The input to the copy constructor and assignment operator (rhs params)... (by kempofighter)
June 2009 Pages: 1... 34567... 18
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