Beginners - June 2009 (Page 4)

by lipune
Hi maya First of all thanks a lot for giving me GSM project .its very necessary for me so please send me your detail project to my gmail id, O...
[no replies]
by lipune
Hi I am looking for a project based on gsm,umts,3G so anyone can help me how to find out this type project if possible for anyone to provide this project if s...
[2 replies] Last: Hi maya First of all thanks a lot for giving me GSM proj... (by lipune)
Restart function with while loop
This is my code, what I want to do is insert a function that restarts if the user presses anything besides 1-5. #include <windows.h> #include <iostream> ...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks. (by vishant)
development environment with gcc
i've been using vs2008, but i need to move some stuff over to unix. what do people use as an editor when they compile with gcc? does anyone have any suggestio...
[4 replies] Last: eureka!! you guys are great. i downloaded code::blocks binary fo... (by mikebow)
by superQ
Publish a win32 console app?
Hey folks, this should be my last question of..well of the immidiate future anyway. I finished this nifty little game, and I'd like to email it to some friends ...
[8 replies] Last: put this in a text file: name_of_your_program.exe pause sav... (by Disch)
Problem with return values....
So I've got three files, Test.h, Test.cpp, mainTest.cpp. I'm trying to get more familiar with header files and in doing so I have included in my header a declar...
[3 replies] Last: This is the primary problem with printf--it is not type safe. Had you... (by jsmith)
by superQ
Problem in logic, not in code?
So I'm writing this simple project, just for my own entertainment. Its nearly done, and most of it works fine. Part of it involves four functions that move in o...
[11 replies] Last: Yeah, I'm starting to learn that. I tend to end up going through line ... (by superQ)
equal operator is overloading
#include <cstdlib> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class Array { private: int* ptr; int size; publi...
[2 replies] Last: you are cool. very helpful thank u so much (by areyoupp)
by wretch
overloading with const
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class myClass { public: char get1stChange2nd(const char* pc) { char firstChar; cout << "version: co...
[3 replies] Last: I might've been wrong about that ambiguity. I didn't actually test it... (by Disch)
Overloaded operator inheritance
Hi, I'm creating a class called Matrix (basically 2D vectors), and a class SqMatrix (square matrix) inherits from Matrix, with methods like finding the determin...
[10 replies] Last: Yes, the virtual methods should ensure you call the operation on the r... (by kbw)
Comparison Operators for strings
Hi again, Finish one problem, cause another from me I'm afraid. How can I take an variable which takes input of a letter from the user and then com...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks guys, job seems to be done. (by TastyRadiSkull)
by divya
Relation between pointer and arrays in C++
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int arr ={1,2,3}; cout<<"Base Address of integer array:"<<arr; char ar ="abcd"; cout<<"\n"; cout<<"...
[2 replies] Last: A string is an array of characters. The ostream << operator is over... (by Duthomhas)
by Maya
Lebanese flag using switch
I am writing a program that draws the Lebanese flag in 2 sizes chosen by the user, but at execution, I am always getting the default case. Any idea why is this ...
[4 replies] Last: just checked it... thanks (by Maya)
by coldy
read and process a paragrpah
Hi, I would like to read in a text file paragraph by paragraph, processing each paragraph along the way. Here is some example data # comment s test1 ...
[5 replies] Last: So, I think I understand Duoas' sulotion. I can now read paragraphs us... (by coldy)
how do I pervent a char being input
I want to set up a output input to get a positive number int hop; cout << "What is the transmition range?" << endl; cin >> hop; do{ cout << "In...
[1 reply] : (by helios)
goto statement
I know that in general it is best to avoid goto statements, but I am in a situation and I can't think of a way around using one. if(/*some condition*/) { ...
[8 replies] Last: Yes, in that case you'll need Disch's solution. (by jsmith)
The C++ Language Tutorial
Hi, I'm very new to the C++ Language, started on the C++ Language Tutorial, not having too much trouble absorbing the information. I was wondering, how comprehe...
[10 replies] Last: what I meant was calculating the derivative of sin(x) by: d/dx(sinx)|... (by smilodon)
by Joe101
Copy constructor woes
can someone tell me why the copy constructor does not seem to be called when the code below is run? class Person{ public: Person(string * n)...
[3 replies] Last: thanks! (by Joe101)
What next?
Hi, I am an advancing beginner who just have finished "C++ A Beginner’s Guide by Herbert Schildt" and wonders where to go next. Does anyone have any suggestio...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks everyone, you have helped me a lot :) (by Eviltwin)
c++ arrays and pointers
so how can i get the frequency of an element in an array using pointers?
[9 replies] Last: It is still possible to do this with count_if (in one line of code, no... (by jsmith)
June 2009 Pages: 123456... 18
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