Beginners - June 2009 (Page 14)

Array generation w/ specific parameters (a small problem)
Hi, I been trying to come up with a simple algorithm that will generate arrays of random values where; - none of the values generated equal oneanother - the v...
[9 replies] Last: If A is an array containing N elements, and S is an array containing "... (by jsmith)
library issues
Hi, I am learning C++ on my own free time. Currently I am learning about curses. I did a bit of research and downloaded PDcurses library. The IDE I am using is...
[4 replies] Last: Oh that explains why the code for ncurses works for pdcurses. Thanks D... (by everlearnin)
I'm not sure what is wrong with my getline(). The program doesn't cin for address or notes. any input would be helpful, Thanx #include <iostream> #include <...
[3 replies] Last: you can tell it to ignore the '\n' try: (by wmheric)
by Vicky
static data members;
Create following static data members: Balance to show balance. New Balance to get New balance from the user. Adjustment in order to do the...
[4 replies] Last: Also, please don't post the same topic on multiple forums. (by Zhuge)
by Vicky
declaration of static data members
can somebody give me the proper c declaration code of the following::::: Create following static data members: Balance to show balance. New Balance to g...
[1 reply] : What kind of problem are you having, exactly? This looks like a homewo... (by Zhuge)
by netP
How does "delete" work?
Hi all, I am quite confused about how "delete" works. If I have a class like class test { char zip ; other_class *to_somewhere; te...
[3 replies] Last: That didn't answer question two I don't believe. If you assign dynamic... (by closed account S6k9GNh0)
by Kanner
#include into multiple sources
if i have a set of variables listed in an include file and I want to use them in multiple source files how do I need to structure the include file. Current...
[3 replies] Last: To avoid having to duplicate variable declarations (once in the header... (by Disch)
Quadratic formula factoriser
Hey, i'm trying to create a program that factorises quadratics but i'm having trouble with a certain aspect. At the moment it factorises if a, b, and c are ...
[5 replies] Last: @ tition ... to them first two notes I know dont worry, i've actually... (by mcleano)
by sys7em
Problem with class that stores 2d matrix
Hello guys, I have this code which stores 2d matrix in a class matrix (keeping its elements in a dynamically allocated array of integers (int **A However ...
[4 replies] Last: The default constructor should initialize A to NULL. The other cons... (by jsmith)
class redefinition / header guards not working
I am using Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition I have the following header class.h: #ifndef GUARD_CLASS_H #define GUARD_CLASS_H #include <vector> #includ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your help! (by whosecalling)
Keyboard output into a text box.
I am looking for a way to output text (based on input) to a text box. I do not mean file i/o. For example, the way Windows Speech Recognition (if you've ever pl...
[5 replies] Last: Well Why are are using WIN32 , why not make it easier on your self and... (by jloundy)
by milu
automobile park
include "CPE.h" using namespace std; #include <cstdlib> #include <sstream> enum assinatura { MENSAL, DIARIO }; unsigned int Parque::carregaClientes(ist...
[1 reply] : What do you want us to do, You havent given any type of instruction or... (by jloundy)
How can i release the memory?
I write a program like this: class OBJ { public: OBJ(int n):a(n){cout<<"ctor"<<'\n'; } ~OBJ(){ cout<<"dctor"<<'\n';} int geta(){ return a;} protected...
[1 reply] : You can free the memory outside the function, Here is an example: ... (by Bazzy)
by cantog
Req: Homework assignment examples
Hi, I'm studying for my exam in C++ and have run out of examples to solve. I could make some myself, but I wonder if anyone could provide any links to homew...
[11 replies] Last: (by jloundy)
Function Pointer to Class Function pointer
I am writing a program where I am using one class for functionalatiy and one class for storage ("Game" and "Player" respectively). Depending on what parameters ...
[7 replies] Last: Just use boost::function and boost::bind and make life easier. #... (by jsmith)
by Punn
// zoo1.cpp #include <iostream> #include "zoo.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> using namespace std; /// 1.a mostrar os animais existente...
[2 replies] Last: and please, use [ code] ... (by wmheric)
simple problem w passing parameters
I have a question... im trying to figure out why this code does not work. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void function( ...
[8 replies] Last: That means there's a different bug in the caller that's making the bug... (by helios)
String reverse pointer issue
Could anyone please tell me what wrong I am doing here with a simple string reverse function #include<iostream.h> void strreva(char *); int main() {...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you Duoas and Hammurabi !!! (by aquafina)
Virtual Keys for non-numpad signs
Google has failed me so far, so perhaps there arent any, but jsut in case... Are there virtual keys names for the non-numpad minus and plus sign? I need the...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks...! I dont know how i failed to see that ... (by Alexandro)
"ostream & Out argument/parameter (C++)
I hope I'm not being to dense, I'm new to C++. Background: School project to model a media center. Class MediaCollection holds an array of pointers to object...
[3 replies] Last: I changed #2 to: void MediaCollection::ListMediaDetails(){ cout << ... (by mike koehler)
June 2009 Pages: 1... 1213141516... 18
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