Beginners - July 2019 (Page 10)

Can you help me?
I couldn't find the problem. Can you help me? #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { float s1,s2,bolum; printf("Bir sayi degeri giri...
[4 replies] Last: there is an fmod but I have not ever had a use for it. are you trying... (by jonnin)
Format questions
I'm curious to why when using functions to call a file. one uses ostream& and not ofstream& - although both methods seem to work and make no visual change to th...
[3 replies] Last: > I'm curious to why when using functions to call a file. one uses ost... (by JLBorges)
Help with ofstream within a function
Hello all, I have this code and I can't figure out why my ofstream isn't working as it should within it's folder. When I run the current code, my 'black ...
[15 replies] Last: Although it doesn't make a difference in your specific case to use ofs... (by dutch)
casting and reading from binary files
Hi guys, I have a function that writes data to a file,that data is two strings and an int, I do this in binary mode. I give a snippet below of what I am confu...
[5 replies] Last: keeping the casted stuff around makes it simpler to read and handle. ... (by jonnin)
Computing using Arrays
Hi guys, I wish to know, how I can use each of the digits of a 15 digit code supplied by a user to compute a formula like this: Given that the 15 digit code...
[10 replies] Last: they both work. I found 3,3,7 easier to think through I think you mi... (by dutch)
About the back() function of std :: queue
Please help me, why c ++ stl defines the back() function for std :: queue to get the value of the last element, while the queue I have been learning does not de...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for giving me the answer. (by cegodica)
cin.getline Clearing Input
So I've been assigned for a c++ class to put together a program that will encode or decode a caeser cipher in key 13. It's required to have four different funct...
[2 replies] Last: Why do you mix code associated with using namespace std; Alongside ... (by closed account 367kGNh0)
error message on inheritance
I am trying to learn C++ and when I compile I am getting the following error messages: invalid use of incomplete type 'class Mammal' forward declaration of ...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks so much Niccola. I saw my errors. That was time saver. Thanks f... (by mekbibb11)
Scramble Middle Letters (1,2)
The task is to take any word that is longer than 4 and scramble the middle letters The following is my function when scrambling the middle letters of each word...
[21 replies] Last: @ Ganado I wasn’t sure posting the scrambled text would be very rea... (by Duthomhas)
Overloadedoperator was fine and now..... nope!
C++ Team, (I guess that's sort of like the A-Team but twice as better!!) I have an overloaded output stream operator "<<" defined as seen here==> st...
[9 replies] Last: Ok Dutch, good example. Even though pre-processor "activities" are f... (by Xanadu4ever)
What other header files include cstdlib?
Other than when you actually include it: #include <cstdlib>
[3 replies] Last: ...which it is always a good idea to compile against several compilers... (by Duthomhas)
Copy Constructor
1. Does copy constructor can copy all public, private, and protected members? 2. Does copy constructor come in handy only when there is a pointer in the clas...
[3 replies] Last: 1. public/private/protected has no bearing on the compiler-generated c... (by Ganado)
Urgent Help
Question : minimum number of operation required to sort array. Operation : Take any element from array and put it to the end . Please anyone help
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Zaap]The minimum number is probably not zero because you can't ... (by dhayden)
What is the difference ?
I'm came upon a code but having removing one line changes the whole output of the program. However I couldn't figure out the reason why. In the code below havin...
[1 reply] : You mean you came upon this code? (by salem c)
long integer
hello, i have made a program to try the "long integer" instead of integer for a very long number, but it has some really strange results. Is it possible to loo...
[3 replies] Last: You can use : int64_t var1; to get a 64-bit int, or uint64_t var1; ... (by Zaap)
Parsing JSON Files and Storing Data in Program
Intro / What I Tried I'm trying to parse JSON files (which I've never done before). I first tried JsonCpp using this tutorial:
[7 replies] Last: Why don't you use boost property_tree and their json parser: https://... (by coder777)
Why does not work? Help me please!
It doesn't work and I don't know why. printf(" Oturum Acma\n\n"); char nickname ,parola ,ad ,soyad ; printf("Nickname'inizi giriniz: "); scanf("%s",ni...
[6 replies] Last: I got it. Thanks for everything. Have a good day. :) (by tetrosss)
Inventory Counts
you are to write a program that will sum up inventory counts and report the total. the inventory is represented by a three digit inventory number and a count of...
[9 replies] Last: You still need to improve your indentation. And space out your code. D... (by dutch)
[4 replies] Last: Hello ggucciflipflopps666, This is what I have managed to work up so ... (by Handy Andy)
Question on resource file with icon.
This is main.h #define ID_ABOUTICON 100 #define IDC_STATIC 101 The icon is 32x32. This is rsrc.rc 100 ICON MOVEABLE PURE LOADONCALL DISCARDABLE "im...
[6 replies] Last: dutch, thanks a lot. That explains it. Tried SS_REALSIZEIMAGE. Does th... (by clamicun)
July 2019 Pages: 1... 891011
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