by tetrosss
Can you help me?
[4 replies] Last: there is an fmod but I have not ever had a use for it. are you trying... (by jonnin)
by CodeNovice01
Format questions
[3 replies] Last: > I'm curious to why when using functions to call a file. one uses ost... (by JLBorges)
by CodeNovice01
Help with ofstream within a function
[15 replies] Last: Although it doesn't make a difference in your specific case to use ofs... (by dutch)
by adam2016
casting and reading from binary files
[5 replies] Last: keeping the casted stuff around makes it simpler to read and handle. ... (by jonnin)
Computing using Arrays |
[10 replies] Last: they both work. I found 3,3,7 easier to think through I think you mi... (by dutch)
by cegodica
About the back() function of std :: queue
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for giving me the answer. (by cegodica)
by Xirania
cin.getline Clearing Input
[2 replies] Last: Why do you mix code associated with using namespace std; Alongside ... (by closed account 367kGNh0)
by mekbibb11
error message on inheritance
[6 replies] Last: Thanks so much Niccola. I saw my errors. That was time saver. Thanks f... (by mekbibb11)
by gongong
Scramble Middle Letters (1,2)
[21 replies] Last: @ Ganado I wasn’t sure posting the scrambled text would be very rea... (by Duthomhas)
by Xanadu4ever
Overloadedoperator was fine and now..... nope!
[9 replies] Last: Ok Dutch, good example. Even though pre-processor "activities" are f... (by Xanadu4ever)
by jsmithplus
What other header files include cstdlib?
[3 replies] Last: ...which it is always a good idea to compile against several compilers... (by Duthomhas)
by DarkParadox
Copy Constructor
[3 replies] Last: 1. public/private/protected has no bearing on the compiler-generated c... (by Ganado)
by cool123dude
Urgent Help
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Zaap]The minimum number is probably not zero because you can't ... (by dhayden)
by rarian10
What is the difference ?
[1 reply] : You mean you came upon this code? (by salem c)
by depdries
long integer
[3 replies] Last: You can use : int64_t var1; to get a 64-bit int, or uint64_t var1; ... (by Zaap)
Parsing JSON Files and Storing Data in Program |
[7 replies] Last: Why don't you use boost property_tree and their json parser: https://... (by coder777)
by tetrosss
Why does not work? Help me please!
[6 replies] Last: I got it. Thanks for everything. Have a good day. :) (by tetrosss)
by CodeNovice01
Inventory Counts
[9 replies] Last: You still need to improve your indentation. And space out your code. D... (by dutch)
[4 replies] Last: Hello ggucciflipflopps666, This is what I have managed to work up so ... (by Handy Andy)
by clamicun
Question on resource file with icon.
[6 replies] Last: dutch, thanks a lot. That explains it. Tried SS_REALSIZEIMAGE. Does th... (by clamicun)