by platypus1989
new and delete vs vector
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Peter! That was a lurking mistake for me :) (by platypus1989)
can you help me in this question |
[2 replies] Last: @ipg can you help me with this i think it is Geometric Progression. ... (by closed account 3UohqMoL)
by darkX
Modular multiplicative inverse
[no replies]
by rjblair87
Count++ not adding to initial count
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <cc... (by JLBorges)
by rodentMinn
Segmentation fault with empty string
[15 replies] Last: Sometimes when people have been reluctant to post code they can find s... (by dhayden)
by clonxy
How to change a dynamic 2d array from another func
[10 replies] Last: I agree, doing a manual 2D->1D indexing (y*width + x) is very nice (it... (by Ganado)
by BGA6444
Incrementing value of variables in an array
[5 replies] Last: Your problem lies in the fact that you are trying to increment the enu... (by Misenna)
by phztfte1
Cannot Open Source File
[2 replies] Last: The name of the header file is "frac93.hpp". The name "frac93.hpp" is... (by phztfte1)
by ysf007
How to write o good Comparison operator ?
[10 replies] Last: If you're looking for efficiency then you might also consider which da... (by dhayden)
by CGunn86
The importance of compile time functions?
[1 reply] : It allows you to use it in places where a compile time constant is req... (by Peter87)
Difficulty with while loop |
[3 replies] Last: I didn't check your code 100% but it looks really good. easier to jus... (by jonnin)
by seungyeon
File I/O Comparing numbers.
[3 replies] Last: I'll try to read your code @Ganado. I need to see how I can compare th... (by seungyeon)
by BGA6444
Arrays, tables and void functions... help...
[1 reply] : void functions can take parameters. void foo(ifstream &ifs) //this i... (by jonnin)
by watted
help with oop exercise (rectangular Matrix)
[2 replies] Last: This looks like a lot of fun. Write and you will have fun, too! Br... (by icy1)
by Ch1156
How to create a timer using C++ only and no windows API
[12 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <string> #include <chr... (by icy1)
by alenasinchuk
C++ Void and cout
[8 replies] Last: An example of correct function pass by reference. #include <iostrea... (by Manga)
by phztfte1
Implementation of Comparison Operator
[3 replies] Last: I retyped the test program into another file, and the source file "fra... (by phztfte1)
by Trisha306
Google test in CLion - Unit test function using gmock
[4 replies] Last: I think in its current state the function isn't testable since it depe... (by Thomas1965)
by SulPC
Code Optimization
[2 replies] Last: even with such a small program I would not use the global. optimiza... (by jonnin)
by Donut
Functional Decomp
[1 reply] : you can take the file I/O and remove all of it into a function, and ha... (by jonnin)