by jflyer215
class has no member name
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome. (by MikeyBoy)
Subsequence Divisibility (1,2,3) |
[41 replies] Last: can anyone help with the test cases for N=30,N=45,N=100 for the proble... (by sk007)
by samir1996
Protected member of base class is not accessable from derived class
[3 replies] Last: Change line 18 as follows (inform the compiler that val is a depend... (by JLBorges)
by systemdot96
How can I find a certain sequence of characters in a string?
[8 replies] Last: I see it now. (by Kity)
by honeybuzz
How to find the number of times each number is either the greatest or smallest in each subsequence of a fixed size?
[12 replies] Last: @ne555 You see suppose the number of elements are 5000....The 5000Cr w... (by honeybuzz)
by AL88
Is this overloaded class working correctly?
[1 reply] : Pretty good, but a few issues. 1. int SetitsHeight(int height) {... (by Ganado)
by VonNeumann
Output a sequence of strings
[2 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void dig... (by lastchance)
by AL88
Why is this not returning 125
[1 reply] : int SetitsHeight(int height) {height = itsHeight;} int SetitsLength... (by Ganado)
Power Function |
[2 replies] Last: Can't test any code right now, but I believe the method I learned in s... (by Ganado)
by Xiao Wa
Providion extra 10% discount for the sub total 1000 or more and calculate the total
[8 replies] Last: One way: #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <stdio.h> #include... (by Thomas1965)
by AL88
Trying to build overloading class, function returns a funny number
[1 reply] : int itsWidth; int itsLength; int itsHeight; int itsArea = itsWidt... (by Ganado)
by crown
whats the problem of this size of?
[8 replies] Last: //COMPILE USING TURBO CPP COMPILER #include<iostream.h> #include<con... (by kamalashwath)
Room lights |
[1 reply] : Also, don't spam the forum with multiple threads on the same topic. I... (by MikeyBoy)
by wsme
struct tm Not returning anticipated value
[1 reply] : Your var timer has just random numbers - like any var you don't initia... (by Thomas1965)
by SilvaLay
calculating squares of an array
[1 reply] : int a = {1,2,3,4}; for(int x = 0; x < 4; x++) cout << a *a << e... (by jonnin)
by Kiryu
Strange overloaded operator
[2 replies] Last: Hey, good luck! It looks like a user-defined implicit type conversi... (by mbozzi)
by sgill1998
Dvd Collection
[1 reply] : Please use code formatting. Edit your post and and add [co de] and ... (by Ganado)
by Trezkez
c - time of the max and min temp
[2 replies] Last: Big Thanx!! (by Trezkez)
by akarbarz
Error LNK2019 & LNK1120
[5 replies] Last: Thank you icy1. I updated the post I hope its better now. I also found... (by akarbarz)
by akash19jain
Need to reduce the time limit
[1 reply] : rewrite time. store the N's in a hash lookup such that table = max ... (by jonnin)