Beginners - July 2017 (Page 7)

by ebii
Print adress iinsted of values
any can see the mistake i done? why its printing the adress and not values? i try to done double pointer like pointer to array of object like in darje post. ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks my friend its helpd me alot. do you know where i can find alot ... (by ebii)
Exception Catching
I'm trying to do a try catch in line 21, so if the user types something other than 1, 2, or 3 it will give them an error. This is wrong, so how would I do this ...
[3 replies] Last: Also, you will need to include the <stdexcept> library for std::out... (by boost lexical cast)
by Dmtg93
Baby names assignment using structs strings and files (1,2,3,4)
Hi all. My teacher is having us do this final project before we do the final exam assignment and questions and while it is technically due the last day the 19th...
[61 replies] Last: FINAL 'HINT': Check revisions and updates. I have no idea what is mea... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by Mite
Variable in curl
Hi everyone.I am using curl in c++.This thing works for ail but if i want a program that takes input receiver's mail and send the mail to them. i wrote this co...
[3 replies] Last: i used this but it doesnot execute the curl command... (by Mite)
vector class help
I'm trying to change my basic array to a vector. (in main.cpp) My vector is in line 10. After I changed it from a basic array to a vector, I am now getting erro...
[7 replies] Last: Tried your other suggestion, and that fixed it. Thank you so much for ... (by Griffinflame21)
map /set iterator not incrementable
hello, i have this code. when i run it i get a runtime error: map /set iterator not incrementable on line 209. I am not sure why but when i check it2 under w...
[3 replies] Last: thanks Peter, here is the input file : 4 21 28 17 14 10 27 10 16 23 ... (by masterinex)
is it necessary to learn assembly language ?
is it necessary to learn assembly language , If I want to have better understanding of c++?? I have read somewhere that I I should learn assembly language t...
[3 replies] Last: It is not necessary at all. Its a good idea to know what it can DO, ... (by jonnin)
by darje
any clus why its not working (the colmpiler pointing me at ostream problem) #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Point { int x; int y; publ...
[4 replies] Last: i saw alot of quastion with composition with double pointers . so i wa... (by darje)
Why can I swap string with double parameters?
Hello, I don't really understand why code below is working. What I don't understand is why can I swap strings using swap() with double parameters. How is it po...
[7 replies] Last: The function that is called for swapping two std::string objects is ... (by JLBorges)
tail recursion - power function
I try to write power function using tail recursion but I don't get the right answer what is wrong? // tail function long int TailRec (int number , int p_numb...
[6 replies] Last: You don't actually need the counter variable at all. Instead you could... (by Peter87)
by ebii
Writing to File + some Matrix issue
iam having a bit diffcult time why i cant write to text file object lets say i cant add some set method in mystring class class Mystring {public: Mystri...
[2 replies] Last: In your first post, at line 20 you haven't defined a << operator for M... (by dhayden)
count and list a divisible number in array
I posted this in another section but no one replied so I am hoping someone can help me on this section. Hi. I need to create an array 10 x 10 numbers from 1-10...
[1 reply] : Reply here: (by Chervil)
Array. How to find the location of a searched number?
I have to modify my countNums where after it searches for the number, it lists the row and column that it is included in. I do not know how to start it. T...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks Thomas. It was such a simple solution. Thank you. (by piratekingluffy)
Pass by reference (&) super confusing!
The correct answer is actually 2 0 0. I understand why 2 is the answer but i dont understand the 0 0. Can someone please explain it? Im ready to pull my hair o...
[3 replies] Last: what's the different between pass by reference and pass by value. "... (by Chervil)
functions pass by reference and pass by value
The correct answer is actually 2 0 0. I understand why 2 is the answer but i dont understand the 0 0. Can someone please explain it? Im ready to pull my hair ...
[1 reply] : duplicate post. use other one. (by jonnin)
How much of the static .lib is embedded in the .exe?
When the actual linking of a static library takes place, how many of the functions become embedded in the executable file itself? Do all of the functions in th...
[1 reply] : see for yourself. (by ne555)
functions pass by reference and pass by value
I dont understand why it is couting 1 6 3 and not 3 6 3. can someone please explain it? I cant seem to wrap this around my head. Given the following fu...
[2 replies] Last: @thomas1965 thanks for the explanation. it makes a bit more sense now... (by ahswong)
functions in inherited classes
hello everybody i'm trying to create a little text game (actually just parts of it). now i'm stuck on how to communicate derived classes. considering this ...
[1 reply] : [quote=Stauricus]but i can't find where to put this function and how t... (by boost lexical cast)
by sharbu
Find the missing letter in the palindrome
A string which is a palindrome but has one letter missing will be passed as input. The program must print the missing letter. Example Input and Output: If t...
[6 replies] Last: Well I was going from the first example, saying: output must be a, w... (by lastchance)
need help
A university wants to develop an application that will manage its student’s records. Application will store student’s personal information like registration...
[3 replies] Last: well yo can still use struct Student { private : float gpa } ... (by Flaze07)
July 2017 Pages: 1... 56789... 12
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