Beginners - July 2017 (Page 4)

|14| error: expected primary-expression before ‘EmployeeName’|
I've read through many forum posts here but am still unsure how to overcome this compiler error. It tells me that on line 14 of function main that it needs a pr...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for your help everyone. Especially that last bit about actuall... (by TheEurekaMan)
Trouble with Continue and Break statements (1,2)
Hello there, I am having trouble with some continue and break statements. I just want to understand these examples the book gave us and make sure I got the conc...
[26 replies] Last: a) choice needs to be initialized to some (arbitrary) controllable val... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Self stading program C++ Help
hey guys, how are you? i have been programming in the past just for little while(true){kidding :D} anyway i programmed some basic games no graphic on the cm...
[3 replies] Last: Which question did you answer The first three. Regarding question 1... (by mbozzi)
by weelad
trying to create a basic linked list
for some reason I'm having trouble making a basic linked list. #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct node { int data; node * ne...
[1 reply] : Just follow your state mutations. (enter List1::List1()) head =... (by helios)
by i773
Handling Destructors properly in header?
I'm coming from a background in C# and I am dealing with deconstructs right now in c++ and the way that I created my functions I think I could have done better:...
[15 replies] Last: Is the cstrValue simply an input parameter? Does the function promise ... (by keskiverto)
While loop IDK what is wrong
I am still not done with this program but am having trouble with the while loop. Trying to ask the user for valid input if it is more or less then the given 2d ...
[1 reply] : Line 38 is selecting a condition of wrong input. This can occur for on... (by lastchance)
Document Scanner
Hello, I provide document scanning services. And for that, I want to buy a brand new Document Scanner. So can anybody recommend me some nice product or models ...
[1 reply] : this is a programming forum for software development. Someone might ... (by jonnin)
lock-free queue usage
I've listened to Herb Stutter's youtube talks on lock-free data structures and I wanted to try and use a lock-free queue. I decided to use MPMCQueue.h available...
[7 replies] Last: But if a queue (lock-free or not) is empty, then you have to wait No... (by Cubbi)
by TheArk
average time function and arrays
I am on the menu option 2, to calculate the average time,and need to know the best route to go about doing that. #include <iostream> using namespace std; ...
[6 replies] Last: Hello TheArk, just before the return 0;" in main put these two lines:... (by Handy Andy)
Formatting the output of an array
Im writing a program that is supposed to cout numbers in an array. However, the numbers cout on a single continuous line that I think looks really ugly, and was...
[3 replies] Last: worked like a charm Well, I hope it wasn't seen as some mysterious i... (by Chervil)
using points to remove a char from an inputted string
using pointers, I have to function that removes a character. You have to input a string. Then input a char to remove. It should tell you how many char it r...
[13 replies] Last: First let me apologise if anything I said previously was not very clea... (by Chervil)
by Bopaki
Why am I getting this error
Write your question here. I have a header file clockType.h and the implementation file clockTypeImp.cpp and the Driver Example1-4.cpp When I compile & run t...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Peter87 It worked like a bomb with guards (by Bopaki)
deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*'
- Experts, I know that the conversion from string constant to char* is deprecated in cpp. So to initialize a char* first we have to reserve space of the char...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you I have now a clear idea (by puertas12)
Can anybody tell me why do we need a range based for loop?
Can anybody tell me why would anybody need to use a range based for loop? why would anybody want to run the loop for over all elements in the given range?
[2 replies] Last: ohhh I get it =D (by rajhansk)
Class member variables/functions
"Use the Employer and PersonalInfo classes as member variables of a Person class. Modify the menu interface and input algorithms to accept data for the Employer...
[13 replies] Last: Glad you had it working. "Fixing" such kind of problem is part of prog... (by longberns)
by Foreck
Program to enter text into another program
Hi all! I am interested in entering text into a MUD client text box, and having it press enter. Example: Walk (enter) (wait 5 seconds) walk back (ent...
[no replies]
why does this program giving one output even if the initial position is at the end?
why does this program giving output '1' even if the initial position is at the end? #include <iostream> #include<fstream> #include<string> using name...
[1 reply] : !Input_file.eof() does not work as you expect. http://www.dreamincode.... (by Thomas1965)
Class Inheritance and private containers
Hello, I'm working on an exercise to create a basic Blackjack card game and have a question about class inheritance and private containers. If both a par...
[7 replies] Last: > The exercise states to create a Hand class, as well as a Deck class ... (by JLBorges)
random number function not working
I wonder if anyone can help... I have done some debugging, and it looks like my random function either isnt being called each time as expected or isnt producing...
[3 replies] Last: Cheers!! I can't believe it was so easy! Been scratching me head for a... (by jamesfarrow)
Array size variables in functions
I need to write a function that takes in numbers from an array and figures out the highest, lowest, and average of those numbers, but I am a bit unsure of how t...
[11 replies] Last: On the right track. Try something like this. You'll need to pass back ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
July 2017 Pages: 123456... 12
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