Beginners - July 2016 (Page 9)

by Leese
Array subscript out of range???
I'm running this code in VS2016 and instead of getting a normal error, the program stops running and I get a "array subscript out of range" pop up. This is my f...
[3 replies] Last: No, remember arrays are zero based and end at size - 1. Your loop shou... (by jlb)
by Jao
error c2678 and c2065 (1,2,3)
I am getting an error c2678 binary'>>': no operator found which takes a left-hand operand of type 'std::istream' (or there is no acceptable conversion) Also ...
[49 replies] Last: Thank you again. I will read into it and show you what I come up with (by Jao)
function return?
So say I had a program that went like #include <iostream> using namespace std; bool check(int x) { if(x == 10) { return true; }else{ ...
[2 replies] Last: Sorry I was working with something else similar to this that wasn't wo... (by connorhperkins)
Error Trapping and Exception Handling
So my original code is added, now we have to change the code to allow Write a C++ program to allow the user to create a test bank of questions. The program shou...
[no replies]
String and Code Fragments
[2 replies] Last: Yes, I tried to get some help from the video tutorials. But it's an on... (by randombubble3)
tic tac toe
hi guys the code below just gets input from the user and stores and X or an 0 in each position of a 2d array(tic tac toe board) I'm just wondering if you guys c...
[2 replies] Last: (by AbstractionAnon)
2d array function error?
Hi I'm trying to pass in a 2d array as the arguement to a function that takes a 2d array and I get an error,I thought that I had to include just one size of the...
[1 reply] : @adam2016 Garbage gets printed out, because you haven't filled the ar... (by whitenite1)
Help on beginner functions
I'm trying to write a simple code using functions to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius, I keep getting the error: Primary expression expected befo...
[2 replies] Last: Excellent thank you for your help, I have dyslexia so sometimes I don'... (by thisismeonline)
by elay
codeblocks default dir
hello how can i change the default directory of my codeblocks project? i had to make all my include like this #include "../include/test.h" instead ...
[1 reply] : There will be a path directory you can setup in the preferences to cod... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Help with assignment in OOP Class
I have an assignment that I am having problems with. I don't use C++ on a daily basis at work but needed to take the class for school and I am having trouble w...
[no replies]
by sam80
Best user friendly plotting library
Hello, I am looking for a user friendly library to generate different type of plots ( 2D and 3D) with C++. I had seen Open GL (Glew) is one option but it is f...
[no replies]
by MAhmed
Erase Function
below code will print Hey until i don't press 'a' i want a code which can also erase the statement on screen with explanation if possible #include<stdi...
[6 replies] Last: Glad it helped :) (by Naughty Albatross)
Game Project: Boulder Dash
Hello, Here is the original game I am going to write the game engine for: Current Source Code, DOS Beta Releas...
[7 replies] Last: Entering the next level of programming: GRAPHICS!!! --- oh yes! ^^ Th... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
by MAhmed
Repeat Function
I'm making user defined function which will repeat when i will press any key except 'a' it will print 'Hey'. and when 'a' is pressed it will print 'bye'. but ...
[6 replies] Last: Glad it helped :) (by Naughty Albatross)
Program crashing around for loop
Hello! The snippet of code below keeps crashing right after "person .relationship = true;" (the cin.get()'s were just for debug purposes), at least that's what ...
[13 replies] Last: I'm sorry. It works, but it's not necessarily what I'm going for. The ... (by tramflye)
string input problem
Hi! when I execute this and entered these inputs: 2 Hello ...
[16 replies] Last: Yep it's complete. Well done. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
by hrxs1
Extracting mode from positive int vector
Hello everyone, I have to create a program that gives out the mode, the number that appears the most ofen, of a vector with positive integers. Actually, I tri...
[10 replies] Last: Good to hear :) (by Naughty Albatross)
Random amount of array elements with random numbers
How could you make an array with 20 to 30 random elements. Then, I want each element to have a random number between 100 to 200. I have written the random numbe...
[18 replies] Last: You are welcome :) (by Naughty Albatross)
Arrays, basic Input/Output program
Ask the user how many numbers to enter. Enter those numbers into an Array, and then Show them. Sample Run: How many numbers would you like to enter? 8 Ent...
[12 replies] Last: Glad it helped :) (by Naughty Albatross)
by cko221
Only second line of File Input will print
I am inputting 2 simple data files into a linked list. FILE 1{ 17 5.25 Adam Parker 18 6.75 John F. Jones } The first column represents Employee ID number The se...
[2 replies] Last: > Does anyone know how to formulate a proper ranged for loop? Here (tu... (by Naughty Albatross)
July 2016 Pages: 1... 7891011... 30
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