Beginners - July 2016 (Page 27)

Starting to learn c++ today. I just started accelerated c++. Any advice prereqs? plus help on other books. on this site... in the beginners, I start with Accelerated C++. I then read al...
[3 replies] Last: You could say that you are a programmer when you are able to write a f... (by JLBorges)
string problem
hi! I don't know what's the problem with this code???? I can't see the result of my third test cases about cancatenation strings with + on screen the output is ...
[10 replies] Last: thank you all std::cin.ignore( std::numeric_limits<std::stream... (by miss1001)
by Laks17
How to download the data from the website automatically?
Hi, I want to download the data from a website daily. Is that possible to save the data automatically from the url by any script or code. https://www.hyderabad...
[3 replies] Last: First, read the html/javascript source and try to find an entry point ... (by a k n)
Slot machine help
A slot machine is a gambling device that the user inserts money into and then pulls a lever (or presses a button). The slot machine then displays a set of rando...
[7 replies] Last: nice code... :) just document it as everyone loves documentation (by shadder)
Can Singleton Classes be "truly indestructible"?
When I say truly indestructible, I'm referring to the class object not getting destroyed until the machine is turned off. Is this true? I read in a Stack Over...
[4 replies] Last: I believe you're misunderstanding how programs are developed. Basicall... (by Turbine)
by lamper
About inherited classes
Let's say we have a class B which is inherited from A. I want to use some functions of A and I want to redefine some functions of A in B. The question is, can ...
[3 replies] Last: Virtual functions are what you're looking for. They basically allow yo... (by Turbine)
First time using templates and multiple errors occurred
I am trying to incorporate templates into a library I am building. While doing this I was exposed to the following problems: -Undefined symbols for architectur...
[3 replies] Last: Don't forget that with templates both the declaration and the definiti... (by jlb)
by pmas98
Undefined reference
I don't know why it's getting "Undefined reference" in this code double calc_custo_de_agua(int consumo, const array<double,5> precos={2.79,3.61,3.92,6.71,...
[1 reply] : consumo_em_faixas() doesn't appear to be defined. (by NoXzema)
search through a file to find correct access number
Hey everyone, I am trying to write a program that will restrict access to unauthorized users. ive gone through my textbook several times and have scanned just ...
[4 replies] Last: I have made a few updates to the program based off of your recommendat... (by oracoin)
taking input into string array
i'm wondering why this isn't working, it keeps giving me a build error. Here is the code snippet with the error. i have tried cin and getline. #include <f...
[4 replies] Last: at what point does one use string arrays?? When you want arrays of s... (by jlb)
Issue with homework assignment.
I am supposed to use a txt file and print out the names in alphabetical order. Below is what I have put together so far, but I do not get any output. If someone...
[3 replies] Last: Thank for the input, but the issue is where I put the txt file. I did ... (by DCox2013)
Pseudocode for prime numbers (1,2,3)
This is just my pseudocode, but I'm having trouble with one portion. //module prototype Boolean isPrime(int number) main () [int number display we are goi...
[59 replies] Last: finally!!! :) (by shadder)
Mersenne Prime
I was doing challenges on,and this code runs perfectly on devc++ but when I submitted this code on site they show me error in results OUTPUT ....
[3 replies] Last: peter87 its the same challenge. can you correct my code used? progra... (by Root919)
Creating an array of functions?
I basically wanna create an array with functions for example I have: void draw0(){}; void draw1(){}; void draw2(){}; and I tried doing: typedef voi...
[11 replies] Last: Good to hear :) (by Naughty Albatross)
use external varaiable
hello everyone, I have defined external variable in hpp file (extern double average_cr=1;) and I have change this variable in cpp file. I would like to call t...
[2 replies] Last: Dear FurryGuy, thank you so much for your help. it works regards (by glitter)
Programs with GUIs
Hello all! I still consider myself a beginner in programming and so I assumed this question was best posted in the beginner's forum. Currently I am working t...
[4 replies] Last: A simple to use and modern C++ GUI library is Nana: http://nanapro.or... (by qPCR4vir)
freeing memory allocated in hierarchy of structs
If I dynamically allocate a struct (using operator new) and then allocate array of structs inside it, and in those struct allocate more structs creating a hiera...
[1 reply] : Do I need to keep track of each struct array that has been allocated ... (by jlb)
by sam80
Hello everyone, Could please anyone explain to me that why should I use '0' to cast in order get the correct character display? #include <iostream> usi...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by sam80)
trying to store a changing variable using str::size in a seperate variable
Back again, I'm trying to get the size of 'str' by the .size function. I have an int variable to store the results in. String str = "hello"; Int strchar; ...
[1 reply] : You have the assignment statement with the operands on the wrong side ... (by Chervil)
Beginner Excercise Feedback and Help
Hi everyone, I'm doing the beginner excercises found here. I've got the first 3 done and id like some feedback on t...
[1 reply] : Hi, i'm having a lot of trouble displaying the array in descending o... (by shadder)
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