Beginners - July 2016 (Page 22)

Class averages
I am attempting to rework a previous assignment I had that uses the code listed below to show the highest of 10 grades. I need it now to also show the avera...
[8 replies] Last: Seems to work correctly for me: Please, enter 10 grades, one at a ti... (by AbstractionAnon)
Machine Problem Limiting Function
Hi, I'm almost done with my machine problem. I wrote code to accept students to a university and I have all the criteria for acceptance in and the output looks ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you so much!! This makes a lot more sense. (by fcailin)
by GnomoP
Where do I go from here?
So, I think I'm very skilled with C++ now. But I'm sick of making crappy Console Applications, so where do I go from here? I know, for the sake of common sense...
[no replies]
any flaws in this sorting code?
hi guys I made a small algorithm to find the smallest element and number of the element in an array,but just a question can you see any flaws in this way I did ...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks guys for the help credit to all of you guys to help me sorting ... (by adam2016)
simple structure problem
There's only one problem in compiling conversion from int to non-scalar type phone requested #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <math.h> #incl...
[6 replies] Last: oh great that worked i was mistaken Thanks to @brown ogum and @ Abstra... (by salmanasghar12)
Need Help for this Java Program
public class While { public static void main(String args) { int ilan; int i=0; system.out.printIn("How many times you want to display your name?"); ilan...
[5 replies] Last: Here is your working code of what you are trying to do. import java.i... (by Lodi)
programming ideas teaching myself
Hi I'm yet another person teaching myself C++. In the last month or so I've gotten halfway through the tutorials and made it through the pointers section but I'...
[3 replies] Last: Okay thanks :) I am still sticking to this site alone because the othe... (by MelIsAmateur)
pls help , I can't figure out my prob... especially for the char part
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(void) { int age; int weight; char smoker; cout << "Want to become an astronaut? \n"; ...
[5 replies] Last: You are good to go :) (by Naughty Albatross)
Need help with libcurl!
Need help with libcurl.. this program downloads a webpage to file(example program) #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <c...
[1 reply] : FIXED! This did the magic sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev (by ephraimr)
Global variable - undeclared identifier
Hello! I have some problems with global variables in my program. When i try to use global variable in one of the classes it just doesn't work - variable is call...
[19 replies] Last: Hooray! You are good to go! (by Naughty Albatross)
How do I fix segmentation faults with vector iterations?
Hi, I would like to solve the ODE: d2x/dt2=-9.8*cos(x) x(0) = dx/dt(0) = 0 on t in [0,10], using the Runge-Kutta 4th order method (RK4). I would like the da...
[6 replies] Last: It does not look like your program has segfaults in your second soluti... (by Naughty Albatross)
Problem with switch case and while loop.
Hello everyone, the problem I have is probably pretty obvious and simple to solve, but I really can't get behind it. For homework we had to write a program t...
[6 replies] Last: Glad it helped :) (by Naughty Albatross)
Want specific output line to print only when an 8 is not entered by the user...
Hi there! I need some help with getting my code output a certain way. I want the program to print "Sorry, no eights were entered." ONLY when there actually is ...
[8 replies] Last: Glad it helped :) (by Naughty Albatross)
Fibbonnaci generating
Hi everybody, Although i'm still a noob, there are many things I can understand with a bit of thinking, but this problem seems absurd. When writing a fibonacci...
[3 replies] Last: It is not absurd and it has nothing to do with "PAUSE". Change line 48... (by coder777)
Channel identification based on Euclidean distance
i'm nowhere near finished with this code yet, i apologize if it looks messy, as i have tried to complete what parts i am somewhat familiar with, but in all hone...
[1 reply] : //is there a means of opening all files in one statement and then hav... (by coder777)
Using std::placeholder
I'm reading about std::bind, to bind arguments into a callable object which can be passed to a function. I felt like I've understood most of the concepts up to ...
[1 reply] : when would I use placeholders greater than _2, greater than _3, all t... (by coder777)
by Leese
Float to int
Can someone explain to me the whole idea of float and int? I understand that int are whole numbers, and float are decimal numbers, but why can't one turn into t...
[11 replies] Last: I'm sorry if I asked too many questions and was bothersome, but like ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Debug Assertion Failed
Hi everybody, I have some class in my program. The class has a method which iterates over an array in order to find some int info. When it finish the job, it s...
[9 replies] Last: A common problem is when you have a class that has a pointer to some d... (by Peter87)
Geometry Claculator-functions not working
Hello! I am a beginner to programming and taking a c++ class at my local college as part of a career/major change. Choosing an online class for my first try ...
[9 replies] Last: @closed account 5a8Ym39o6 Sorry, it was just an innocent question, w... (by TheIdeasMan)
need to write 3 functions: 1)main 2)int mod_test(int a, int e, int n) 3)void mod_test(int a, int x, int b, int y, int n, int *out1, int *out2)*out1 here means o...
[6 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
July 2016 Pages: 1... 2021222324... 30
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