Beginners - July 2016 (Page 15)

C++ Homework
I am a beginner at coding, and was hoping someone could help me out with an assignment. These are the instructions: Write a function called fillArray that wi...
[3 replies] Last: I also think you need to use the #include <stdlib.h> library. on line ... (by Kbott)
Installing SMFL graphics library
I am a beginner with C++, but I have a lot of experience with programming languages. I have made plenty of text based RPG's and I made one with C++ as well, how...
[6 replies] Last: Okay I will check. Just checking, how do I seperate them when listing ... (by Sylvagon)
Number analysis program
How does everything look? I just finished it. I'm worried if I calculated the average correctly. (I know the named constants for all the numbers may be unne...
[5 replies] Last: Oh! Wow. Haha. (by FBHSIE)
<< Overloading for STL containers
Hello, I'm struggling with templates right now, and have managed to overeload the << operator to print STL containers: template <template <class,class> class...
[2 replies] Last: Your code does indeed work. However, the compiler deduces that the thi... (by Guzfraba)
Calculating MPG using simple C++
I have to create a program calculating a car's gas mileage. The program should ask the user to enter the number of gallons of gas the car can hold, and the numb...
[8 replies] Last: Thank so much for your help :) (by deesray0803)
Help with LNK2001
Hello, everyone! I... have a problem that I have no idea how to solve because I don't know what's wrong. Could you guys point it out for me, please? https...
[1 reply] : On line 19 you have declared the prototype void ShowBattleStats(Playe... (by Thomas1965)
static member of class
How should I define static member of class in this case? Object::tex.loadMedia didn't work Object.tex.loadMedia didn't work LTexture Object::tex.loadMedia di...
[2 replies] Last: Ohh i meant loadFromFile every time there. But the biggest problem is ... (by Kondensator)
how do i get my information on multiple lines
I'm doing an assignment which is supposed to have first, last name and GPA. I can get everything to print on one line but I need them on there own separate line...
[17 replies] Last: happy85, I think everyone is overthinking this. Tell me if I am wrong,... (by Sylvagon)
Need Help with Program-LinkedLists/Pointers
I need help with this program. I'm a little confused of what this program is asking including pointers and linked list. These are the requirements of the progra...
[no replies]
Need some help with using one function multiple times with different return
hi guys thanks for viewing and helping me out!! here is the example what the result should looks like Enter problems per set: 3 Set #1 ...
[5 replies] Last: ok i figured out (by dragonk2)
[Q] Math & C++
Good Afternoon C++ Community! First off, thank you all for your welcoming nature and helping me to expand my C++ knowledge. However, I've run into a huge ...
[4 replies] Last: Ah man! Thank you guys so much for taking the time to help me out and ... (by UchihaKite)
Problem with Code Blocks
Hello experts. I have an issue. The exercice: define, if a number that user enter (positive, even and non zero) is an Armstrong Number. * Armstrong n...
[6 replies] Last: I know about this but i clear see only increment and decrement, when... (by White Bear)
Help in Hangman
Hello I am making a word Guessing game.. I named it "BITAY" because thats what its called in our country. How can i make it go to Option 1(single player) after ...
[8 replies] Last: (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Help printing a triangle
Hi there. Hoping someone can explain what I am doing wrong. This is supposed to out a triangle shape, but I am just getting a straight line. #include...
[11 replies] Last: @Necip +1 (by Naughty Albatross)
Passing pointers question
Hello all, I have been working on an assignment using dynamic arrays and was wondering why I was able to alter my array sent from main() using the following fu...
[2 replies] Last: void initialize(call_record *& call_DB, int & count, int & size); Th... (by dhayden)
Result is empty/nothing
Why the result is empty/nothing displayed? main.cpp: //.... #include <string> #include "decry loop.h" #include <stdlib.h> int main() { string p; int q = 0; ...
[6 replies] Last: Wow, such a small thing //*facepalm** Thank you //*#I_still_face_pa... (by CosminPerRam)
Array based stack implementation
Hi all, I am new to C++ and I tried to implement array based stack. Here is my code. It shows RUN FAILED on running it. Please help me solve this issue. Also, ...
[3 replies] Last: @TheIdeasMan and Chervil thanks a lot!! It works now :) (by raunaak)
Help needed with 8 Queens Problem
I desperately need help understanding this program, especially lines 17-24. My programming teacher is rather adamant that I follow his method to solve the probl...
[5 replies] Last: I don't know, ask your teacher! He should comment his solution so that... (by closed account 48bpfSEw)
hi guys thanks for viewing and helping me out!! here are the example what the things will looks like Enter problems per set: 3 Set #1...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=TheIdeasMan]Just a note for the future :+) There also shouldn'... (by Naughty Albatross)
May someone explain this
Write your question here. Put thebool r_exist ={false}, d1_exist ={false}, d2_exist ={false}; void search(int c) { if ( c==8 ) { cnt++; cout<<"...
[2 replies] Last: (by Naughty Albatross)
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