Beginners - July 2015 (Page 8)

i am still not getting the drift
I am trying to get a grip of c++ before school starts in september and i am trying to understand it as much as i can. This question here below im am trying to f...
[4 replies] Last: int tempArt; int tempEnglish; int tempMusic; double avg = (tempArt + ... (by MikeyBoy)
converting BYTE to STRING
hello if it's not the best place to ask,i am new here :) i want to get any macadreses from current machine and use it as string; it's reading up to 16 mac ...
[6 replies] Last: yes indeed,it's work with your guide thank you again JLBorges (by DBBJAF)
findLowest not returning the lowest. highest screwy too
This is making me crazy. The logic seems solid, but the findLowest and findHighest aren't returning the highest and lowest respectably. For example, if I input...
[3 replies] Last: I think so, I took the else out of those statements so each on would t... (by BonsaiSuperstar)
by bobpit
use a "permanent"/"static" variable in a DLL?
From a script language I will call functions from a DLL written in C++. In the DLL I want to initialize an array of double floats. And then use these values e...
[6 replies] Last: You should have learned about std::vector before learning about plai... (by LB)
Very simple question
I have an aray sum which contains these numbers: 48 58 62 46 42 and i don't know how to sort them so it would go from the largest to the smallest nu...
[3 replies] Last: It is used to say if any swaps took place in the for/next loop. If no ... (by CodeWriter)
Machine-Level Representation of the Built-in Types
Hai, I am going through C++ Primer (5th edition) and in chapter 2, I read the Machine Level Representation of Built in Types, and there's that part that I coul...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everyone, it's clear now. (by Josephreak)
Predicting outcome of rand() at 'x' iterations ahead?
Hello! I had an idea about random generation based on seeded rand(), but there is one caveat to make it work correctly (I think). I need to be able to predi...
[4 replies] Last: For leap ahead in logarithmic time, see '3.2 Leap Ahead For Linear Co... (by JLBorges)
replacing character by a variable in a string.
I have a string like this: 80,15,2,?,0,71,9,16,?,5,6,7,?,32,5,67,96,?,8,95,100,675,875,0,?,?,?,0,5 I have replace all '?' with x which equals (rand()%10). ...
[11 replies] Last: Part of the reason why I said the code from JLBorges was a Nice remin... (by Gamer2015)
Need help to output data
How do I manage to output string1 from the main function? Thank you. /* Carlos Quirarte CIS 22B Summer 2015 Assignment C Problem C3 Descrip...
[1 reply] : Hey, in order for people, including me, to help you better, could you ... (by Pratik K)
Sorting numbers in ascending order
Hello everyone, I'm trying to write a simple program that will get input from the user for 3 numbers and output them in ascending order. I have code that I look...
[2 replies] Last: Ah yes it is. Got that part of the question mixed up, apologise for th... (by Hcode91)
Finding Highest and Lowest
I have a class assignment where I read in scores from 5 users and I am supposed to find the highest and lowest scores. I can't use arrays and I can only use f...
[3 replies] Last: To my non-expert eyes both functions look workable. :) (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Getting a value between functions
Hi :) I have a function that gets the lowest score out of a few integers. //I'm not allowed to use arrays double findLowest(double score1, double scor...
[1 reply] : Use your calcScore() function to call other functions, such as findLow... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by eons93
Bool function help.
No code help today but I am designing a turn based rpg game and have some effects where the effects only last until the start of their next turn or upon "being ...
[no replies]
multiple if statement criteria?
Okay, I started learning C++ yesterday and am really clueless. Probably much easier ways of doing things than I am but yea... I've made this really bad Username...
[4 replies] Last: You are more than welcome, I know how being a real beginner learning C... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
Beginner in C++ and need an explaination of basic topics and words
Hello, I am very new to C++, and in fact, very lost. I apologize for having such a beginner level understanding, but everyone has been at that point in their li...
[2 replies] Last: I'm knew too, but I recommend downloading Code::blocks. It is an IDE w... (by InnominateHF)
rand question
how can i make this function give me random number each time i run it? rather than just give me the same numbers everytime thank you #include "Dice.h" #...
[1 reply] : You need to call srand() in main or something. The key is to only call... (by TheKingOfTyrants)
How to delete data from array.
I am trying to give the user the ability to delete data from a .txt file. In order to do this I have created a struct consisting of a string(phone number), a p...
[1 reply] : If you are looking for the ability to delete cleanly array elements yo... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
by stav
can you make something smaller than 1 byte?
hello, when i started learning c++ i was taught that the smallest variable you can make is a char which uses 1 byte to store its information. however i just l...
[3 replies] Last: Peter87, excellent reference. Thanks for pointing it out so I can pee... (by closed account E0p9LyTq)
C++ Class to stop Console Close Down
I read this thread "Console Closing Down" with interest and thought it might be interesting and personally instruc...
[6 replies] Last: Agreed. It's how I learned until I took some 300+ level university cou... (by Duthomhas)
How to overrite a .txt file
I was wondering if anyone can give me tips on how to overwrite/update a .txt file. I give the user the option to add/delete data in a .txt file, and I want to ...
[8 replies] Last: Ok, I figured it out. I didn't realize it was as easy as kevinkjt exp... (by ctaylor4874)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 678910... 33
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