Beginners - July 2015 (Page 27)

sorting string arrays from greatest to smallest
Hello everyone, I'm trying to work out this problem in small steps. I have two arrays one is of string value and the other of int value. The problem is the stri...
[8 replies] Last: Line 12: Why cnt - 1 ? Otherwise show the modified code and some tes... (by coder777)
2d Vectors in Class
Hello, I am currently trying to create a two d vector in my class. But it's giving me an error. I researched online and it says that I cannot initialize the dim...
[1 reply] : Perhaps: (by keskiverto)
Classes Error C++
im having issues with my code and since im just starting my C++ course im still having problems with classes, I have the following code and im trying to get a...
[3 replies] Last: Why don't you use the Pet::Pet(string, string, int) ? (by keskiverto)
Using Magnification API For Windows
I would still consider myself a beginner programmer. I don't know where to start on this. I'm trying to make a program that zooms in on the middle of my scr...
[1 reply] : If you are using the Window's operating system you would need to learn... (by CodeWriter)
Lambda Expression
How would you write the lambda expression for price? Also, how come double v does not have to be initialized? // C21 Records #include <iostream> #include <...
[3 replies] Last: > initialize a vector with an ordered pair The same initialisation ca... (by JLBorges)
STL Containers
I am having some difficulty understanding the STL containers list and forward_list . I understand that list supports bidirectional iteration, while forwar...
[4 replies] Last: > I know that std::list is used for quick O(1) inserts/deletes and slo... (by JLBorges)
by AVM8
Errors in my code.
Good day people. I have problem here where i got several errors i got is error C2601: 'systemExit' : local function definitions are illegal error C2601: 'addV...
[6 replies] Last: Peter87 Thank you sir. Much appreciate it. :) (by AVM8)
by Reekoh
Press "Enter" to continue... How?
Write your question here. Hi there, I would just like to ask what I'm supposed to do for user to just hit enter for the program to continue. My program is ...
[1 reply] : Hi, you could try using the function that Duoas described in http://ww... (by Ganado)
Prime number, allocated memory and processing power..
So, I am a beginner and as exercise I wrote a code to show all prime number up to the input. It worked pretty well, but then I wanted to see up to which nu...
[5 replies] Last: I actually meant about knowledge. I don't how to that, yet. :) (by salies1807)
Read File into Array
Hello there! I have a read/write assignment I'm working on and I'm stuck on the part where the books.cpp reads the file and changes data to write to another fi...
[4 replies] Last: *bump* Any ideas on the issue in my previous post? (by closed account 2hTDizwU)
Blackjack 2.0 error overloading operator.
Back with the start to Blackjack 2.0. This code is supposed to create two classes, a "Card" class and a "Shoe" class and overload the operator<< to cout a Card....
[8 replies] Last: This is a rough look at the classes I'm thinking about to handle the f... (by shawnlau)
is this true about main function ?
1) if the main function type made int for example, the return value of the function cannot be used at all as the execution is terminated after it directly. 2) ...
[7 replies] Last: It is undefined behavior according to standard. That means literally c... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Vasim
About vectors ...
Hi. I have a string vector with the following elements: { "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" }. The question is: "how to wri...
[4 replies] Last: Friends, with your help and some more search in the web, finally I di... (by Vasim)
Refrences parameters question
Just wanting know for something like vector <string> split(const string &str) does &str refrence to the vector named split or what? Here is the full...
[8 replies] Last: Ohhh ok, I get it so how would you be able to call it in main()? Than... (by Blackhart98)
I'm having issues reading multiple lines from a text file.
I'm having issues reading multiple lines from a text file. The file contents is three lines with the following data: Doe Jane 65789.87 5 Bob Joe 75892.56 6 Bil...
[5 replies] Last: I see where I went wrong with the while statement. I made a simple mis... (by ironsoldier71)
by ematt
Guessing game program
Ok, so I'm in my pRG410 programming class C++ and I've been tasked with writing a program that uses a function to compare the players guessed number with the ra...
[1 reply] : #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include... (by Cody0023)
Want to get started with game programming.
Hello I am a complete newbie to C++. I have a question to ask. I want to get started with Game Programming and I want to know what would be a good tut for me. W...
[7 replies] Last: His book looks interesting,but gee..50$ on Amazon. (by Theonesuperx)
Programming question.
Alright, I'm wanting to design a program that would be able to search eBay or Amazon for new items and then refresh. I've been told that C++ can do that but I ...
[1 reply] : You would first need knowledge on the C++ standard thoroughly. That is... (by TheToaster)
why my program is crashing?
so this is my program: main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "rabbit.h" #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> #include <vector> usi...
[2 replies] Last: oh my god your right, how i didn't notice it ? thank you very much. (by composter)
Figured it out!
[3 replies] Last: Now initialize isLeapYear with the result returned by your isLeapYear ... (by MiiNiPaa)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 33
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