by jpanther
sorting string arrays from greatest to smallest
[8 replies] Last: Line 12: Why cnt - 1 ? Otherwise show the modified code and some tes... (by coder777)
by jhykima
2d Vectors in Class
[1 reply] : Perhaps: (by keskiverto)
by xTuckii
Classes Error C++
[3 replies] Last: Why don't you use the Pet::Pet(string, string, int) ? (by keskiverto)
by JohnDeBord
Using Magnification API For Windows
[1 reply] : If you are using the Window's operating system you would need to learn... (by CodeWriter)
by phztfte1
Lambda Expression
[3 replies] Last: > initialize a vector with an ordered pair The same initialisation ca... (by JLBorges)
by TheToaster
STL Containers
[4 replies] Last: > I know that std::list is used for quick O(1) inserts/deletes and slo... (by JLBorges)
by AVM8
Errors in my code.
[6 replies] Last: Peter87 Thank you sir. Much appreciate it. :) (by AVM8)
by Reekoh
Press "Enter" to continue... How?
[1 reply] : Hi, you could try using the function that Duoas described in http://ww... (by Ganado)
by salies1807
Prime number, allocated memory and processing power..
[5 replies] Last: I actually meant about knowledge. I don't how to that, yet. :) (by salies1807)
Read File into Array |
[4 replies] Last: *bump* Any ideas on the issue in my previous post? (by closed account 2hTDizwU)
by shawnlau
Blackjack 2.0 error overloading operator.
[8 replies] Last: This is a rough look at the classes I'm thinking about to handle the f... (by shawnlau)
is this true about main function ? |
[7 replies] Last: It is undefined behavior according to standard. That means literally c... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Vasim
About vectors ...
[4 replies] Last: Friends, with your help and some more search in the web, finally I di... (by Vasim)
by Blackhart98
Refrences parameters question
[8 replies] Last: Ohhh ok, I get it so how would you be able to call it in main()? Than... (by Blackhart98)
I'm having issues reading multiple lines from a text file. |
[5 replies] Last: I see where I went wrong with the while statement. I made a simple mis... (by ironsoldier71)
by ematt
Guessing game program
[1 reply] : #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include... (by Cody0023)
by Theonesuperx
Want to get started with game programming.
[7 replies] Last: His book looks interesting,but gee..50$ on Amazon. (by Theonesuperx)
by holypepsi
Programming question.
[1 reply] : You would first need knowledge on the C++ standard thoroughly. That is... (by TheToaster)
by composter
why my program is crashing?
[2 replies] Last: oh my god your right, how i didn't notice it ? thank you very much. (by composter)
by eiffel79
[3 replies] Last: Now initialize isLeapYear with the result returned by your isLeapYear ... (by MiiNiPaa)