Beginners - July 2015 (Page 26)

by olette
program help c++
So I made the mistake of not even attempting the program before asking for help, so I started on it. This is my current code so far and I have a few questions: ...
[4 replies] Last: In general you have below to be true. #include <iostream> using nam... (by Bdanielz)
need help badly
i am trying to figure out how to do this question it says that i should do a switch and a if statement Things On Us wants you to write a program to display f...
[9 replies] Last: everyone thanks for your help how can i repay you (by gregorydouglas89)
by eons93
Doing a challenge I found on youtube to enhance myskills and had to follow the solution to get it, came across a problem.
I keep getting error code c3867: 'func': function call missing argument list; use '&func' to create a pointer to member error occured on file "TicTacToeGame....
[3 replies] Last: Yep, you're welcome, I've spent 2 hours+ very confuse one time trying ... (by Ganado)
Advice??/ question
this is just a small program i wrote to practice using pointers, and passing them into functions, and also showing that you can modify the values in an address ...
[9 replies] Last: Anytime! (by shawnlau)
by h4ever
how share array between files?
This gives me link error in many files saying const char **elevations was already defined. #define NUM_ELEVS_ 9 extern const char *elevations = { "0",...
[8 replies] Last: If you define the consts in just one .cpp file, then the addresses mat... (by andywestken)
Including headers & .cpp files
Hi everyone. I racently try to build an calculator, but. I saw that there is an option to Add .cpp files and header files! Which didnt work for me. I followe...
[2 replies] Last: About the questions: This.. Isnt connected to thw calculator AT all. ... (by closed account 1vD3vCM9)
Variable not initialized
When I try to run my program this pops up: Run-Time Check Failure #3 - The variable 'quit' is being used without being initialized. I thought I initialized quit...
[2 replies] Last: try int quit = 0; ???? if its saying its not initialized then initial... (by MaseratiDeluxe)
who or what determines the amount of data that one slot of an array can hold.
[4 replies] Last: the user tells what datatype he wants and the compiler gives each elem... (by Gamer2015)
Access the main() from an instantiated class (1,2)
Hello everyone, as the title say, i can access the main vars, property and methods from an instantiated class? I mean: in the main class i create an in...
[37 replies] Last: Thank you for the help. I will soon open a new thread for other quest... (by Amiplus)
What are the limits of console applications?
What are the limits of console applications? What can I do with them? What can't I do with them? What should I learn next after learning the basics of progra...
[5 replies] Last: Nothing prevents you from manually creating a window from console app... (by andywestken)
Counter skipped by case error
Every time I try to run my program I get and error that says "initialization of 'counter' is skipped by 'case' label" in line 113. I don't understand how to fix...
[1 reply] : Encase case part in block: case 2: { int counter = 0; while(c... (by MiiNiPaa)
I'm running thisc code in 64bit linux. However, my scanf is not stopping and keep taking new inputs. ex) % ./test1 Multiplicand & Multiplier(in hex): 2 4 ...
[1 reply] : Do you realize that the "%x" format specifier expects unsigned int var... (by jlb)
by Kajh
Trouble with if statements and strings
I am just trying to store an answer of yes or no from user, but the program doesn't switch to the correct if statement. No matter what the user inputs, control ...
[3 replies] Last: You can only use one letter (or two) as string variable i.e Y for YES... (by Aminu Bishir)
Read/Write from File into Array
A bit different from my last post. This assignment/program is suppose to read an external txt file (which looks like): Book Title Author Price Book Title...
[3 replies] Last: > when I try to run the program No, the error is at build time, there ... (by ne555)
How to find and count different duplicates in a container
Hi guys. I've been reading about ways of finding duplicates in a container, but I still lost of how to solve my problem which is how can I count the different n...
[13 replies] Last: I get it now. Thank you MiiNiPaa and keskiverto for the help and for t... (by Leo Alves)
by h4ever
Is it possible to simplify this definition for object?
Is it possible to define this object without need to create types for each property? Something like: { group : { collapsed : 31, expanded : 120 } , terrain ... ...
[9 replies] Last: I did and works. THX (by h4ever)
heloo My code must print only doubles words Exemple marius.txt B A C marius1.txt A marius2.txt is empty #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=MiiNiPaa]You need to rework your program completely Read all co... (by MiiNiPaa)
there is no "dat" file although i write the out
the code have not output the ".dat" file ?? #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<string> #include<cstdlib> ...
[2 replies] Last: oh thank you , i changed the "* (asterisk)" with a available characte... (by qwerwan5)
by tatai
sort data from int and char mixed format
I have file with data like this 148D 124D 225D 236D 259D I need the data in the following format; 148 124 225 236 259 I dnt understand how to ...
[2 replies] Last: thank u!! (by tatai)
txt file and more
so i pretty much ended writing my program and i have 2 questions. 1. i want to make all the cout<< in my program to be printed on both the program itself and i...
[1 reply] : 1. i want to make all the cout<< in my program to be printed on both ... (by coder777)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 2425262728... 33
  Archived months: [jun2015] [aug2015]

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