Beginners - July 2015 (Page 19)

Linked List
I'm a complete newbie in c++, and I'm trying to prepare for a class for next semester. Any help would be appreciated!!!
[2 replies] Last: I have this book and it helped me alot. Its not the most advanced read... (by jsonlickliter)
My code do this ex1 txt1 line 1 txt2 line1 out put line 1 is ok but if I have txt1 line 1 txt2 line 1 line 1 output line1 line1 I need 1 ti...
[7 replies] Last: I find it txt dhydan ;) (by mariuss)
Hi! I'm writing a program that records the number of apparitions of a substring in a string. The code is taken from a c++ manual but i do not understand exactly...
[1 reply] : !subsir[k + 1] ise equivalent to subsir[k + 1] == '\0' . It checks ... (by MiiNiPaa)
Help with reading text file
so i can't read this text file: 7 java 1 1 c 2 2 c++ 3 3 c# 4 5 obje...
[2 replies] Last: So, i guess, the problem was with "fd.ignore"? (by MisterWHite)
Easy way to compress txt file
Hello, I have to compress a txt file before send it to my ftp server. This files will be 3-4 mb max (uncompressed). I'm using now rar.exe (command line) wit...
[1 reply] : You can use a compression library like zlib: or... (by coder777)
Converting an int array to string values
Hello everyone, I have a program that is almost complete, except that I need to take my integer values from my classLevel array and convert it into a string va...
[1 reply] : Do you mean something like this? #include <iostream> using namespace... (by CodeWriter)
Exiting the program after inputting 'X'?
Hello, I'm trying to work out all the bugs from my program, one of them is that my program will not exit if the user inputs X or x. Thank you. Here is my prog...
[2 replies] Last: When I added the while loop inside my main, it all worked out. Thank y... (by jpanther)
by eons93
96 errors, compiling after 3 days of work is a bad idea.
Please help me again, i now see why you try and compile may sooner than a couple days into a project. tried compiling today and got 96 errors, these are the f...
[7 replies] Last: Combat.cpp line 28,29,30 This is you main problem with the too many a... (by jsonlickliter)
Istream help
Need help with understanding the real uses of istream, ostream, and ifstream. Outside of using files I only know to actually call it in files ,but why would you...
[2 replies] Last: ostream is an o utput stream . istream in an i nput stream . ifstr... (by Zhuge)
need to have user end when desired and not enter 0s or letters in my calculator program
1. I need to add a function that will alert a user not to use numbers <= 0 or a character for input. They are to enter numbers only greater than 0 on the calcul...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you all this resolved my issues. (by ironsoldier71)
help with this code
I know I got alot of unused stuff here but this will go into a larger program. My problems are const int MAX_LIMIT and const int MAX_COPY they work with copyLi...
[2 replies] Last: Check this weird stuff out. if I comment these out it compiles and run... (by jsonlickliter)
C++ iterator design pattern
I am trying to learn iterators in C++. I don't understand the use of NameCollection::value_type here in Iterator and addNext. Also in the next function I get ...
[1 reply] : I don't understand the use of NameCollection::value_type here in Iter... (by Yanson)
Constructor issue
Hi, In the small program I am writing, I have two static libraries: 1. tools . In this library, I have a Date and a Time class. In both these classes, the def...
[5 replies] Last: MiiNiPaa! You're right, this is not what I want to do... I just chang... (by BobMorane)
C++ CopyOrCut/Paste from text document
:D Hello everyone, I am making a program where the program copy the first line on the existing text document and paste to textbox, and then copy the text on ...
[1 reply] : Try creating a File class (if you don't know about classes yet, read a... (by TheToaster)
Can you write an enumerated type value to an array?
Hello everyone, I was wondering if you could write an enumerated type value to an array? For example: enum studentLevel { FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE, JUNIOR, SE...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for your input. This really helps me to move in the ri... (by jpanther)
Weird behavior when populating array from file.
Hello folks! I am new here. I am trying to go back and revisit C/C++ programming and to refresh myself I decided to try some projects from the MIT C programmi...
[4 replies] Last: WOW I don't know why I would miss this. Feel dumb, I guess sometimes y... (by Durango2011)
Help with Sum of Input
I have an assignment due tonight for a beginner programming class. My instructions are: (sum) Create a program that will output the sum of all of the numbers...
[1 reply] : (sum) Create a program that will output the sum of all of the numbers... (by keskiverto)
Memory Leak/Corruption of Heap
Hi all, I am trying to do some review of some C++ topics that I feel I need a refresher on. The problem that I am having is that one of the class objects is ...
[3 replies] Last: > But my question now is, what is the difference between my assignment... (by ne555)
assign raw pointer to the smart pointer
Hello forum, I have declared two smart pointers inside the class declaration as follows: class A { .............. .............. priv...
[1 reply] : Any hint to get around this issue ? RTFM: (by MiiNiPaa)
Making a String Lowercase
Hello! I am trying to write a function that takes a string for an argument and changes that string into all lower case. However, when I run this program, it out...
[2 replies] Last: @MiiNiPaa OOOOO... I see... Thank you for your help. I'm going to try... (by jhykima)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 1718192021... 33
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