Beginners - July 2015 (Page 17)

Subscript requires array or pointer type
Hello everyone, I could really use your help. I am confused about this error that I'm getting. I reread the chapter on pointers and arrays, but I'm still lost....
[2 replies] Last: The c2109 error is on line 12. I also just noticed the typo on line 12... (by CpluspProgrammer)
One of my calculations is coming out incorrect. Please help me spot my error
This is the problem I am doing: "Ask for user's height (in.), weight (lbs), & age (yrs); then compute sizes according to formulas: -Hat size=(weight/height)...
[1 reply] : For lines 19 and 22 I get, warning: the omitted middle operand in ?: w... (by CodeWriter)
by Filorn
power of a number
How can i make the power of a number??? I just tried x^2 but it doesn't work. Is the problem in the sign?
[3 replies] Last: I hope that it would be helpful through an example - #include<stdio... (by appi)
by Filorn
There are two errors at the lines 3 and 4: expected '}' at the end of input unterminated #ifndef #include <stdio.h> #define NUMERO 4 int main(void){ ...
[2 replies] Last: were u wanted to do this thing ?? #include <stdio.h> #define NUMERO ... (by appi)
Dynamic character array
Attempting to dynamically allocate a name to a character array and getting very confused. Here is where I am at the moment: Apologies for the awful code and ...
[1 reply] : If you just want to read a string, there is a string class. #include... (by kbw)
Read and write binary?
I've only recently started to work in C++, so I'm not quite adept to it yet. What I was trying to do is to make is read bytes from multiple files and write the...
[3 replies] Last: Mmm, not sure what's going on. The thing to do is print the values of... (by kbw)
by cnb91
Sum of specific integers in .txt file
Hi! I haven't done a lot of coding before, but now I'm working on this budget/accounting-program. My first goal is to develop a program were the user puts in a...
[4 replies] Last: Anyone? :) (by cnb91)
by Filorn
quick sort algorithm
this is the quick sort algorithm but it doesn't work as it should work. #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> // Procedura per lo scambio dei valori tra ...
[2 replies] Last: Line 46 is where the error is happening. Change it to this: qSort (v... (by Wyboth)
I/O user friendly file name
Hi I'm new to C++. I was practicing some programs. And I was wondering for the follwing program, is it possible to name the output text file on users choice? ...
[1 reply] : Sure, but you must follow the cardinal rule of user input:      ... (by Duthomhas)
Prefixing #defined string with variable.
I have inherited a legacy (1990s) Visual C++ (that is really just C) suite of programs that contain loads of defines (in #include files) such as #define Dia...
[4 replies] Last: Now that I understand it. I know why it has to be MAX_PATH long. Havi... (by AdrianFK)
Help with Data Structures and Sorting and Searching
Ok I am working on a project that says to write a program that inputs (at most 50) records from a sequential file. The file may contain fewer than 50 records. T...
[3 replies] Last: Have a look at the integer values corresponding to ASCII characters: h... (by Wyboth)
initialize user-defined objects using lamda expression
Hello forum, I have declared smart pointer as follows: std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Line>> lines_; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Line>> edg...
[4 replies] Last: Pass by reference: we want to modify the object in the vector. // st... (by JLBorges)
Cannot find a way to replace all the characters
write a program that reads in a line consisting of a student's name, social security number, user id, and password. the program outputs the string in which all ...
[4 replies] Last: You can use string.length() and replace to do it. Just like what you d... (by funprogrammer)
Can someone fix my code !! I need help with searching through my vector for a word and return it as found #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #incl...
[1 reply] : Please don't multiple post. On line 68 you have a return, and on line... (by koothkeeper)
the code can not work continuously
run the code with codeblocks there comes the "nan" #include<iostream> #include<fstream> #include<sstream> #include<string> #include<iomanip> #include<c...
[2 replies] Last: Not a freaking comment, all your variables are global with names of no... (by ne555)
Keylogger problem (some characters)
Hello, I have this keylogger code.. works fine.. but I have a problem to get characters 'composed', for example @ (in my keyboards is Alt Gr and ò button. ...
[no replies]
by eons93
I'm back and only with 52 errors this time :D
I've spent a couple hours revamping, simplifying and correcting some mistakes. currently, im confused with errors talking about "'_name': is not a member of 'Mo...
[9 replies] Last: so i need to add "#include <string>" to my .h files? I have string in... (by cire)
Function pointers as function arguments
Hello, I am a beginner at c++. I am trying to figure out how to write this program. I have been stuck for days, any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is ...
[8 replies] Last: Wow thanks a bunch!!!! (by mchillington)
Order By Age Program
Hello, I just started learning C++ and I have to make a program that says who is the oldest person from a list of persons. I made a class Pers where i defined t...
[3 replies] Last: Rather than use char arrays Keep in mind that the word 'array' is n... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Print Out Not Coming Out Correctly
I cannot get this to print out correctly, when there is a tie in the game of tic tac toe. When there is a tie, it prints out both if (finished == 'x') ...
[4 replies] Last: its still not printing out correctly. Spook to soon. NO idea why it is... (by holy9ner)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 1516171819... 33
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