Beginners - July 2015 (Page 16)

regular expression code in Code Blocks
Hi, I'm having trouble when I'm trying to run regular expression code. It compiled fine but when I run it in CodeBlocks I'm getting this error terminate cal...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks you guys very much! I installed 4.9 and its working now! Should... (by etrusks)
Need Help With Char Array Index Conversion
I am working on a program that prompts the user to enter a sentence and translates the characters in the sentence to their corresponding integers in an array. T...
[2 replies] Last: As kevinjt2000 pointed out, the loop from 19-22 does nothing other t... (by AbstractionAnon)
Please, only for programming beginners. ------------------------------------------------------- Programming for Beginners book – for free at Amazon Giveaway ...
[5 replies] Last: Beginners are the worst audience imaginable. They are bad researchers ... (by coder777)
Where do I stand as a programmer?
I've put several hours into the C++ language, and really I am just wondering where I stand at the moment in comparison to "most" amateur programmers. Below is s...
[8 replies] Last: Hey Outlaw: Great start! You'll learn a lot from the people on this ... (by koothkeeper)
Program skipping crucial loop- cannot figure out why
I am currently writing a program that converts a base-10 number into base-2. Unfortunately, the program is only returning "0" when a number is set to be conver...
[9 replies] Last: Glad I could help. (by Aim4Erudite)
How in the world do i make circlessssss
hey guys, I have no clue how to make a circle with C++. I don't want it to be in the form of '*'. I want it in solid lines. is it possible? Cos I'm making a spe...
[4 replies] Last: and should stick with learning basic C++ until you are ready. Nah, ... (by Gamer2015)
Adding up arrays in a data
Hey all ! I am new to this forum and would need to get some help in my program ! I am trying to write a program that displays a menu for the user to choose wh...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks everyone for the help ! Appreciated a lot, finally managed to g... (by Frostehh)
Reading binary data in human readable format
Hi, I'm new to C++ and I'm trying to read various amounts of binary data from a file. I'm reading the first blockchain from BitCoin as an example. I need to rea...
[5 replies] Last: I had a look at the code. Ok, makes some sense, but it is only a funct... (by andrebruton)
I have this problem txt1 Dad has apples Mom has pears Grandma has grapes txt2 apples pears output Dad has apples Mom has pears help pls
[8 replies] Last: thanks (by mariuss)
A litle problem
Heloo I have a problem I need this marius.txt liniedetest1 unalttext unpicdetest douapicaturi marius1.txt ied pic output marius2.txt liniedetest1 unpicdetes...
[10 replies] Last: Yes, I see that you're just trolling. (by coder777)
key in function
hey, if i want a user to press a keyboard key(like "k") anytime during a loop so something will happen in addition to everything else in the loop, how do i do ...
[2 replies] Last: i did not understand how to use it from this mdsn website. can you gi... (by composter)
smart pointers and this pointer
Hi I had a raw pointer that checks equality with raw pointer. Now I am trying to convert to smart pointer and not really sure how to deal with the "this" po...
[1 reply] : The .get() function of a smart pointer retrieves the raw pointer. F... (by coder777)
Undefined reference to class::class
Im getting this damn error Again! It's really annoying and is really pissing me off honestly. Can you please help show me what is going on with my code. This is...
[4 replies] Last: Judging by your recent thread (by keskiverto)
Annoying problem when checking user input
So the simple program below asks the user to enter an integer greater than ro equal to 0. If the user enters in a negative integer or a character (a letter, dot...
[2 replies] Last: Can you briefly explain why adding those two parameters to cin.ignore(... (by Arslan7041)
Stuck with an infinite loop.
If i remove the "if" part, the loop works fine, but for some reason, the validation check converts it into an infinite loop. No idea why its screwing with me. ...
[4 replies] Last: std::string c_put (void){ int check = 1; std::string pcode; whil... (by closed account Dj654iN6)
Monkey Feeding Program! Please Help
Hi, I have my program complete with one exception. I don't know how to get it to find the other monkey that produced the least. It found one of them but not the...
[no replies]
using 17:05 (time) format in if/else statement
If I wanted to use time for a if/else statement or say a conditional expression like this. How would I go about doing it, obviously I want the user to put time...
[1 reply] : Convert the user input (as a string ) to a float value is probably the... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Problem with Function Object
I am trying to write a function object to add the integer values in the map. I have an error in the use of msi as an argument in my function sum. See boldface...
[7 replies] Last: Andy, Your function object works. I deleted out all my comments to s... (by phztfte1)
displaying 5 items per line
Hello, I'm trying to display 5 items per line. My program outputs 6 items the first line and 5 items the second line. Any suggestions? Thank you. void d...
[1 reply] : Hello again, I got it to work by doing this: void displayID(string ... (by jpanther)
toupper a string like cd123456?
Hello everyone, I was wondering how I could toupper my user input, which is in the format of cd123456. Basically, I just need to toupper the first two character...
[3 replies] Last: for (char& c: input) c = toupper( c ); (by Duthomhas)
July 2015 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 33
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