by donvigor
for loop syntax
[6 replies] Last: naa am just a lil bit pissed of someone is not understanding that am a... (by donvigor)
by Kosakosida
Function and returning arrays
[3 replies] Last: Yes. Aceix (by Aceix)
by Nubcake95
fstream and ofstream
[2 replies] Last: Think i get it know I misread the File section with IO. Thanks anyway (by Nubcake95)
error please help urgently |
[4 replies] Last: First of all it is int main not void. Secondly that is a very simple... (by giblit)
by jambo0606
'the stack around variable '...' was corrupted.'
[3 replies] Last: Thank you both of you, it works perfectly now. (by jambo0606)
by Turnurs
SFML Error
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys, solved my problem! (by Turnurs)
by Haidar you
counting class objects
[1 reply] : What exactly do you need? Keeping count of number of objects? I Then ... (by Aceix)
by Chillieman
Alternative for system("PAUSE")??
[5 replies] Last: looks like the only way to this is to use a non-standard function, my ... (by Rechard3)
TickTackToe games review |
[1 reply] : and second one with array: #include <iostream> #include <string> u... (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
by programgirl
Question on dynamically allocated memory
[4 replies] Last: > However it makes the code more readable and clear. Take into account... (by JLBorges)
by Lim Boon Jye
Expected running time
[9 replies] Last: i might add that the runtime of this algorithm isn't all depending on ... (by Rechard3)
by Vigii
Help needed in writing files
[3 replies] Last: My assumption about files 1-5 was based on your other thread asking ab... (by AbstractionAnon)
by xbili
Dungeon Crawl Help
[6 replies] Last: Thanks for the tip! Will certainly try it out since it shortens my cod... (by xbili)
Functions |
[1 reply] : I went over my code again, turns out I had forgotten the function prot... (by heyyouyesyouiloveyou)
by biotech44
Hi, Need clarity on a comsci project... Don't understand what it's asking for
[1 reply] : Just... do what it says under the "TO DO" comments. So add to the CODE... (by Ispil)
by Joe412
Logic axiome function
[1 reply] : Can you give a more detailed explanation? I'm not sure how you're supp... (by Zhuge)
by bcoop2474U
word counting function not working properly
[1 reply] : I see "the" 3 times in the text. As for "it", my guess is that you add... (by ats15)
by fahad123
what is union REGS
[2 replies] Last: You should look at your compiler's documentation before posting questi... (by Duthomhas)
Prime Number program not working! |
[4 replies] Last: Line 10: while (c<a){ Remember, c starts at 2, and should increase... (by Duthomhas)
by smartgurl
Radio Buttons
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