by zagzag
undeclared indentifier
[3 replies] Last: hey yes I just realized that , I can't believe i missed it so many tim... (by zagzag)
by toonhead85
Recursion Help
[2 replies] Last: @toonhead85 So, if I am correct, the idea is that we are going to ass... (by vlad from moscow)
by rezivor
Tuition Calculator // do-while Loop and a switch Statement
[3 replies] Last: To skip a line use std::endl or "\n" . (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by Megziflips
[7 replies] Last: oh! i save the page? thanks sorry @vlad_from_moscow didnt get you at ... (by Megziflips)
by Ch1156
What are all of the different types a function can return? (1,2)
[29 replies] Last: I want to show them how to do everything, I dont want any generalizing... (by Ch1156)
by Dexterr
How efficient is it
[2 replies] Last: I appreciate your input very much :D, the thing is the chapter about a... (by Dexterr)
by BinaryGeek
Need a little help with my assembly code
[4 replies] Last: Assembler code is still source code. It remains for that to be trans... (by Chervil)
by hyrexchia93
Binary to Dec program
[3 replies] Last: The problem I see with getting the input as a numeric type rather than... (by Chervil)
by empror9
how to split an integer into digits?
[15 replies] Last: I'm sorry it works now, I just had some errors on my machine so I rest... (by empror9)
My first C++ program, this will prolly be an easy question to answer. |
[7 replies] Last: I also started some weeks ago with "programming principles and practic... (by Megziflips)
by MewEight
Puzzle Game
[1 reply] : Pardon my asking, but what was solved? (by Zhuge)
by Kosakosida
Variable's maximum values
[6 replies] Last: And IWishIKnew, looks challenging right know, maybe someday hahaha. ... (by Catfish4)
by Hambone
Change value with pointer
[3 replies] Last: Thank you all for the reply! Been awhile since I checked back since th... (by Hambone)
by SlateHawk
Record Display.
[no replies]
by xbili
Prefix and Suffix of increasing and decreasing operators
[5 replies] Last: Also, checking for a win only needs to happen after there have been 6 ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by ugly0hugly
first program ideas?
[4 replies] Last: Real world stuff. Let's say your friend wants to know the 117000 prime... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
by bigsofty
A good multi-platform C++ IDE?
[5 replies] Last: Some great suggestions, many thanks for replying guys! :) (by bigsofty)
by aleentahir
Need Help
[3 replies] Last: I assume that the break should happen only when you answer N. Take a l... (by ats15)
by leo255
Trying to find the largest in an Array
[5 replies] Last: To find the maximum element in an array you can use standard algorith... (by vlad from moscow)
by Dick
Functions help
[2 replies] Last: Thank you that helped I was thinking that had something to do with it,... (by Dick)