by training91st
I don't know what the problem. Can't detect the error.
[15 replies] Last: you're welcome, thx for the link... checking it now... (by chipp)
by GoranGaming
[1 reply] : I agree that pointers are hard to understand for beginner programmers.... (by MatthewRock)
by TrulyRazor
[4 replies] Last: > Could you provide example code of setting and getting int values fro... (by JLBorges)
by colognem
Errors in my program
[11 replies] Last: Here's an improved version (with a confirm check) #include <iostrea... (by TrulyRazor)
by MiguelC
C struct
[2 replies] Last: as far as i know, no. struct create new data types, but, in case of ... (by chipp)
by firstlast
Storing input data on an array
[12 replies] Last: Yes, that's still an array. (by TrulyRazor)
by reprovo
return to the beginning of a do-while loop after exiting It.
[4 replies] Last: Thank you all. It's clear now (by reprovo)
by Sorezz
Find Frequency C++
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much. (by Sorezz)
by mastajoda
I keep getting and error when I try to use ostringstream os;
[1 reply] : Well, I copy+pasted your code and compiled it myself and got no errors... (by Zhuge)
by bacondude95
SFML RenderWindow question.
[1 reply] : You don't have any code, so I can't give you specific advice, but if y... (by Zhuge)
by Zexd
[2 replies] Last: @OP to let wcout print out wide characters, you need to imbue it with ... (by Cubbi)
by metulburr
project eulor 1
[1 reply] : i figured it out. I had included 1000 in the for loop, whereas python ... (by metulburr)
by GoranGaming
Tic-Tac-Toe program not working :(
[4 replies] Last: I thought that when you used the plus sign with strings you added the... (by AbstractionAnon)
by GMPoison
Question about simple Java program
[3 replies] Last: Just going to take your advice and post in the Lounge, thank you! Mark... (by GMPoison)
by donvigor
overloading operators
[4 replies] Last: I understood that LB ;) (by donvigor)
by xpg94
String swapping
[4 replies] Last: Thank you very much. And by the way,for loop goes like this: for(int i... (by xpg94)
by smithdj36
errors in variables
[8 replies] Last: got it figured out thanks guys. (by smithdj36)
by Obsidian
Feedback on beginner math program
[2 replies] Last: in your code,can delete the goto statement if you use switch instead... (by ar2007)
by metulburr
calling one member function from another
[3 replies] Last: Line 21: test_prints is not a member of your class. It should be: v... (by metulburr)
by Akki 92
Output of program
[1 reply] : your program counts how many times a copy constructor ana a constructo... (by samarjan)