Beginners - July 2013 (Page 33)

Urg Help Needed Please!
Hello everybody, I am working on a project for my class and I have come across a couple of issues. Here is the code: #include <stdio.h> #include <str...
[4 replies] Last: With the do while loop I am trying to ensure that the user enters only... (by Justin5978)
Subtraction problem
Hello im trying to make a simple text rpg game and so far i have a problem that couldnt find an alternative solution. The result of a subtraction is not correc...
[3 replies] Last: No problem. Also, if you turn on all warnings for your compiler, you ... (by Zhuge)
Hi I'm having trouble running my program. It has to have a loop and the intervals for the speed is 0-100 and the intervals for the time is 0-12. I hope someone ...
[1 reply] : I'm not sure why you have two loops for the same variable. In your whi... (by closed account 18hRX9L8)
Need to understand delete in destructors better?
Can someone explain to me why the two private variables width and height should be deleted in the destructor in the class Box? What if I did not delete the two ...
[6 replies] Last: If you use the copy constructor or assignment operator provided by the... (by ne555)
Can't create a file and write on it
Hmmm if someone could help me.. i am trying to create a file and then write on it, but after i run the program the information i enter from keyboard will not st...
[2 replies] Last: Change this: "D:\file.txt" to this: "D:\\file.txt" Note that the ... (by Chervil)
Choice Problem
When I do a sum and than it tells me would u like to try again and when i type n it does not work it goes to funtion main again..THank you.. #include <ios...
[7 replies] Last: @cire OK i get it (by closed account EwCjE3v7)
Help with little code.
Write your question here. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Enter your name and Sirname and age. \n"; stri...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I mistake something. Thanks. (by Lord Huron)
Modulus operator
How is it that 3%5=3?
[5 replies] Last: Thanks catfish. Pardon me. (by closed account 1v5E3TCk)
New Games!
Ok hi everyone! I have already tried posting and looking around on the forums about this but I still need help. So basically I am coming from batch to cplusplus...
[13 replies] Last: Well then I think he should simply follow his tutorials. He'll learn i... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
find closest num in array
My overall goal is trying to get the closest number in an array. But first trying to get the smallest number from an array, in which i would use later in accord...
[3 replies] Last: Although if there was a way to find the size in a function, i would p... (by cire)
by Rukky1
Hi,i am new to c++ and i have understood some basic concepts of c++.But i have problem writing out algorithm.if you would tell me how and give more examples,it ...
[2 replies] Last: An algorithm for what? An algorithm could be anything. al·go·rithm ... (by giblit)
by xspec
Im looking for a beginners team to join
Im a beginner at c++ and im looking for a team to share tips with help out and make projects with
[14 replies] Last: I'm a beginner too, I'd like to join. (by Rukky1)
First of all, what exactly is a Composition? Can someone explain the below code samples by breaking it into simplicity? I have just started C++ and I need help ...
[2 replies] Last: Here is a good tutorial on this: (by closed account LN7oGNh0)
Decimal to hexadecimal
This program is supposed to convert a 5 digit number to hexadecimal. // newsample.cpp : main project file. #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #incl...
[3 replies] Last: the program does not convert the individual digits into hexadecimal ... (by Chervil)
Including Libraries
I don't know if this is just me, but I don't need to include some libraries in order to use their contents, for example <string> and <locale> . Why is that?...
[3 replies] Last: It is implementation defined whether <iostream> will contain <string>. (by vlad from moscow)
Problem with vectors
I'm new to vectors so this is probably a stupid mistake. For vector<VideoMode> fulscr= VideoMode::getFullscreenModes(); while (fulscr.size()>7) {fulscr.pop_ba...
[4 replies] Last: Yeah, I know, forgot to use pushback :3 Thanks, converted the int vari... (by DrZoidberg)
by ace55
Searching String Problem
[9 replies] Last: As I said you can search a record that is the nearest to the target re... (by vlad from moscow)
Protecting class reference from assignment
Hello, I have a problem on which I cannot seem to find a good solution. class Data { public: Data(int num) : number(num){} int number; }; clas...
[3 replies] Last: In MS VS you can declare the copy assignment operator as private and d... (by vlad from moscow)
by Mixart
Function with one argument
Hi, I can't figure out how to solve this problem: I would like to have a function f(x) that depends of a parameter p, so it's f(x;p); the problem is that I ne...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you andy, very helpful! (by Mixart)
by klay2
help with arrays (1,2)
need to know how to do some thing like this example n
[32 replies] Last: [quote=klay2]while (count > 4) { SetPixel(hdc, 0 + x , 0 + y , c); cou... (by giblit)
July 2013 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 53
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