by akif13
Cannot get the correct output
[4 replies] Last: You don't need to put total inside the class. It's fine as a local va... (by cire)
by metulburr
purpose of pointers
[3 replies] Last: i ended up watching which t... (by metulburr)
how to print in reverse using data structure |
[11 replies] Last: THANKS SMAC!! it really helps (by charmcaster2549)
by tugudenkz
The program ends automatically
[7 replies] Last: I used fgets() and this is the result: (by tugudenkz)
OpenGL |
[1 reply] : This guy does an amazing job of getting into the fundamentals of moder... (by Disch)
Basic question? |
[6 replies] Last: Well I mean forcing them to download it from your program, that is not... (by Johnny111111111)
by xeimaster
making a poll
[11 replies] Last: thnx for the syntax.. i'll try to learn and understand that cuz im rea... (by xeimaster)
by scthread
Can't get Recursion to reset
[13 replies] Last: @ Smac89 Thank you! That makes so much sense! I really appreciate you... (by scthread)
Question: Detect Repeat Word Program |
[2 replies] Last: Firedraco, Something so simple, but I was so blind to it without your... (by InclinedToFall)
by Justin5978
How do I prevent this infinite loop?
[2 replies] Last: Well, the issue here is that in DisplayApps(), the variable is a char... (by Ispil)
by anarchyPanty
nested if, else if loop not working
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the quick responses, guys. @Ispil's suggestion worked, and ... (by anarchyPanty)
by programgirl
How is a pointer to a struct stored in memory?
[1 reply] : 'top' is not pointing to 'link'. Since it is a 'node*' it will point t... (by maeriden)
by Dragonstar
how do I get data from obj 2 while in obj 1?
[13 replies] Last: and DataClass.h should have been #included in itemClass.cpp. Remembe... (by Dragonstar)
by Stauricus
building i/o function to external file
[6 replies] Last: sure it does! i'll try it right now! :) thanks everybody! (by Stauricus)
by aggsyb
Sum float within a loop
[15 replies] Last: My bad, I didn't know they were do different files. Meh, I guess I'm n... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by metulburr
display vector without looping it
[3 replies] Last: well i guess i could just make a function to just loop it and print it... (by metulburr)
by opamp
Using multiple, overloaded operators at once?
[2 replies] Last: I'm in two minds about this, but as it's on my mind: While it's possi... (by andywestken)
by snova332
C++ Leaning Class
[no replies]
by leo255
Using Class/Method to Find the Max Value of Array
[15 replies] Last: There is no any need to define [operator<<]. Thanks, I've amended my... (by andywestken)
by malenfant23
Reading from file
[1 reply] : Forgot my ampersands. I am not a very clever man. (by malenfant23)