by nomnum
Starting my first Graphic Program, Library?
[1 reply] : OpenGL along with SFML or SDL if you're going 3d. Same can be used for... (by closed account N36fSL3A)
by metulburr
Fibonacci sequence
[6 replies] Last: Inside your while loop should be: sum = a + v.back(); a = v.back()... (by Smac89)
by Boomers
Programming bugs?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you so much for the help. I made a few stupid mistakes without r... (by Boomers)
by TweedleGun
Storing Strings In An Array
[3 replies] Last: string addition = "addition"; string subtraction = "subtraction"; st... (by Smac89)
by jakeford
Looking for constructive criticism! (1,2)
[33 replies] Last: @JLBorges Thanks man. I see where my mistakes were with the file rea... (by jakeford)
by Dineo
static casts??
[6 replies] Last: Rather than write static_cast<double>(2) or double radius = stat... (by andywestken)
What Is Happening Here? |
[4 replies] Last: Thank you both, vlad and Ispil. I appreciate your input. Ispil, thank... (by InclinedToFall)
by Josh Brown
If/ Else Statement Not Working
[4 replies] Last: Okay I see, thanks so much for the help guys!!! (by Josh Brown)
by wreglefan
C++ Question
[15 replies] Last: you know what vlad? when you learn to code come talk to me. i will jus... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
xcopy in system() |
[2 replies] Last: Originally this whole this came from a batch file. I just wanted to t... (by ThtCooperFellow)
by munjo5746
writing bitset into binary file!!
[6 replies] Last: @ DTSCode : I wouldn't worry too much about a byte being less/greater ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
ChatRoom for IOS game |
[no replies]
by Tomhet
C sub string
[7 replies] Last: @Tomhet Is there possible the sub string without allocing and withou... (by vlad from moscow)
return (a<b?a:b); |
[6 replies] Last: What it does is evaluate the conditional statement. If that statement ... (by Raezzor)
by InstantDeath
Order of operations/precedence
[4 replies] Last: a -= a--(5) - --a(4-1) 5 -= 5 - 3 5 -= 2 3 (by Smac89)
by Brighton
To sum the numbers from 50 to 10 using while
[8 replies] Last: @Brighton Can someone explain me why it prints "Sum of 1 to 10 incl... (by vlad from moscow)
Allegro program screwing up |
[1 reply] : nevermind i found the problem i was missing a pair of brackets (by flamesscarlet)
by abol810
problem with functions
[2 replies] Last: there's break; required after case is done (by coder777)
by ace55
File decryption help please
[1 reply] : char newc= int(c)+12; file2<<newc<<" "; you are adding a space bet... (by LaboPie)
by otisphat80
Disappearing Data
[10 replies] Last: Cire, you solved my problem. I can't thank you enough. (by otisphat80)