Detecting pressed key |
[1 reply] : For the parameters, you need the virtual keys. Example if (GetAsyncK... (by Callum5042)
Function Parameters |
[2 replies] Last: In your 2nd example the variable is being passed to the function exter... (by Raezzor)
by newhere
[7 replies] Last: The problem isn't with the double to int problem, it just says that be... (by TwilightSpectre)
by sanoj00
If switch statement fails?
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your help! (by sanoj00)
by cenzuratu
C++ primes using find_if
[no replies]
by drayman98
Windows Visual C++ 2010 won't debug
[1 reply] : (by tath)
by PixelPixel
Program doesn't work for larger values
[4 replies] Last: Hi Laura, Is there a reason why you are writing C rather than C++ ? ... (by TheIdeasMan)
by CharChen
What's the difference between char* a and char *a
[11 replies] Last: Most of the time, I declare only one pointer/reference/etc per line, ... (by MikeyBoy)
by CharChen
How to correctly read an entire binary file?
[1 reply] : there were some redundant bytes at the end...why is that? how did you... (by coder777)
by CharChen
why a= new char [210]; but strlen(a)= 224??
[3 replies] Last: Well, I see...Thanks you guys.. (by CharChen)
by YesYouSuck
Help with vehicle registration console app
[no replies]
So sick of this Banking Project. |
[4 replies] Last: Hi silversidewalkstew , Btw, try to avoid starting new topics about ... (by TheIdeasMan)
Sieve of Eratosthenes : Bitwise version |
[7 replies] Last: Problem is solved just examined a few cases deeply. @smac89 thanks. :) (by The Protostar)
by wardah
[18 replies] Last: The program needs to print even numbers in descending order. If you w... (by jrfrago)
by Angry Food
Help: Cannot Output properly
[1 reply] : Your bracing is wrong, at least for the for loops. Any block like that... (by Raezzor)
FreeGlut? |
[no replies]
[2 replies] Last: Try adding some functions: (by Niven)
by scthread
appending a file
[6 replies] Last: added an extra function to run the program itself and main only opens ... (by scthread)
by rachelp
array size - columns?
[4 replies] Last: Okay. I think I get it. Thanks. (by rachelp)
by Tomhet
"lazy erase with vector"
[1 reply] : Huh? What does it mean to "auto erase"? There is no way for the vecto... (by Zhuge)