Beginners - July 2013 (Page 24)

Simplify: How Do I Make This Simpler?
Ok, so I'm trying to create a sort of letter-generator program. I find myself having to copy paste results over and over. I want to have input to the paragra...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you Chervil, greatly appreciated. -Incline (by InclinedToFall)
Data structures and functions?
Hi guys! Would just like to get some help with my code here. The code below was originally written in C and I just tried to port it using C++ (which I am a tota...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. Solved this problem for the most part but I got an error in th... (by riechan)
count controlled while loop
i need to have one string of line from the input file on one line. (ex: line 1. this is a cool day line 2. this day can get cooler line 3. this day is cold...
[3 replies] Last: i fixed it i was using infile >> instead of getline(). thankjs (by hogwheeley)
string logical question
please see the following snippet. i get a garbage value as output. void main() { char arr ="network"; printf("%s",arr); }
[5 replies] Last: try = "network" (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by efalu
Iterating through a list of lists
Hi all! I am trying to work with a list of lists ... just trying to do basic operations with it. I'm trying to use a list of lists to code a "text editing pr...
[6 replies] Last: Yes, the last one works perfect and it is far simpler than my first at... (by efalu)
Question on bits and Huffman encoding!
Hi, I have question on outputting bits into binary file and Huffman encoding!! I have following function for my Huffman coding program! void encode(string& i...
[no replies]
sentinel controlled looop
sentinel controlled while loop. need to read numbers from an input file until i read a certain number say 1234. then output the total count of the numbers tha...
[5 replies] Last: sorry for the vagueness. i have an input file that has a bunch of num... (by hogwheeley)
by Ch1156
Am i doing virtual functions right? (1,2)
Ok so i want to make a program where you manage a store (kind of like 711), and in the store theres pop machines and cash registers, refridgeration units slush...
[28 replies] Last: Well you said to find some classes and look them over so i did. Well... (by andywestken)
How to make Try Again in my Atmosphere program?
I am a beginner C++ programmer, I think I manage to create this program almost 97% complete! But my problem is how make Try Again choice? When I try to run it, ...
[4 replies] Last: @TrulyRazor bool bAgain = true; while(bAgain) { I wouldn't have... (by TheIdeasMan)
by elfeck
Questions to memory allocation
Hello, I've got some more questions to memory allocation: If got a class class MyClass { private: SomeClass someBbj; public: MyClass(); ...
[14 replies] Last: You're welcome :) (by MikeyBoy)
irrklang questions
My output is : D:\Pictures\CustomStory\main.cpp|31|warning: unknown escape sequence: '\D' [enabled by default]| D:\Pictures\CustomStory\main.cpp|31|wa...
[9 replies] Last: You have been helping me all orning :) (by Johnny111111111)
by elfeck
Deleting statically allocated memory
Hello, let's say I've got a std::vector<MyClass*>. In that vector I put pointers pointing to both, statically and dynamically allocated memory. Now I iter...
[6 replies] Last: The question was more of a hypothetical nature. Thanks for your replie... (by elfeck)
Windows custom icon syntax error, but were!?!?!?!
It says I have a syntax error, how? Everything is named accordingly, the file name, the ICON, the only thing that could be doing it is IDI_REDXICON but why woul...
[2 replies] Last: Oh, okay it worked. Thanks a bunch. (by Johnny111111111)
Editing A Text File
If I have a certain line in a text file, for example "Account Name: Piggy", how do I change the account name so that the line instead becomes "Account Name: Emi...
[1 reply] : This is my code: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <s... (by GoranGaming)
File Output
Can anyone explain to me why this simple file output program is not working? After running the program and entering some values, I check out the file but nothin...
[2 replies] Last: I found what was wrong now, I had the file in the wrong folder so the ... (by GoranGaming)
question about file transfering
i will have the same program running on two different computers it deals with adding and editing users the users information is saved in a UML file so when o...
[5 replies] Last: it is (by coder777)
How to get the size of an array?
How to get the size of an array? int *a; a=new int ;//the size of the array is 100 //but sizeof(a) is 4. returned the size of a to get ...
[5 replies] Last: There is such a function as std::extent in C++. You can use it to dete... (by vlad from moscow)
Quick variable question
If I want to declare a int variable that will be used for user input. But I want to set parameters for what can be input into the variable how would I do that. ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help, thats exactly what I did I just put it in a while... (by Ryan Kalbfleisch)
Nim game. small issue.
So below is my nim game. Basically pick up sticks... my problem is that when the "pile" gets low, even if you enter less than the last remaining pile size th...
[2 replies] Last: No, the furthest we've gotten is basic arrays. Thank you for catching... (by Ryan Kalbfleisch)
Binary Code Breaker game... Stuck.
Intro info so you know where im at Ok, well let me explain my issues first. I am taking a class and have understood everything up until these past two chapte...
[4 replies] Last: You're welcome any time, and Yes you're totly understood the program ... (by closed account 28poGNh0)
July 2013 Pages: 1... 2223242526... 53
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