Beginners - July 2013 (Page 20)

Find Are underneath curve, using array, structs & functions for 10 terms
OS Windows 7, Visual Studio 2012. I'm building a program to calculate the area underneath a curve using: Struct Array User will be able to enter up to...
[no replies]
Generating every possible combination
Hi, because I've forgotten the password to my encrypted USB Stick but still know which characters I used in it I wanted to write a program that gives me an outp...
[2 replies] Last: Well that would be really inflexible. Also I think it would be a compl... (by theblackdog)
C++ exercise books?
Can anyone recommend any good beginners exercise books? I'm already in a C++ training program and have a couple different textbooks. But I was wondering if ther...
[1 reply] : Not a book nor specifically C++, but you might want to take a look at:... (by AbstractionAnon)
by piczim
c header files (1,2)
Please can someone explain to me how to create my own header files Thanks Rodney
[31 replies] Last: I have managed now to compile and work through the header example I am... (by piczim)
by Soth
How to store same type structs in an array. (1,2)
Hello everyone, I need help for storing structs in an array. I don't have any constant values so, I get a syntax error. My program reads name, id number, 2 exam...
[22 replies] Last: @TheIdeasMan how does one go about finding out how one's compiler i... (by AbstractionAnon)
Ctime error C2064
Hello to everyone! I'm using 2 file .cpp to write in a file. The first file writes the login date and the second one writes the logout date using ctime. I h...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you! :) (by mrcervello)
cin. cin.getline() behavior.
Hi all, I was going through some code in C++ and I came across an unexpected behavior. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ const int Ar...
[3 replies] Last: yes, my idea came to be correct. Thank you all. -Himansh (by Himansh)
SDL final help (1,2)
I really can't get sdl to work. Can someone post how to load a jpeg? I am looking for code. No other tutorials give out the code.
[31 replies] Last: I don't care about my post count. I followed the instructions exactly,... (by closed account NUj6URfi)
What is the difference between getch(), getche() and getchar() functions?
Hi Everybody, I am a beginner in C++ and I was wondering that what is the difference between getch(), getche() and getchar() functions. I read somewhere tha...
[12 replies] Last: Hmm, I see. Thank you all for your help. (by Himansh)
C++ iterators
I declared a const_iterator in header typedef vector<Uint>::const_iterator TIterator; How could i define the iterator? If i try TIterator=... i ...
[2 replies] Last: @cenzuratu I declared a const_iterator in header typedef vector<U... (by vlad from moscow)
by nmn
delete and memory managment
Hi, I have an object x. Then I instantiate another object with object x as argument. e(x) in the constructor, how can I make "e" a cop of "x" ? I thought it...
[1 reply] : (by keskiverto)
Help with a textbook exercise?
So started learning C++ almost a week ago and now I am studying from a new text book I just got Beginning c++ through game programming, Third Edition . Earlier...
[1 reply] : On the first guess, the number must be somewhere in the range 1 to 100... (by Chervil)
Using variables universally
Hello everyone, I'm trying to create a program that would use a multitude of variables universally across my classes. My main class would house the variables i...
[9 replies] Last: There is the concept of an interface to a class. You could have publi... (by TheIdeasMan)
Trouble with getline() (<string>)
Hello, I am programming a relatively advanced Tic-Tac-Toe game, and I am having trouble with using the getline() command in the <string> library. It is not a b...
[7 replies] Last: @Paoletti: getline() by default uses a delim of '\n' so specifying lik... (by Zhuge)
addition of polynomials
whats wrong with the following code? #include<iostream> using namespace std; class polynomial; class term { private: friend class polynomial; float co...
[1 reply] : The only problem I see at the moment is there is no explanation of any... (by kevinkjt2000)
File format not recognized
This is my code with issues: #include <stdio.h> #include <SDL.h> #include <SDL_image.h> int main(int argc, char **argv) { int exited=0; SD...
[1 reply] : You have not given enough information in this thread to be helped, but... (by kevinkjt2000)
Recursive class member function
hi. In order to call a member function recursively, what is the syntax? for example: class foo { public: void recursiveCall (); } void foo::recursiv...
[8 replies] Last: perfect, thanks for the answers i got the program to do what i wanted. (by programgirl)
by Nata
Write a function rotate that takes in a string s and “rotates” the string to the right k times. Do not rotate the string if k is negative. Could you please ...
[1 reply] : @Nata Here is a small program that shows how to rotate a line of text... (by whitenite1)
by Nata
"hebrew" functions explained in content
Given an array of words, and I want to find all the “Hebrew” words. “Hebrew” words, in our definition, are words without any vowels. For example: “xyz...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you!! (by Nata)
SFML-Drawing objects into from other classes
I need help drawing objects from different classes onto the window. I thought I did what I was suppose to but it just isn't working. main.cpp #incl...
[3 replies] Last: Your rectangle is not given a position. Your rectangle is not given a ... (by cire)
July 2013 Pages: 1... 1819202122... 53
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