by hooman12
Export data in columns in a dat format
[1 reply] : this will only work if X is an array of objects of some class you de... (by Rechard3)
by prestokeys
template with containers
[3 replies] Last: You no need to write such a function because there is already such fun... (by vlad from moscow)
by srif
1 time doing loop, Computer guesses my number)
[2 replies] Last: that wont compile at all edit: ops, i havent looked at yours smac (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by nmn
operator[] and assignment help !
[2 replies] Last: Sorry...i am a 3 weeks old C++ programmer ! still trying to figure out... (by nmn)
by jheard901
Sweet Trick for Beginners
[2 replies] Last: Cool! Thanks for sharing it with us! I do agree with Disch: If you ... (by closed account jwkNwA7f)
by Blackhole
Use a looping structure to create C++ program that outputs 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Blast off!
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the help guys. I appreciate it.. (by Blackhole)
Using ("cls"); |
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! I will start using this instead. (by closed account jwkNwA7f)
by fstigre
What is the difference between variables declared in the header file vs variable declared in the source file
[7 replies] Last: The only reason I wan to avoid using global variables is because I ha... (by MikeyBoy)
by dawtsf1187
Writing my own strstr function that finds multiple matches
[2 replies] Last: Ah, I see. I tried initializing stringtable a few ways, but never exac... (by dawtsf1187)
by renzboi21
Help with printing a square..
[1 reply] : while( count < size) (by Smac89)
by JB2005
getting Segmentation error working with arrays
[3 replies] Last: Okay thank you very much. (by JB2005)
by l0311
help randomizing an array c++
[7 replies] Last: const int ARRAY_SIZE = 9; srand(time(0)); string numbers = {... (by l0311)
by fstigre
Instances with global scope in a class
[8 replies] Last: Furthermore... if you have a pointer in a class... the compiler provi... (by MikeyBoy)
by metulburr
executing a string
[1 reply] : Meta programming in C+ is being done with templates or constexpr funct... (by vlad from moscow)
by ar2007
test class with array dynamic memory
[2 replies] Last: thanks vlad. you're right. :) (by ar2007)
by renzboi21
Nested While HELP!
[3 replies] Last: Tnx Guys, got my code to work.. sorry for the Cross Post, newbie her... (by renzboi21)
by nerdysiren
an epic.
[2 replies] Last: Can you repost the code a little cleaner by using the scource code for... (by Hertz)
by nmn
object assignment question
[6 replies] Last: @nmn In an assignment like this. a = b; // same type with array as... (by vlad from moscow)
String char |
[6 replies] Last: Hey Techno01. Can you explain the differences between all of those? Wh... (by Shade Tree Programmer)
by bebarb
Getting a function to return an element of an array
[15 replies] Last: I had to leave my house and head back to work so I won't be able to tr... (by bebarb)