by Longazan
Initializing Object
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply everyone, helped a lot. (by Longazan)
by Kanwarpreet
Storing object of linked list in an array to get adjacency list
[no replies]
by metulburr
public versus private
[4 replies] Last: I dont really understand the purpose of getters and setters either? w... (by MikeyBoy)
by Rakanoth
[5 replies] Last: you need to tell Visual studio where to find the library files. It's ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
by heydude
recursive blob finder
[1 reply] : If you want to check if something is equal use == instead of = Not sur... (by kevinkjt2000)
by metulburr
aborted core dumped
[2 replies] Last: ah ok thanks vlad (by metulburr)
by nolannpm
Running a program
[5 replies] Last: I got it to work thank you (by nolannpm)
by nolannpm
Why is this wrong?
[3 replies] Last: Thank you that fixed it (by nolannpm)
by nmn
string class
[11 replies] Last: thanks cire....this is what I was looking for: std::strcpy(newBuf+len... (by nmn)
by pel1993
[5 replies] Last: I am sure that you did not do what I showed. As the result your code w... (by vlad from moscow)
by treefrog
Fixing compiler error C2228 left of " " must have class/struct/union
[6 replies] Last: Got the errors to disappear, thanks Alrededor! (by treefrog)
by treefrog
Unresolved external symbol error
[5 replies] Last: Are you asking me?! I do not know. They are your functions. if you de... (by vlad from moscow)
by Ludidi
Implement a recursive function to reverse a sorted array.
[2 replies] Last: @kingkong200 Your function does not reverse arrays. And moreover ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Constipator
Data structure gives error LNK2001
[5 replies] Last: I have fiddled around a bit more with the code I had, and removed the ... (by Constipator)
Why do we have to assign a value while using while loop |
[2 replies] Last: In the line 14, the user must enter any variable, then where will it s... (by closed account jNhkoG1T)
by Albo Coder
c++ database delete all the data before "fin"...
[5 replies] Last: It helped... Thanks to both of you (by Albo Coder)
by metulburr
tricks to make things faster
[8 replies] Last: thats not true well at least not 100% of the time. it depends on the c... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by riechan
Lvalue required? [C]
[4 replies] Last: I'd still love to know why I got the lvalue required error... It's j... (by Cubbi)
by ahchua
Generating set of months
[1 reply] : you need to seed rand srand((unsigned) time(NULL)); (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)
by asdfg2323
Input Multiple strings at once?
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <stringstream> #include <vector> #inclu... (by closed account Dy7SLyTq)