by abaz01
arrays question
[11 replies] Last: @shadow123: ah yes, my mistake. otherwise its gonna give an out of bou... (by ThangDo)
Reading data from the buffer |
[no replies]
by abaz01
arrays matrix
[1 reply] : First of all you are totally wrong your code will give result like thi... (by HiteshVaghani1)
by Ryan Quanz
Trouble With Binary Converter
[5 replies] Last: I fixed the backwards issue by reversing the string. this is like w... (by Jikax)
by abaz01
arrays min/max value
[2 replies] Last: Initialize to min after taking input array let's say min = myArray ;... (by HiteshVaghani1)
by Wrabble
Help with pointers to classes?
[3 replies] Last: a code tags makes you code more readable... example: int main()... (by Jikax)
by newbieg
Job Prospects
[4 replies] Last: GOOD (by Winshell)
by Fransje
Amount of Code
[4 replies] Last: Thanks! I didn't know there were existing functions for this. (by Fransje)
by edumoette
Are these two data strucures the same?
[1 reply] : That's are not same because you are making global to the instance amov... (by HiteshVaghani1)
by Ch1156
Need help with code
[14 replies] Last: bump (by Ch1156)
by hacker804
GUI Question.
[3 replies] Last: There are lots of Library available for example, JUCE(jules utility cl... (by HiteshVaghani1)
by qzpmbri
Begginer needs assistance
[1 reply] : Hi there, You shouldn't cin a string from keyboard because it only ge... (by teaflavor)
Need help with C++ |
[13 replies] Last: Thanks! (by aplapl)
Looking for some advice. |
[9 replies] Last: Basically, \n is just a character. It has an ascii value and all that... (by Phil123)
by recca85
finding string from a text file
[5 replies] Last: Erhmm, It's Satsum a :D And yes i had a suspision that this was fair... (by TheBeardedQuack)
Need a way to pickup keys pressed, Even when app's out of focus. |
[6 replies] Last: This is a fair enough suggestion for future applications, i'm gonna st... (by TheBeardedQuack)
by Blessman11
MSDN dll tutorial problem
[13 replies] Last: It looks like I am wrong yet again: (by Computergeek01)
by Dobush
Totally New to Programming
[8 replies] Last: Wow, I just started the process of ridding myself of VS and those were... (by Lowest0ne)
by uhh
Program that calculates a water bill
[3 replies] Last: Thanks, I will go back and look at it and hopefully fix the problems. (by uhh)
by Need4Sleep
overloading operator>> for an array class
[3 replies] Last: You showed this example arr >> cars //read arrays/objects in(overloa... (by vlad from moscow)