Beginners - July 2012 (Page 47)

witch file type is best for storing stuff in
most large files ive seen are in iso format . does that format store in a different way ? thanks
[2 replies] Last: it seems as if the data doesnt get messed up in a iso file (by william427)
Deleting struct from array of structs.
Say I have: struct employee { string name; string department; float quarterSales ; }; employee scumbagEmployees I have the code to import all...
[3 replies] Last: Well, that's the norm in C++. To not use an array for something that b... (by Moschops)
by aplapl
Need explain fo programm (C++)
Please explain the principle of operation of this program?! #include <iostream> using namespace std; class CRectangle { int width, height; public...
[13 replies] Last: I'm lucky! (by aplapl)
rewriting c++ code with cin,cout
Hey Guys, I need help rewriting this function with newer c++ code and using cin/cout instead scanf/printf //the view function void view() { char choi...
[5 replies] Last: Plz read the internets ... (by Moschops)
words.txt in C
How would one add the words.txt along with the libraries in C . My friend told me how to do it in C++, but I'm doing C. #include <words.txt> doesn't work. ...
[8 replies] Last: @poloblue64 That's a C++ solution. The OP asked for help in C. :/ How ... (by Albatross)
Sum of every third integer from a file?
I'm a little confused at the correct syntax to use in the while loop. Here's the code I've got so far. #include <fstream> #include <iostream> #include <...
[4 replies] Last: Hi C--, the format of a while loop is this: while (test-expression... (by TheIdeasMan)
Start-up advice, information
I am an enthusiastic programmer, I have been programming processes in shell (on linux). Now I intend to start learning c++ further thus I decided to join this c...
[4 replies] Last: Brilliant, thanks for the information. Very helpful :D (by TakingSIdes)
void as argument of c++ function
hallo everyone, I am a new user of this forum so I apologize for any mistake. I am learning C++ programming and during my studying I saw the following example ...
[5 replies] Last: thx a lot everyone! things are getting clearer now :) Try to learn C... (by doraemon)
Get numbers out of a string
Hi all, If I have a string or an array of char like "11a2b" or "22 + 4- 17", is there anyway to get the number 11 and 2 from the first and 22, 4 and 17 from ...
[5 replies] Last: // simple char-by-char parsing example #include <iostream> #include ... (by tath)
Could you use cpp to fix BSODS?
Just out of curiousity
[5 replies] Last: @Computergeek01: Unless you've got a HP ProBook, then your battery wil... (by Splux)
I'm having trouble understand what the benefits of using pointers actually are. I understand that they're ment to be quite a powerful feature in C++ but I don'...
[5 replies] Last: Now learn polymorphism using pointers. Here's a relevant thread: http... (by Moschops)
by Akshit
Date changes (1,2)
I have created a program to create ID.The input of date works fine.So is output till shown.(means correct date showingtill that),but after that(shown in program...
[20 replies] Last: Thanks that helped. Problem solved (by Akshit)
by efraim
exercise with solutions
I am new in programming in general, I am planning to study computer science in college so i started to study c++. in order to gain some experience I am searchin...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks Fransje The tutorial is indeed very clear it is just that i am ... (by efraim)
by vittu
Visual Studio and native Hello World
Hey, I used to code in code blocks but because I could not find way to use "urlmon.h" header I changed to Visual Studio (kinda question if it's possible to u...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks guys, now it works. Previously when I created empty project I ... (by vittu)
Stop cin with "-1" in an array
First of all, my english is not the best, but I think you'll understand me. While I'm loading an array, i need to stop that loading with the value "-1", but ...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply, I solved using a temporary int before i assign i... (by TOTTIH)
file manipulation
Hi , i was trying to write every 3rd character from first file to the second file. I'm using VS2008. But i'm getting error in debugger as (stream!=NULL). he...
[3 replies] Last: Happy to help. (by Akshit)
An array program won't compile
I'm attempting to do the following problem: Write a program for the following problem. You’re given a file that contains a collection if IDs and scores (...
[11 replies] Last: This is just a matter of style, but it's important. Never mix the dec... (by kbw)
Selection algorithm giving ridiculous output
I'm trying to learn C++, and in the course of trying to program an algorithm to grab the ith element in an array, I started getting some stupid outputs, like 78...
[3 replies] Last: I only tried with a file of ten unsorted numbers so will check my code... (by vin)
by Karol
Global variables c++ (it seems a tongue twister but it's not)
Hello everyone, I'm new in this forum, although I've been following the tutorial you have for some time, it's very useful. I've got a (BIG for me) problem. I'...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you Catfish2. I'm going to try it. I know I didn't explain the p... (by Karol)
by hbNp
Trying to read data from a file
I'm creating a function that will read data from a .txt file I've written and eventually use the data it reads, but I keep receiving an error message that says ...
[5 replies] Last: This program works for me. I created input.txt with sample data in it.... (by Akshit)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 4546474849... 54
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