Beginners - July 2012 (Page 41)

Need ideas.
I'm new to C++ and have a program that the person talks to the program. It is about 500 lines and has different responses depending on what you say. It asks que...
[1 reply] : -Modify it so it's easily readable. -Modify it to ask some of the same... (by Phil123)
Identify Items in the code
I need to identify some items on the code below, Is pretty much done but I need to make sure I have the correct answers. Need to identify: a.- Function protot...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks so much guys for your input. (by scout51)
Array help
I'm trying to get the user to enter in 5 numbers into an array using a for loop. This is what I'm using. #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using names...
[3 replies] Last: :) (by Phil123)
Cannot take multiple string inputs in an infinite loop.
Concept: The following code was developed to perform simple encryption/decryption on a TEXT(string) input by user(read using scanf), by XORing it with a KEY(int...
[5 replies] Last: if it was open ... (by ne555)
Overhead involved in searching a vector?
Hello and thanks in advance! I am writing an application which uses a vector to store quite a few elements; as the program goes on, the vector will come to s...
[2 replies] Last: Ah, this sounds great; thank you, sir. (by PhonyWizard)
Pokemon C++ help.
Me and my friend are making a pokemon game in C++. Right now we are on the Engine, we do not know what we need now. Pastebin link - (Code to long) http:...
[6 replies] Last: About movement, you should handle your WM_KEYDOWN and WM_KEYUP message... (by S G H)
Arrays and nested for loops
i am trying to write a c++ program that would accept string values from user at run time. eg, firstname, lastname,matric number etc. the user should terminate i...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks a lot of the help, guess i can move on with formatting the outp... (by JoelGuru)
Going beyond basic text based functions?
Hi, I've been studying basic c++ programming for a while now using Dev c++. I have a good foundation of the basic functions C++ has to offer. But I've noticed t...
[2 replies] Last: Well. There are many libraries in the internet offering functions, suc... (by eraggo)
Passing by Reference
Hi all! Could someone explain in detail to me what passing by reference actually is, and what the difference is between passing normal variables and passing th...
[5 replies] Last: @Fransje: Sorry I changed it from a '*' to a '&' (by Script Coder)
Function of unknown or union type
Let's imagine a situation like this. We have a function that performs some sort of calculations. The result can be either 1,2 or 3. Depending on the result we w...
[9 replies] Last: Here is a working example by analogy with the example in the message a... (by vlad from moscow)
How Should the std::initializer_list Be Passed to a Function?
Should it be passed by reference, constant-reference, or value? I get the feeling that it should be passed by reference. Wazzak
[3 replies] Last: It's not an array, it's a view. A pointer and a size or two pointers. ... (by Cubbi)
SFML1.6 to 2.0
So I finally made the change over, and brought up a test project to test some things out. Linking the to lib folder alone gave me errors about missing dll's, so...
[13 replies] Last: @ResidentBiscuit Did the threads Laurent pointed you to suggest if thi... (by naraku9333)
Creating a dynamic array and sending it to a function.
ok, so I am a total noob :D I'm actually math major, only took intro to compsci. I've been playing around with trying to create a genetic algorithm to calculat...
[19 replies] Last: yeah, so i definitely messed up my algorithm >.< would anyone like to ... (by Solarmew)
Functions with pointers to arrays of arrays
I've been trying to use a 10x10 matrix: int nAreaGrid ; to represent a two dimensional area of 100 square units. To do this I've been intending for eac...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry it's taken me so long to reply here, I've been busy/frustrated. ... (by Commisar Jimp)
Creating a monetary conversion program
Hello everyone, I am obviously a beginner at c++ but have referenced your website many times since I began this class. I NEED help in writing a monetary conver...
[5 replies] Last: hello Script Coder, Thanks for the heads up, I did as you suggested b... (by omgcplusplus)
running cmake from terminal
What command do you type to start running cmake from the terminal in ubuntu 12.04? Or, Would I have to locate cmake instead? (I installed the latest version ...
[4 replies] Last: Alice To run cmake from the terminal, you type cmake in a terminal. ... (by ne555)
Reference arguments in ellipsis
Here's a simple function with an ellipsis in it. void func(int n,...) { va_list list; va_start(list,n); int arg = va_arg(list,int); // what am I sup...
[9 replies] Last: Thank you! That's exactly what I was looking for :] (by closed account DGvMDjzh)
by Digiza
Random Number with Weight
Hey Guys / Girls I recently got a little Arduino which uses a c++ platform. What im trying to do is make a little applet that will on button press light a...
[2 replies] Last: Couldn't you just use a switch or if else nesting? (by Callum5042)
by rithan
need to calculate total volume of the sphere at the end
This is my coding i done..I just stck at the end part where i have to add the total all the value of volume. #include <iostream> #include <math.h> us...
[4 replies] Last: 4/3 In C++, that equals one. Try 4/3.0 (by Moschops)
by fen
How to use mathematical expression in string format as a function
Hello everybody! I'm writing program solving differential equations. I'd like to have an option of inserting my equation through standard input. I define an eq...
[2 replies] Last: Parsing can be an ugly process, and kind of frustrating. I think regex... (by ResidentBiscuit)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 3940414243... 54
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