Beginners - July 2012 (Page 40)

by Edos
Array of classes and error
Hello my fellow programmers I'm writing a little program for omnet++ using C++ and I'm having a little error with the code I hope you cand find the solution i...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for your answers. (by Edos)
convert 03 May 2012 format to 03-05-2012
I saved 3 May 2012 inside a text file and i want to convert it to 03-05-2012 format.. so far i can only think of structure and thinking about function.... stru...
[6 replies] Last: No, sorry, what I'm doing is NOT a strcpy. What i did will copy the te... (by S G H)
delete record function
Hey Guys, I need some help for my delete function. would you please have a look at my code and give me suggestions... void del_rec() { string Targe...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! I removed it and changed the file definitions to ofstream r... (by OSSGeek)
by djru
I am unsure why I am getting unable to resolve identifier error
I've started a new project where I have to read id numbers and grades from a file, and place information in a array of a struct. I am pretty sure I do not have...
[3 replies] Last: It was late please forgive me hahaha, no data type, or semi-colons, i ... (by djru)
Shift Encryption Error
I am working on a program that will use a shift to encrypt a string from a file. I thought that I had it right, but the encryption appears in cout as a jumble o...
[no replies]
by pep
using function prototype to sort array from a file containing 2 columns
Hi I am trying to do a program that can sort array data from a file containing two columns.After sorting the data, the program should print the two sorted arra...
[2 replies] Last: James2250 can you please tell me how ,am just new in the forum so i do... (by pep)
error reading datas from text files
a have a text file which include a few lines and one of the line is int.. while i tried to get the data from that text file i'm receiving errors.I'm a beginner ...
[15 replies] Last: ha ha ok.. what time in your place? Mine is 11:15pm..... i will try yo... (by ethan86)
My Program Does Not Calculate Percentages Properly
I was trying to do one of the exercises provided on the website (the one that tells what grade you got). I adapted it a little, to calculate percentages first, ...
[4 replies] Last: I noticed it fixed the percent function, but i didnt know how. I didn'... (by flamesscarlet)
const MyStruct in a namespace
Hello i am trying to make my code more editable and more Object Oriented. I want to have a const struct in my namespace called TileType. It have two const Pro...
[13 replies] Last: Hello, I have take a look at this solution with the constexpr keyword.... (by stoffe1100)
covert May to 05
I will get data from text file. If let's say 03 May 2012 i want to convert it to 03-05-2012. Please can someone enlighten me how to do that? #include <iostr...
[no replies]
by Floyd
How to access predefined bit range in Bitset - container
Hello fellow programmers! I´ve been struggling recently with accessing bit ranges in bitset-container (STL- Bitset container). I have Bitset container whic...
[11 replies] Last: Firedraco just opened my mind. I did exactly like he said. I used stra... (by Floyd)
Error Vis
Hey Greeting everyone I am getting an unusual error in my following program. #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio....
[2 replies] Last: thanx a lot!!! :) really thanx learnt new thing thanks :D (by lordfarhan40)
Using User- Inputted Variables in Main in another Function
Hello, I've just starting learning C++ and I'm having a lot of fun messing around with it and creating little command console applications and I am currently wo...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks alot that clarified quite a bit of stuff. I appreciate the help... (by b6002177)
by Ch1156
Can i do something like this?
I know how to refrence variables but i was wondering if i could do this or something like it without a class #include <iostream> #include <string> usi...
[3 replies] Last: The compiler says clear enough that variables used in the call of func... (by vlad from moscow)
C2062 error with power function
Hey - I wrote a program that works perfectly fine. It tests numbers to see if they are prime, specifically Proth numbers N=(k*(2^n)-1). It takes as input "k"...
[7 replies] Last: Forget it, I don't need to worry about calling a 64-bit power function... (by nullcoding)
Undeclared identifier driving me nuts
Before I start let me state that the program is in C (not C++). I find myself unable to eliminate this error about undeclared identifier and it's driving me ...
[2 replies] Last: I feel like a complete idiot. I poke a bit around and apparently my co... (by SilverThorn)
calculator that uses switch and private class
hello, I'm studying c++ and I'm trying to make a calculator that uses a switch statement and public/private classes. The code I've written seems logical to me b...
[3 replies] Last: thank u ill try and fix everything (by ocunder)
nested loop teach me
i just want to know the code for the following outputs using turbo C: Problem 1.)123 123 123 456 456 456 789 789 789 Problem 2.) ...
[1 reply] : It shouldn't be too hard to do if you have a basic understanding of lo... (by Hippogriff)
Compiling but not running, "drunk walk" problem
Hello everybody. I'm hoping you can help me along a little bit with a problem similar to this one: except I am to u...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the reply...I tried fixing some things. Added a loop so tha... (by not case sensitive)
Why would the dereferenced first element of a call argument pointer give me the string?
Here's the code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void printName(char *str); int main() { printName("Chicken"); return 0; } void printN...
[4 replies] Last: No, it doesn't have anything to do with syntax. It's a carry over fro... (by impaJah)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 3839404142... 54
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