Beginners - July 2012 (Page 37)

Outut Error
I am trying to get my program to calculate a set of numbers and when done, I want it to show a screen to summarize the runs. The only problem I am getting now i...
[8 replies] Last: @Joshua, Another thing I noticed: if (MileageComp > 0) { c... (by TheIdeasMan)
Trying to seed srand() and time()
Hello, I am trying to seed time() into srand(), in order to calculate a rand() number with a predefined parameter, in this way: srand(time()); randomN...
[2 replies] Last: but it isn't the compiler (Visual Studio 2010) is complaining about h... (by Disch)
Odd Jolly Jumpers problem
I am currently trying to solve a problem which is a modification of the Jolly Jumpers problem listed in several popular online judges. It's called Odd Jolly Ju...
[6 replies] Last: I have solved the issue of not checking whether all possible odd value... (by galiwocky)
Tic Tac Toe Works, but not well
I recently made this tic tac toe game and im happy that i finished it. It works like a charm, but now i want to improve on it cause it does have problems. One i...
[6 replies] Last: yes works perfect now. Thank you. (by BegProgrammer)
Weird with numbers!
Well I have this code but somehow it just make weird thing double num = 0.07; while(num > 0 && num < 0.99999999999999999) { std::cout<<"*************...
[8 replies] Last: Thanks for help, anyway I will just make it with less digits. (by Damadger)
function error, function does not take 3 arguements
On my solution function, it is telling me that I am not taking three arguments? and it wont compile. can someone please help me. Thank you #include <ios...
[1 reply] : Your prototypes don't match your function bodies. Prototypes: void... (by Disch)
by uhh
Wrong output?
I am not getting the right output. input from tests.txt is: 75 85 95 65 89 90 79 87 70 68 77 82 50 92 86 88 87.5 91.5 66.5 78.5 My output is: Te...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by uhh)
by b1gzz
Why cin.get(); and cin.ignore(); are not pausing some of my programs?
Why cin.get(); and cin.ignore(); are not pausing some of my programs?
[2 replies] Last: love you, Thanks xD (by b1gzz)
Homework help
Hello everyone. I have this homework assignment that is not working properly. I steped through this function many times and I can't figure out what is wrong. Th...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you everybody for your help. (by oscarocampo)
Advantage to pointers?
So I have just started C++ and I'm at pointers. #include <iostream> class Start { public: void Happy() { std::cout << "I'm Hap...
[1 reply] : In this case pointers aren't necessary. Plus, having new 'd an objec... (by kbw)
having trouble #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; bool areYouPrime(int number); int reverse(int num); void main() { ...
[1 reply] : -snip (by closed account D1AqM4Gy)
Debugging the Constructor of a Binary Tree Class
I am incrementally implementing a binary tree class and so far I have only the constructor Here is my header file (named binary_tree.h): ----------------------...
[4 replies] Last: If the .o is made then you don't need the .h in the command line. I t... (by Lowest0ne)
by skarla
I wanna ask you which make more money and which need more intelligent: hacking,gaming development,cracking,or something else?
[5 replies] Last: They all require a lot of intelligence, but Cryptologists in my opinio... (by Volatile Pulse)
by ztbs45
LNK 2019 and LNK 1120 errors in program to change between lowercase and uppercase.
First off, I'm new here, so, I would like to say Hi : P My name is Zach, and I am relatively new to coding. I have been taking an online course for the past few...
[2 replies] Last: I would miss something that simple... -_- Thank you very much : ). (by ztbs45)
by GulHK
Hello all I need help with the code below string v; for(int i = 20; i <= 22; i++) { for(int j = i; j <= 1992; j++) { s.inser...
[9 replies] Last: Thanks (by GulHK)
XML the new .INI files ??
Are XML files the best means for storing data? Plus are XML files likely to work on closed operating systems. Like video game consoles for example? Else wha...
[2 replies] Last: It also helps if the language you're using has a ready-made XML par... (by Catfish2)
Safe alternative to system("cls")?
Ive heard that using system anything is a terrible habbit to get into. So if i want to clear the screen what would you suggest using?
[4 replies] Last: Honestly if this is part of a bigger project then don't even worry abo... (by Computergeek01)
Understanding Vectors and Data Structures
I want to store a series of data structures in a vector. I want to do something like the following. std::vector <struc_t> structures; structures.push_bac...
[8 replies] Last: If you use push_back(13) on an empty vector: {13} If you use resize(... (by firedraco)
by Auris
Installing portaudio library on mac
Hi people, I did an introductory course of c++ and already can do primitive things. But now I'd like to try working with sound, and audioport lib sounds lik...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! That's exactly what I needed - navigating through direct... (by Auris)
Program is treating a space as if I were pressing enter
Here is a part of my program. For this part, I want the user to be able to enter how many places they want to eat at, and then it will allow the user to enter ...
[10 replies] Last: Try this instead: for (int i=0; i < num_places; ++i) // Gets data of ... (by Volatile Pulse)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 3536373839... 54
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