Beginners - July 2012 (Page 34)

Creating a Poker Dealer, problem with DECK class
Hey, I'll just paste all my code so far below. My question is about the bold code in lines 70 and 71. The code executes fine using line 71 (and 70 is comment...
[4 replies] Last: Great :) Here's something to think about, random_shuffle: http://www.... (by Lowest0ne)
How C++ Evaluates the Stack
I have a question regarding the following code: int t = 5; printf("\n %d %d %d", t, t--, t); The result is "4 5 4," but I don't understand why I am gettin...
[7 replies] Last: The order of evaluation of function arguments is unspecified.... Thi... (by Cubbi)
by beakie
Defining all possibilities of classes to be passed, how not to do it
Ummmm I have a class called winCtrl. I have 3 more classes based on winCtrl called winCtrlTextBox, winCtrlLabel and winCtrlButton. The code below works b...
[3 replies] Last: collection->addCtrl(new winCtrlTextBox()); Maybe?? (by Lowest0ne)
Can I do : clog << cout << "test" << endl; ?
Hi all, Can I do : clog << cout << "Attempt to chain streams. This sentence should be printed twice" << endl; Instead of : clog << "Attempt to ch...
[4 replies] Last: Fantastic ! Thanks Cubbi. (by lalebarde)
by Akshit
getmaxx() and getmaxy() error
1)I suppose that these functions return maximum x and y screen coordinates. But when I used them they returned 0. cout<<getmaxx()<<" "<<getmaxy(); 0 0 2...
[5 replies] Last: @Akshit is it compulsory to use initgraph() to use getmaxx()??? ... (by vlad from moscow)
by Akshit
problem is in toupper loop.Name is not changing to upper case.I have this code in long program but I have compiled it in short for checking.Not working both pla...
[3 replies] Last: thanks for help.I studied that but forgot it today. Again thanks for h... (by Akshit)
For Loop Problem
After I run this code I want to scroll to the top of the console window to see the smaller numbers that were printed, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.... The problem is the h...
[1 reply] : A console window has a limit text buffer size. In other words, the con... (by closed account zb0S216C)
Can I change a reference to another object?
Bruce Eckel writes in his c++ book: Once a reference is initialized to an object, it cannot be changed to refer to another object. (Pointers can be pointed to ...
[5 replies] Last: Ah ok!! Thanks for clarifying. I thought: int main() { int x = ... (by Prestissimo)
Dumb question
I need to take the following code from a previous assignment are rewrite it using void functions. The code is very simple...but I'm confused on where to get sta...
[4 replies] Last: The only issue with your function LimeOats is that once the function f... (by Volatile Pulse)
Hey everyone, I have an assignment due for a programming class I am taking...I have done some of it...but there is so much I confused about. Please note: I DO...
[8 replies] Last: I'll be honest, im completely lost right now... (by scu1casper)
by boi123
Help on a game!
i am looking to create a game similar to paper,scissors rock. I have to use classes. I also have to clear the screen after each round and also keep the scores u...
[2 replies] Last: i am NOT looking for someone to give me code I wish I saw that more ... (by Tresky)
Probably dumb question, but I'll ask anyway
Is there any such thing as an online compiler that I don't have to download to my computer? Like, maybe one that I could just use their website and maybe they ...
[10 replies] Last: I wouldnt get overly excited. Those are more for testing small snippe... (by vanllabean81)
Oooh nooo, SFML's website is down :(
Sad day... This should probably be in the Lounge, but it is too important! I put aside time right now to work on it but I have no documentation :(
[6 replies] Last: Sweet thanks, I'll grab this when I get home and stick on my external ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
Timer whilst typing, any help??
So i was playing around making a sort of console style game today, but i met a problem that i can't seem to figure out. I need my code to accept input via c...
[3 replies] Last: I did something similar a while back. I don't remember the details, bu... (by dawtsf1187)
SIGSEGV crashing program
Hello. Let me start by warning you that my program is very large and it may require a bit of patience on your part to truly understand the problem I'm having wi...
[3 replies] Last: Well, after hours of toil, I discovered the problem. Lo and behold, it... (by dawtsf1187)
Which Book to read??
Hi folks, I am new to this forum and also have just started learning c++ programming. i have a collection of many books about c++. Can you tell me which ones ...
[1 reply] : I would stay away from any of the "Teach yourself <language> in <x> da... (by Volatile Pulse)
by lql44
Using Wininet
I am learning to use Wininet and have found some code online which looks like this #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<wininet.h> using names...
[3 replies] Last: It can be done with a line of code like #pragma comment (lib, "winine... (by Computergeek01)
Are there any legit websites to go to for help? (1,2)
I am wondering if there are any reputable websites to help me in my studies? There seem to be a lot of fraudulent ones. I'm not looking to cheat, just for som...
[27 replies] Last: @ LowestOne: The pre-processor instruction #include literally insert... (by Computergeek01)
Am I doing this right? Object Usage.
I've taken an intro java course, and have been attempting to teach my self C++. This is my first attempt into any real OOP stuff, and I'm not sure I'm doing it ...
[3 replies] Last: Why would you store babies in a file?! YOU MONSTER! (by dawtsf1187)
by dkl65
Using ... in function parameters
Hello! Some functions, such as printf() can accept an infinite number of parameters. I looked at the source code, and the part that accepts an infinite number ...
[2 replies] Last: Unfortunately va_arg, va_list, etc. only work with simple POD types. I... (by Peter87)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 3233343536... 54
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