Beginners - July 2012 (Page 33)

Why do you even need to give a reference a data type? (1,2)
So, according to what I've been reading a reference is really just a high level convenience, and doesn't even get a place in memory (why we cant have arrays of ...
[21 replies] Last: MSDN's explanation is a little lackluster. This is a much better re... (by Disch)
Triangle program help (1,2)
I am trying to write a program that takes in two characters (the range) and outputs a triangle using those characters. The only stipulation is that I cannot us...
[32 replies] Last: Today is Converting_my_General_List_to_a_Linked_List day. Fun times. (by vanllabean81)
My Tic-Tac-Toe - Advice/Tips?
Hi guys, I'm just new to C++ for the last 4 days. Could you offer any tips and advice about things I've done in the below program? I know the following: vecto...
[7 replies] Last: Why force the program to use more memory than it needs to when you cou... (by Volatile Pulse)
Problems with if / else statement
Hello, maybe someone can help me with my code. This is my code: #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> // wegen abs(F) using namespace std; stru...
[8 replies] Last: Sorry, this was my fault! Now it works just fine! Thank you to everyon... (by timeout2575)
by MK1
Source Code
Hi , I am Beginner and i want to learn c++ for making games script and programing but i has a problem on it . just i want to knew how to download the source c...
[11 replies] Last: I Want The Codes Who I Must Write On C++ Script Then Learn it . Or I ... (by ThangDo)
using gets() on operation file program
hey guys, i just made an operation program, this the part that confusing me. char a ; ofstream file1;"datamahasiswa.txt",ios::a...
[no replies]
shell sort question
Hey there, I just wrote my own version of insertion sort and thought I might pick another random sorting algorithm to write in C++. When I looked at the wikiped...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks, Peter that cleared it up nicely. Now I was actually able to wr... (by fuerchter)
Compile with Visual Studio 2010
hi, can anyone tell me how do I compile a source .cpp file in Visual Studio 2010 somelike dev-C++ or CodeBlocks? thx a lot!
[2 replies] Last: Click Build. (by ResidentBiscuit)
Which Books are Good from the list?
Hi folks, I am new to this forum and also have just started learning c++ programming. i have a collection of many books about c++. Can you people tell me whic...
[2 replies] Last: The Meyers books target someone who has just learned C++, such as a re... (by moorecm)
by vittu
C++ and libraries
Hey, so I started to wonder what are all these libraries that I can include to preprocessor (in VStudio getting huuuuge list of header files when '#include<'...
[2 replies] Last: in bigger project, you might require a lot more function from differen... (by ThangDo)
by Floyd
C++ String to unsigned long
Hello everybody! I´m searching a way to convert C++ string to unsigned long format. My code: #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespa...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you for all help! I did just like LowestOne said: string ID =... (by Floyd)
getline problem
Hi, I'm trying to write a loop that lets the user type in a string, and then process that. Previously I've had some problems with strings getting messed up w...
[4 replies] Last: Well, a better way would be to get all of your input using getline(), ... (by firedraco)
Book suggestion
Hi i am going to buy a new book.I have learned the basics of C++ upto arrays and strings.Now i need to learn pointers and begin OOP.So I decided to buy this boo...
[3 replies] Last: Take a look at Accelerated C++, it is a much faster pace than the Prim... (by Cubbi)
Problem with homework... New to c++
I have a homework due soon. Our teacher required us to do what i think is an input output type mo programing. We need to make some sort of class schedule. W...
[3 replies] Last: tell your teacher to explain better. (by DysFunqTional)
Fairly basic Fahrenheit to Celsius converter not working
Here's a bit of code I can't seem to get to work for the life of me. #include <iostream> int main() { double converter; char cf; while(tr...
[4 replies] Last: I think that here std::cout << "New value: " << ((cf-32)*5)/9 << std:... (by vlad from moscow)
C++ Self-Exercises. HELP
I don't get this exercises. Maybe you do! HERE! 1)What, if anything, prints when each of the following C++ statements is performed? If nothing prints, then ans...
[3 replies] Last: Don't give the person the answers! :) a) Should print the value of x... (by Whovian)
Exception Handling
Hello. I've been working recently on a recursive expression parser and have gotten to the phase of handling exceptions, such as division by zero, using non-num...
[2 replies] Last: As I work on your suggestions in regards to the exception class itself... (by Captain Cosine)
by zidbas
vector of lists of elements
Sorry for my inglish but i have a problem and i dont know why i can iterate a list of lists of <subArbol>. using namespace std; struct subArbol{ string paq...
[3 replies] Last: Don't say you love me until after you test the code! So i cant itera... (by Catfish2)
New to c++ and it my poll maker isnt working
I am trying to make an extreemly basic poll maker and when i compile it, it works but if you imput more than one word for the string poll_question, the second, ...
[3 replies] Last: thanks a ton james and the ideas man allen (by Allen LF)
Function executing without being called
Hi, I'm currently teaching myself the basics of c++. I have the foundations for control statements, functions, classes, etc. and I decided I would test my skill...
[7 replies] Last: That's cool. I'm glad to be of help. I didn't want to talk you out... (by Disch)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 3132333435... 54
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