Beginners - July 2012 (Page 31)

C++ Book from before standards
So I just got done reading "C++ Pointers and Dynamic Memory Management", Daconta. At the very end has some appendices, and one of them discussing some random co...
[4 replies] Last: I definitely recommend the book. I can't imagine it's very expensive, ... (by ResidentBiscuit)
trying to simplify
this is what it displays after reading my .txt file. Just trying to lessen the amount of code it takes. A B C D E F G H I 1 7 2 3| |1 5 9 2 6...
[4 replies] Last: See what this does... void display(char sudokuBoard ) { //Declar... (by rssair)
Checking for an End Of Line in file
Hi, I would like to check if my .txt file ends with a new line, and return an error if it doesn't. What I have so far is: std::ifstream scriptFile; sc...
[4 replies] Last: It works like this! Thank you very much! (by Skyboarder)
draw polygon
I want to draw a polygon in c++ by using function of graphics.h how do i do it please give me the excat source code.. i want to draw it like this. http://im...
[9 replies] Last: I have now edited the post and i requset you to reply me on that post ... (by smile58)
by Serri
First program, need help
so i was trying to make a program that begs the user to pick a number.the program will ask the user "pick a number" up to 10 times and then exit unless the use...
[5 replies] Last: works great now, thanks guys :> (by Serri)
spacing all wrong
ive been working at this for a while. any ideas how to fix this? void display(char sudokuBoard ) { //Declare variables char option; //Disp...
[3 replies] Last: ya...I fixed it all. ITs solved...well this part is. It looks like thi... (by kmilnedc)
How to call a class in Code::Blocks
I am using Code::Blocks, and I understand how to use classes (the basics at least). I have set up a class, and called it from main, but I did it all in the mai...
[10 replies] Last: They are treated as inline if in one file. It's a well known fact. (by ResidentBiscuit)
by vittu
Elements in dynamically allocated integer array
Hey, so I have simple problem with dynamically allocated array of integers when counting 'em. Result is '1' always which is obvious because sizeof x is 4 and...
[3 replies] Last: Oh, I see now -- at least this worked with strings so confused me litt... (by vittu)
put a comma in a number (HELP !!)
Hello everyone, i am beginnerin c++ and I was just attempting a program from the book where it asks to write a program that readers a number greater than o...
[4 replies] Last: First convert the number into a C++ String. Create a new C++ String, e... (by S G H)
Visual C++ Problem
Hello.. Im new in C++, i have problem on my C++ because i am running a 64bit windows 7 ultimate, and everytime i input a code, my source is from the internet an...
[1 reply] : I'm not exactly 100% about this but I had similiar problem because eve... (by vittu)
CIN problem..
hi, im still a beginner at c++.. thats my code.. i can still input in name, address, bdate, but when ill input in bplace and guardian the program will like ...
[2 replies] Last: For me the code works without problems (dev-c++) (by Fransje)
dev c++ array
my teacher gave a problem, it is about array!now this is the problem that ask the user to enter 30 integer values in 1-200. then find how many of these values f...
[1 reply] : Do you know how to get a value from the user? (by Moschops)
Converting user imputed 'A' to 'a'
I am trying to let the user input a character (a-z). If they put in a capital letter (A-Z), I want it to convert it to a lowercase. What am I doing wrong? ...
[3 replies] Last: tolower() doesn't modify the variable you give it. Instead, it retur... (by closed account zb0S216C)
save to file error
i took this up from some old code I found on this forum. I fixed a few of the errors but I found 2 errors that I cant seem to get around. This is a Sudoku game...
[10 replies] Last: well this was a semi finished code that I found. Im trying to finish i... (by kmilnedc)
Efficient Adjacency list.
Hello, In most of my graph-problem projects, I've been working with a n² distance matrix. As an experiment, I'm going to try a radically different encoding ...
[1 reply] : This might be better in the general section. (by Volatile Pulse)
How do I do this: if(Operating System = Windows){ #include <cstdlib.h> } else{ "Do not include <cstdlib.h>" } //code goes here
[5 replies] Last: A better alternative would be to change: system("COLOR 0a"); To: #i... (by Volatile Pulse)
Self-Exercises HELP!! [PART 2]
I don't get this.... quetions/whatever its saying. NOTE: () are comments in them. 1)Write a program that reads in the radius of a circle and prints the c...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> int main() { int small, large, num; for (in... (by Volatile Pulse)
by ToniAz
Read a double as int
Hello everyone! How can I interpret a double as if it were a long int, casting of course doesn't help: int main() { double d = 32.0; printf("%f %d",...
[4 replies] Last: Yupp, that's what I'm looking for. Many thanks! (by ToniAz)
by beakie
Common Controls: Window Styles
I am struggling to find a clear list of what classes/window styles I should use to make a basic control of each of the following types? This is what I have s...
[3 replies] Last: There are no admins here, we're a good community and don't feel the ne... (by Volatile Pulse)
Member function not declared
What is missing in this code? I get a C2509 compile time error saying:" 'OnCopyData': member function not declared in 'CmfclDlg'" BOOL CmfclDlg::OnCopyD...
[8 replies] Last: That's not quite the way to do it...but if you have no issues with it,... (by Volatile Pulse)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2930313233... 54
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