Beginners - July 2012 (Page 29)

by Owain
Issue using OpenGL
Hello, I am following a tutorial to learn the basics of OpenGL. My tutorial had a code snipit which included #include <GL/glew.h> #include <GL/freeglut.h> So I...
[6 replies] Last: MinGW should be using .a files (right?). If MinGW can use .lib, then ... (by Lowest0ne)
by AReed
Tinkering with OpenCV, stumped.
I am a complete beginner in every sense of the word but have a tendency to learn better on projects rather than tinkering with calculators and 'hello world' typ...
[1 reply] : Honestly, if you are total begginer it is very, very wise to 'tinker' ... (by Owain)
c\c++ command prompt game - getting started (source code)
I started this project about a week ago and got bored with it. So I've decided to put it up on here for anybody that's struggling to get started with this. T...
[no replies]
How much should i know by this time?
Hello, I just have a non code related question. I am 17 years old and i have been programming c++ for a little bit more than a year. And i am wondering how m...
[5 replies] Last: Ok, no more guessing where u'r at on the learning curvature ~~~ I'll ... (by soranz)
I am trying to make a tic-tac-toe game. Confused about how to go about it
I am currently in the middle of making a tic-tac-toe game (I am a beginner, so I know a lot of basics up to, and including some, classes). I wanted to make the...
[1 reply] : Not really sure what your code looks like at the moment. You could cr... (by Topdog2904)
text battle project
Hi all, I am very new to C++ and have been spinning my wheels on a project. I am stuck at a few points. 1. I have to give the User a turn and the PC a tur...
[1 reply] : When posting code, highlight it all and press the '<>' button under th... (by Topdog2904)
Question on another program function?
Ok I thank whomever it was that helped me out yesterday but I have one more question. I want all of the Pythagorean calculation to occur in the function. Why i...
[1 reply] : I would recommend taking the cout and cin out of your doPythag functio... (by Lowest0ne)
Unary Subtraction Operator Not Working
In the third for loop the unary subtraction operator stops working?! Any Idea why?? // 20 by 20 grid.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application...
[no replies]
Tribonnaci Sequence
//I need some help to generate tribonnaci sequence starting from 1,1,1,3,5,9 the user can input the sequence max, below is my code in c++ //The problem is th...
[1 reply] : Not the most elegant perhaps, but "works" #include <iostream> #incl... (by Texan40)
Hi all, I know this is the beginners forum, and so it should go without saying that I'm a beginner, but I will supplement that with the knowledge that I also h...
[6 replies] Last: The easiest way is to change the function to accept a reference instea... (by soranz)
So tell much am I going to hate industry?
Hello, I'm relatively new to programming but I do have a solid foundation of knowledge in java, I am learning C++, and have a basic grasp of lisp. I am also an ...
[7 replies] Last: I personally love emacs because it is a great editor and navigating w... (by htirwin)
help sort
Hi Need a little help!! This is the usual manage the hotel program. What I need to do: REPORT 1 lists all the occupied rooms and which customer is in each roo...
[no replies]
please help...
Hi. Getting into c++. Made a program that printed a 'o', then had a delay, then backspaced to erase the o, then spaced and printed another o. Ended up having ...
[6 replies] Last: TY for the replies! -otisleb (by otisleb)
Expression Parser and Unary +/-
I was wondering if there was a more efficient method of handling unary +/- in a recursive expression parser. I have a function that can tell whether or not the...
[2 replies] Last: I think I understand what you mean, though I'm not sure how to impleme... (by Captain Cosine)
STL member function
What is the exact difference between vector::end() and vector::back() I understand back return the lat element and end return the iterator pointing to the la...
[2 replies] Last: Also to note that end() returns an iterator to the index after the l... (by Lowest0ne)
expected an expression
I am making a small battleships game, and i keep getting the error "expected an expression" in this line: while (comgameboard != {'.'} && urboard != {'.'...
[3 replies] Last: I'm not sure what exactly you mean, but the code I suggested should ... (by Captain Cosine)
Hi Im completely new to this forum, so much so that this is actually my first post here. I wanted to know why very many people are discouraging the use of Herbe...
[6 replies] Last: [quote=Peter87]The latest version of The C++ Programming Language by B... (by BHX)
by Zu007
Difference between .txt & .dat file
In file handling we create record in txt or .dat file Difference b/w .dat or txt why r using .dat file always?
[2 replies] Last: .dat and .txt is just file extensions. It doesn't matter what file ext... (by Peter87)
Strange Symbol Order
Hi all! I was reading through the source code of an FPS, and I came across the following part: static inline bool octacollide(physent *d, const vec &dir, flo...
[3 replies] Last: nice info, i need this too... btw, can you give a link that refer to t... (by chipp)
Hi, I'm looking for advice on how to learn C++ in a self-paced way. I have recently installed the Qt ide and am also doing some self-paced skillsoft courses in...
[1 reply] : I'm a little confused in that the skillsoft courses mention the <ios... (by Moschops)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2728293031... 54
  Archived months: [jun2012] [aug2012]

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