Beginners - July 2012 (Page 28)

Help is here for any question
I am sort off doing videos about these stuffs, so you could check it out if that helps. the link is
[1 reply] : Please move your topic to Lounge, where it belongs. (by Catfish2)
Using system to open programs and folders
Hi! Which programs can I open with system, except notepad? Example: system("notepad"); And give me please examples how to open folders(in documents)...
[1 reply] : You can open anything excecutable in the current directory or in a dir... (by Stewbond)
by kethgr
struct array as function parameter problem
Hi everyone. I have an array of a struct that I'm trying to pass to a function. When I just use the name of the array (list) in the function call, the compiler...
[4 replies] Last: Oops... I had my function prototypes before my struct definition in my... (by kethgr)
Stream / Open File Problems
I am in a C++ class and having problems with the following problem: Given the availability of a file named numbers write the statements necessary to read an...
[9 replies] Last: You have the general idea. A few problems though. 1) No main func... (by AbstractionAnon)
Conceptually adding two linked lists
Hi guys, Yesterday, I recieved some help adding two linked lists of same length, and today I would like to tackle the problem of adding two different lengths...
[2 replies] Last: You might as well think about the case that list1 is shorter than list... (by Lowest0ne)
Anyone on that can help with a question about storing units in an array?
[14 replies] Last: 32 is the number 20 16 in base 10. (Which is the ASCII code for space... (by Catfish2)
Unresolved externals? (1,2)
This code is a work in progress, it's nowhere near finished...but I'm getting these unfamiliar errors when attempting to compile it.error LNK1120 and error LNK2...
[23 replies] Last: @Phil123 filename.eof() will return true when the eof character is re... (by Phil123)
How to get Visual C++ 2010 Express to work with DXSDK (jun2010)
I have searched for a step by step guide for how to get visual C++ to work with dxsdk (June 2010) and there is not one. There are guides that attempt to show wh...
[5 replies] Last: There is a chance that it will never work with Express. If you are a ... (by Lowest0ne)
Loop to check if input is below 1 not working
Hey Guys. I trying to create a simple loop but for some reason when it compiles something strange happens. Basically I want to make a while loop that prints and...
[2 replies] Last: That works! Thank you very much. Forgot that I was actually calling "c... (by mikeecb)
Array help
#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; // function prototypes int Open...
[2 replies] Last: This thread was made obsolete by: (by Catfish2)
How easy will C++ be for me?
Ok, So i have been studing C++ for the last 13 days, and i find it easy so far. Now you might be asking why i am asking if C++ will be easy for me when i know...
[8 replies] Last: Ugh, I still have a lot to learn -.- I should have just ran the code ... (by Volatile Pulse)
Random Numbers Generator Remake
#include <iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <string> #include <Windows.h> #include <ctime> using namespace std; int main() { string Agi...
[19 replies] Last: to shay :) Touché =P (by Volatile Pulse)
by scopez
big c++ project
ok so i'm programming with dev-c++ and i cant think of anyway to make this not flicker like it does. all i know is to do it like this i wouldnt know how to JU...
[2 replies] Last: Try using C++. It's not an issue with C programming, it's an issue w... (by Volatile Pulse)
Header files and Global Variables
Hey, I have the following classes: char* Suits = {"s", "c", "d", "h"};//references for enum types char* Ranks = {"A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8...
[9 replies] Last: Not a problem, and I was drawing a blank on what compiler you were usi... (by Volatile Pulse)
Using two arrays
I'm working on a problem to balance a checkbook. I've been struggling with it so I split it up into its components. I first made an array to store withdrawals. ...
[3 replies] Last: Okay well I have this program about done, but I am reaching one final ... (by elb5230)
convert while loop to for loop
hey guys, i am just practicing about how to convert a while loop to for loop. int i = 2; while (i <= 9) { if (i < 5 && i != 2) cout << "X"; i++; } f...
[3 replies] Last: thanks guys for helping me learn more (by kalicha)
Problem adding two linked lists (objects)
Hi guys, Need a little help. Here's the code. struct Node{ int number; Node* next; }; class Link{ public: Link(){first=NULL;} //Link(c...
[2 replies] Last: Damn, thanks a lot, works really well! I see now that I have to create... (by toomanystars)
Inverse letters
I was just trying to pull a prank of my friend on facebook that we all get together and talk in a secret language. For that we thought of this one thing that e...
[10 replies] Last: OMG! thanks so much, i dint realize that it would be so complicated. ... (by Hasnain Attarwala)
Need help ASAP please for user defined functions.?
Here is my program that calculated the Pythagorean equation using a user defined function called (pythagfun). All calculations I want to be done inside the fun...
Help on c++
Search for -nosa odiase c++ tutorial on you tube. I am gonna do all these stuffs
[no replies]
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2627282930... 54
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