Beginners - July 2012 (Page 23)

by Houd
is there a way for automatically initializing infinite variables?
Hi. Is there a way to let the user make any number of variables or class objects without me initializing them first? For example, I am making 2D billiard ...
[6 replies] Last: Vectors are definitely the way to go here. (by ResidentBiscuit)
Data Visualization - Graphics for C++? How?
Dear all, By now I guess I am a beginner quite competent in writing C++ console application, which can string, int, char, double type data output onto a cons...
[2 replies] Last: (by Moschops)
int "Geld" dont change his value... Why?
int "Geld" dont change his value... Why? /*© Copyright Enitin*/ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int Auswahl; int Geld = 1...
[2 replies] Last: Wuhuuu! It works! Thank you! :) (by closed account N0qDjE8b)
by Untrue
Link lost problem
It's been a year since I did programming. I'm into C programming again but got stuck on link list. The program runs correctly but after I input all 5 strings...
[9 replies] Last: THANKS guys! The program worked after I changed free(p), free(p->Next-... (by Untrue)
#ifndef LIST_H #define LIST_H #include <stdlib.h> template <typename Object> class List { private: // The basic doubly linked list node....
[2 replies] Last: Duplicate of Please don't ... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
#ifndef LIST_H #define LIST_H #include <stdlib.h> template <typename Object> class List { private: // The basic doubly linked list node. ...
[7 replies] Last: Hi there, Peter actually gave you the solution. Change every occurren... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
i am little bit connfused with template inheritance can any one suggest me the solution plss
#include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class T> class class0 { protected: static const int p =300; public: char getChar(); }; template<...
[1 reply] : Qualify p with class0 . For example: class0<T>::p; Wazzak ... (by closed account zb0S216C)
by aryana
problem in finishing the code having a problem over here...this is my question.The program will continuously ask the user to enter student’s marks. When a student mark of -1 is en...
[3 replies] Last: Add two integers to your code to hold the lowest and the highest, init... (by kooth)
Understanding a for loop
Howdy forum, I've written a short key stroke logger with some help from my older brother, and was wondering what some of the segments meant and how they worke...
[3 replies] Last: [quote=MasterTelion] #include <stdio.h>//apparently this is needed for... (by viliml)
exercise help
This is my answer to exercise in "c++ primer plus ch14 ex2". What's wrong with the following code? #include "Wine.h" #include <iostream> using namespace...
[4 replies] Last: Yes! nothing was wrong. I just create a new project. anything goes rig... (by littlepig)
by Tita
Need help for a treatement of file
I have to do a programm in C on codeblocks. And I don't find algorithm which can execute what I want: So I explain, I must do a treatement of file, I have t...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you , NwN !!I wil try it! (by Tita)
what is the [i] mean in this code?
I was trying to finish a programming exercise, but i gave up and used the answer. but what does the mean in the arrays in this code? #include <iostream> ...
[8 replies] Last: Just wanted to drop a quick "Thanks!" to Framework - very informative ... (by closed account o3hC5Di1)
Hey guys new to the whole C++
Hey guys im Karl im new to the C++ Scene and basically i was wanting to make an awesome game! :) im starting Game Design level 3 in September and basically im w...
[2 replies] Last: And a very good and elaborate site, especially for beginners, is http:... (by Fransje)
Interface tutorial's example
In the first (and further) example of interface's tutorial..this is used " CRectangle rect; CTriangle trgl; CPolygon * ppoly1 = &rect; CPolygon * pp...
[4 replies] Last: okay..concept is clear now. Thanks a lot ! (by puneet9983)
Basic array question
Just started learning about arrays...I'm coding a pretty basic program that performs tasks on an array of numbers from a file #include <iostream> #includ...
[4 replies] Last: sum=sum+value ; can be sum+=value ; I assume with if (num=3)... (by Euqirne VSR)
by Ch1156
C++, Unreal unit converter
I cant seem to find any Unreal unit converter programs out there, i did find one actually but it doesnt work for me so i figure just make my own, but the proble...
[15 replies] Last: Ok i got it all to work, thanks a ton :) (by Ch1156)
by BartX
Help please!
I'm doing a ascii - hex converter and everything works I just can't figure out how to make the output a 32bit hex string. For example I want to convert pleas...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you everyone for the help. Volatile's example is exactly what I ... (by BartX)
Virtual Mouse/Keyboard
im starting to make a program to preforms the function of opening things, typeing, clicking ect... for this i would like to use a virtual mouse and keyboard. M...
[13 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by johnnyj2j)
Problem displaying getline function properly
I'm creating a contact card. Whenever I'm displaying the output, it's doing several things that it shouldn't be. 1. After the name, it skips a line 2. After...
[3 replies] Last: Changing this: cout <<"Enter the customer's first name: "; c... (by Volatile Pulse)
Why is the below class definition NOT valid
Please take a look and let me know why the below class definition is not valid. class student { public: void student(); void student(string s, double g...
[4 replies] Last: [quote=Peter87]What do you mean by that? Oops, I meant aren't. Stupid... (by Volatile Pulse)
July 2012 Pages: 1... 2122232425... 54
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