Beginners - July 2011 (Page 36)

qt visual studio add in
I've downloaded the qt visual studio add in from: And I'm using Visual Studio 2008. How do I actually use...
[4 replies] Last: I just did that. I currently have 2010, not 2008 like I stated in the... (by jeffsg605)
by acorn
setting field width for formating
Im trying to print 3 fields equally separated on the cout stream. i tried putting a tab between each field but because they are all different lengths i lose for...
[2 replies] Last: C++ IO manipulators to me is too verbose and not intuitive. I still li... (by sohguanh)
How to display error if user enters anything other than A, B, C, D.
I'm having trouble displaying an error message if the user does not enter A, B, C, D. #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace std; int ...
[5 replies] Last: [co de] #include <iostream> int main () { std::cout<< "Bri... (by Danny Toledo)
creating and using a DLL?
Okay so lets say in an example, I have a.CPP file and a.H file like so, a.h #ifndef A //includes namespace A { class A { //variables and prototy...
[5 replies] Last: Have you heard of SFML? ;) Also, classes and structs and unions are al... (by LB)
Help With Hangman Game!!!
Hi everyone, I've just about got this game running but am having some trouble exiting the game when the player is asked if they wish to continue. Can someone p...
[1 reply] : 0x3A28213A 0x6339392C 0x7363682E Being serious, your code which asks... (by esotera)
what's wrong with this infix to postfix conversion
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <stdlib> class IntoPost{ private: char post ; char stackArr ; int top; int n...
[1 reply] : How about you step through it with a debugger and let us know what you... (by Zhuge)
by wtf
problem with indexing a char pointer.
I have this char * in a class and I keep getting this error message: invalid types 'char for array subscript on the following line of code: c[firstemptyc...
[7 replies] Last: Also immediately before the for loom I am able to access the integer... (by wtf)
I've been Studying macros for past few hours and created a simple one which calculates the square of the argument provided as follows: #include<conio.h> #...
[14 replies] Last: Indeed cin.ignore() fails even with those ugly parameters. I then re... (by Catfish)
by Rox
Generic class error: cannot pass a pointer of the generic type
I have written a simple generic list class called List. The class contains a function called add() that takes a pointer of the generic object. The argument is a...
[5 replies] Last: Look at your code in the first post, and then read catfish's post. (by LB)
Using a case statement
I'm making a switch statement based off of the amount of numbers entered into a file and stored directly into a vector. How do I reference the case? switch(?)...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by monkeybutt)
Difference between C-Strings and C++ Strings
I have read in a couple of places (these forums included) that Strings in C and C++ are considerably different. Can someone tell me what those differences are...
[7 replies] Last: Interesting read (by Sputnik)
by camkii
Expected primary expression
I have a class called Neuron that has a function called step() that I want to call one of two functions depending on which I have chosen in another file. ...
[3 replies] Last: duhhhh. thank you. (by camkii)
system date
i just got this code from internet..but i am not able to understand..plz can some one explain me this code void retrieve_time(int* day, int* month, int *year)...
[1 reply] : I suggest you look at the following links: (by Athar)
About hardisk.
I don't know whether i should be asking here but i'll give it a try. I have a 1tb external harddisk, there's a storm and power outage for 1 sec. My hardisk ...
[6 replies] Last: is free of charge and really q... (by Moschops)
by tonnot
How to disable a function call at run time
I have a 'debug' function placed ate several points on my code. 'My_debug' prints information to a log file: Ok, I have a 'mydebug.enable' and 'mydebug.dis...
[16 replies] Last: Why not pass a "/Debug" flag at run time? If the argument is passed se... (by Computergeek01)
My plusOneDay function doese not work
I have worked on this for the good part of the day, I even restarted from scratch, but I am working on each function one by one and I am unable to get day to ch...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks. It worked, but I needed the Monday object to remain Monday. ... (by twentfiveu)
How to use command line arguments? what are they? (1,2)
What actually is it and how do you use it, with an example?
[20 replies] Last: Not all commandline input is input by the user. Some is input by the ... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Made my first proper programme!
Okay guys im ecstatic. Ive been learning C for a year now and ive finally made something usefull. Ive seen it used as an exercise/tutorials in the past. ...
[4 replies] Last: Im gonna follow up by making a 3 dimensional cube where you can only g... (by Sputnik)
Pointer Problems for Practice
I would like to try out some problems that require the use of pointers for practice. I would appreciate it if someone gives some problems to solve!
[1 reply] : There is a problem in k&r, which asks to read multiple lines in multi ... (by writetonsharma)
undefind reference to 'cv::theRNG()' in OpenCV
Hey guys n gals, I'm Ryan and this is my first post so a quick intro then on to the problem. I'm fresh outta uni and in my first programming job. My backgro...
[5 replies] Last: What errors are you getting now? (by kooth)
July 2011 Pages: 1... 3435363738... 54
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