Beginners - July 2010 (Page 4)

by Dom
creating a diamond shape
I am trying to create a diamond shape, I wrote this function to created it but I am only getting the bottom half of the diamond, the top part is giving me numbe...
[1 reply] : Please use code tags. You are missing curly braces in the else stat... (by ne555)
Difference between -> and point
Please if someone can tell me the difference of use -> and use a . (point) Also what happend when I use :: in my code. Thank you!
[1 reply] : . is used to access a member of an object. -> dereferences a pointer ... (by Athar)
Hi . what is my fault . the compiler return ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer| int main() { string word; cout <<"\n enter word\n:...
[4 replies] Last: Thank filipe (by ehsangha)
by Marek
Do...While question?
OK. I'm doing an exercise and i stumbled upon a problem. Is it possible with Do...While to do a break point and instantly end the loop Like When i write in 0 ...
[1 reply] : you can get out of a loop using break; so you could if(a == 0 |... (by Skillless)
by koopa
function question
hi all, just wodering what the standard practice is around locating function code, e.g. if I have a program which has say 10 different functions, would the s...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for the response, currently working through classes, hopefully ... (by koopa)
by gcr114
cin.getline(not, working) >:o
hey guys here the code: void the_name() { char name , address , city ; string state; int zip, phone; cout << "Mr. Smith wants to know ...
[1 reply] : if you delete line 16 and convert the line 17 to cin.getline(city, 80... (by badsector)
Count down
I been trying to make a simple timer that counts down in seconds. When I get under ten the numbers go like this. 12 11 10 90 80 how do I get rid of...
[4 replies] Last: use for or while. (by meyrambek)
Hello :)
Sorry if i am wasting your time and i am sure there is a simple conclusion for this but anyhoo, heres me problem #include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> #...
[12 replies] Last: Sorry. [quote=a pierce o]I barely know what you mean by "overloaded... (by chrisname)
by Goofy
String to Long Double and vice versa
#include<iostream> using namespace std; #include<cstdlib> #include <string> #include<cstring> #include "convert.h" class bMoney { private: long ...
[8 replies] Last: how about dropping stringify and sending money directly to cout ... (by bobito)
setting an int value to chars
I'm trying to create a function that will set a variable like so: 'a' would set the variable to 1. 'b' would set the variable to 2. 'c' would set the variabl...
[3 replies] Last: char c; cin >> c; cout << (int)c - 96; (by dishanf)
problem in defining list
hello everyone well i am using this command i want to know whether my syntax is correct or not? list "node_data*" ndlist;
[1 reply] : std::list <node_data*> ndlist; (by Denis)
not declared in scope and redefining error
Hi I am working along with a beginner c++ book and I have gotten stuck on one part. The program is a calculator and it builds it throughout the book. Unfortun...
[4 replies] Last: yeah this was the problem...using gcc I when I don't specify the outpu... (by josh23941)
by YueyMD
Static input line
Is it possible to have a static line for input in the command console? Such the bottom most line of the console static and dedicated to input. I'm not exactl...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by YueyMD)
Creating a tree pattern using looping
I am new to C++ and have a problem in a class I am taking.I am having trouble trying to create this the way my professor wants. this is what is required from th...
[2 replies] Last: You can easily do this program with just two for loops total. One i... (by Chemical Engineer)
Difference between Dates::Date and ::Dates::Date
Hi, Could you please tell me the difference between the convention Dates::Date and ::Dates::Date ?
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot (by liyants)
by n8c
memory leaks
this may sound dumb. but if i were to accidentally create a console app with a memory leak, dose that memory get de-allocated after the program is terminated or...
[9 replies] Last: but I'm using visual c++ and that dose target the common language runt... (by n8c)
Dynamic Memory
So this is what code I have so far and I am confused as what I need to do for the rest of it. I need a program that generates the fibonacci sequence to the numb...
[5 replies] Last: Well, the way you're doing is a little odd to me, but from a quick gla... (by declan)
Char,Struct,Class ? Im Confused.
//Id enjoy help.. :/ Im out of ideas.. i dont know what im doing wrong // (In the source its a different void wich inserts the data.. not int main Since its a ...
[5 replies] Last: And by the way, I strongly suggest you to review arrays and pointers o... (by memecs)
by EmmyS
converting from decimal to binary with arduino
I have an arduino board, which has a language very very similar to c++ and I'd like to know how to write a program that converts decimal to binary, I've looked ...
[3 replies] Last: Will something like this work for you? #include <bitset> std::s... (by PanGalactic)
New project visual C++
Hello every one, I am new in C++ and I have a new project. I have a text file with numbers that are coordinates x,y The text filesĀ“s format looks like...
[4 replies] Last: Do you know how to read numbers from the file? You're instructions ... (by kbw)
July 2010 Pages: 123456... 31
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