by Blessman11
[7 replies] Last: It's a lot easier to pass the address of a variable to a function inst... (by slugs)
by phoenix111
Reference inside classes
[1 reply] : ctor-initializer. (by Galik)
by ArchV
Function Pointer trouble.
[2 replies] Last: Thanks m4ster roshi. (by ArchV)
by dragonbane
Drawing a parabola
[1 reply] : and the header files: // GraphicsFramework.h #ifndef GRAPHICS... (by dragonbane)
by bobito
memory allocation of stacks and heaps
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by bobito)
by tfcoder
File IO within loop
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by tfcoder)
by yotama9
static variable in C++
[6 replies] Last: I wasn't sure if you were referring to a static member variable or the... (by smilodon)
by ehsangha
[4 replies] Last: Thanks (by ehsangha)
by JustAWalrus
My First Program
[17 replies] Last: Sorry, I overlooked it. However I would add to the line else if (!ci... (by mcleano)
by leopenaws
why won't this code work?
[4 replies] Last: i opened a new console and it worked in the new one. thanx a lot guys! (by leopenaws)
by ainsoph
vector<struct> container problem
[8 replies] Last: I don't see the reason for dynamically allocating the vector. There i... (by kempofighter)
by yotama9
how to use constructors in vector?
[9 replies] Last: Moreover, shrinking the size of the vector does not reduce the capacit... (by kempofighter)
by Robert265
GetActiveWindow() doesn't return GetShellWindow() or GetDesktopWindow()
[no replies]
by domi0002
overloading for multiple arithmetic operations
[9 replies] Last: I have a situation where I need to change just one variable of the Te... (by Athar)
Read text file into an array |
[5 replies] Last: It works, thanks for the help Josh (by closed account DSvMDjzh)
by yotama9
keeping the function running after the return.
[3 replies] Last: No, but you may want to yield control. To do this, you need a cla... (by Duthomhas)
by jankidudel
GUI and graphics
[4 replies] Last: thanks. (by jankidudel)
by Jesuss
exception handling
[2 replies] Last: ...double posted: (by moorecm)
by manasij7479
Input Output in the other files
[11 replies] Last: I think he means that he has to write "using" sentences for every cpp ... (by Fresh Grass)
by Albionion
error in input file
[3 replies] Last: I am sorry to return to this question, but my first version of the "ta... (by Albionion)