Beginners - July 2010 (Page 16)

in the most simple/easy to understand english, can someone explain to me what pointers are. i got this code from a youtube tutorial and i have still yet to und...
[7 replies] Last: It's a lot easier to pass the address of a variable to a function inst... (by slugs)
Reference inside classes
If I have a reference as a member of a class,where do i initalize it : In the constructor initialization list or at the point of declaration??
[1 reply] : ctor-initializer. (by Galik)
by ArchV
Function Pointer trouble.
Hi, i have a trouble with a function pointer using by this way (create an object) all will be allrigth. But, if i want to execute the function pointer in the co...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks m4ster roshi. (by ArchV)
Drawing a parabola
I'm not sure if this is in the right place or not, but I still feel like a beginner so I figure I'll ask here first and move it if necessary. The problem I'...
[1 reply] : and the header files: // GraphicsFramework.h #ifndef GRAPHICS... (by dragonbane)
by bobito
memory allocation of stacks and heaps
Hi, 1) How are the size of stacks and heaps allocated? a) Are these sizes controlled by the operating system or by the compiler? b) Can the programm...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks! (by bobito)
File IO within loop
Code1: loop begin Read data point from file Process and store in array loop end Output array to file on disk Code2: loop begin Read data point from fi...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by tfcoder)
static variable in C++
Hi guys. In java, there is a static variable that is common to all the class members (that is, a single memory segment that is refereed from all the class m...
[6 replies] Last: I wasn't sure if you were referring to a static member variable or the... (by smilodon)
Hi . I want Add a Node To End List But my Program in during compile time Terminated . what is my fault ? #include<iostream> using namespace std; class Node ...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks (by ehsangha)
My First Program
Here is the filefront... It's a guess the number game, pretty simple. Any critiques on the code are welc...
[17 replies] Last: Sorry, I overlooked it. However I would add to the line else if (!ci... (by mcleano)
why won't this code work?
i have tried to create .txt files but the compiler doesn't create them.what am i missing? #include <iostream> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include...
[4 replies] Last: i opened a new console and it worked in the new one. thanx a lot guys! (by leopenaws)
vector<struct> container problem
I'm trying to make a vector of a struct I created to store points on the screen. This is my class: // .h class Sierpinski { struct Point { ...
[8 replies] Last: I don't see the reason for dynamically allocating the vector. There i... (by kempofighter)
how to use constructors in vector?
Hi guys. I'm just starting with my c++ code writing. For my project, I need a vector of my own class (lipid). The reason for the vector usage is that I want...
[9 replies] Last: Moreover, shrinking the size of the vector does not reduce the capacit... (by kempofighter)
GetActiveWindow() doesn't return GetShellWindow() or GetDesktopWindow()
I am running Windows 7 and have two monitors. For some reason when I use GetActiveWdinow(), it never returns the same value as GetShellWindow() or GetDesktop...
[no replies]
overloading for multiple arithmetic operations
Hi, I would like to add multiple objects of a class with integers/ floats. Need some basic help in fixing an error Eg: #include<iostream> using n...
[9 replies] Last: I have a situation where I need to change just one variable of the Te... (by Athar)
Read text file into an array
So first off I need to take data from a text file and put it into a multidimensional array. I have one program that puts the array into text using ofstream...
[5 replies] Last: It works, thanks for the help Josh (by closed account DSvMDjzh)
keeping the function running after the return.
Hi. Is there a way to keep a function running after the it has returned the value? Let's say I want to calculate the forces on a particle, return them f...
[3 replies] Last: No, but you may want to yield control. To do this, you need a cla... (by Duthomhas)
GUI and graphics
Hi, please help me to form an understanding of C++ GUI and graphics programming. Is it true that C++ has not built-in graphics and GUI library? Using internet ...
[4 replies] Last: thanks. (by jankidudel)
by Jesuss
exception handling
I will be very grateful for any help. Write a program to enter your first name using an array of size 10. If the name entered is more than 10 characters, the...
[2 replies] Last: ...double posted: (by moorecm)
Input Output in the other files
When I put the functions of my program in different files, cin,cout and even declaring fstream objects do not work.What can I do?
[11 replies] Last: I think he means that he has to write "using" sentences for every cpp ... (by Fresh Grass)
error in input file
I have a proble with the following piece of code and I do not know what is happening, since it compiles successfully. The purpose of the program is to allow ...
[3 replies] Last: I am sorry to return to this question, but my first version of the "ta... (by Albionion)
July 2010 Pages: 1... 1415161718... 31
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