by Rohini
Ofstream not identified
[1 reply] : use std::ofstream (you probably need to add the std:: prefix). (by Galik)
by ccsdotcom
<ccc_win.h> no such library
[1 reply] : Maybe you don't have ccc_win.h on your system, or the compiler doesn't... (by HooklessFastener)
by Futureboy
How to establish recurring loop within a return function for Hangman game
[5 replies] Last: You have to put that code inside the main function.... you can't jus... (by Galik)
by cmdcenter
How to append a byte to a string
[3 replies] Last: All unsigned chars do is tell the compiler to treat it like an unsigne... (by firedraco)
by Deathfantasy
data type conversion
[1 reply] : What does this exercise has to do with data type conversion? Post some... (by R0mai)
by bobito
Returning an array from a function
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the replies. (by bobito)
by Deathfantasy
if statement invloving string
[1 reply] : You can't compare char arrays like this. Either use std::string which ... (by R0mai)
by lex4051
similar (not the same) operators overloading
[2 replies] Last: Ok, thank you, i've understood this problem, but could you give some r... (by lex4051)
by TreyBrehm
Diffrence Between Win 32 and Console Applications?
[4 replies] Last: GUI programming in native C++ is grueling at best Qt, GTK+, etc.... (by helios)
by aniemira
Need a hint
[9 replies] Last: What Disch said, you've got to reset the value of r to 0 when n>maxVal... (by AdventWolf)
by sgtjoebear
school assignment finding average
[1 reply] : 2 problems I see. The data the user is inputing is going into userI... (by binarybob350)
by xyzt
Thinking about Programming in C++
[2 replies] Last: It means that something like this: template <class T> class Stack... (by m4ster r0shi)
by TheEliteOne
Finding number of spaces
[17 replies] Last: And then there is: size_t num = std::count_if(str.begin(), str.e... (by Galik)
by koutsos1
[5 replies] Last: Haha, not spoiling it all for me. Thanks very much (by koutsos1)
multiple arguments |
[2 replies] Last: Ahh, that makes so much sense. Thanks for the help!!! (by jwhitaker0060)
by Robert265
Easiest way to detect key press (non-console) (1,2)
[20 replies] Last: Check this out, it might help -> (by m4ster r0shi)
by Gaminic
Plotting points by coordinates.
[3 replies] Last: Hello, Thank you both for your answers. Duoas' option seems the eas... (by Gaminic)
by dan0
Compiling and Linking
[no replies]
Delete |
[3 replies] Last: Like this: #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vecto... (by m4ster r0shi)
by Borkoff
simple algorithm needed
[1 reply] : Represent your words as string/index pairs (index is the position at w... (by Athar)