Beginners - July 2010 (Page 12)

problem iterating and extcracting instance from a vector
I have just been learning about vector following prior advice on this forum in regards to this code. In essence, I am confused as to how to extract the inputt...
[2 replies] Last: people is the vector of *People. Waht you expect "find" to return wh... (by kraj)
typecasting from a base to a derived class
I'm a little confused with type casting. If I do something like class beginner { // constructor, member functions, etc }; class thief : public ...
[6 replies] Last: Okay, thank you for the more indepth explanation :) I'm only writing t... (by pabloist)
by Wander
getline() problem
Okay so, in a program that I was working on, i use the getline(cin,message) function and it completely skips over my getline statement. Please help me to unders...
[6 replies] Last: Okay thanks a lot!! :) (by Wander)
by Wander
Multi-Dimensional Vectors (1,2,3,4)
Hey. I am trying to create a program that holds coordinates for a map. I've tried multi-dimensional arrays, but there are too many coordinates for the array to ...
[62 replies] Last: Thanks :) (by Wander)
by Wander
I've been told by a countless amount of people not to use system() functions. Well, one of my most used functions is system("cls"). How would I replace this?
[2 replies] Last: Thank you. (by Wander)
How does one draw forms pixel by pixel?
Hello, I'm trying to figure out how to draw an image to the screen one pixel at a time. I'd like to be able to use code like: const int width = 10, height ...
[4 replies] Last: The CreateDIBSection documentation isn't entirely clear, but basically... (by Disch)
Doubly Linked Lists and Library Routine Problem
Okay so this is part of an assignment I have to do, but I am confused regarding the library routine as my professor has not covered it well. So my thing is wha...
[1 reply] : Yeah I saw my professor and each time he confuses me more... He actua... (by aranjan)
by Bertie
Confused about binary file read/write and arrays.
Hello, I need to save an array of data to a binary file. Something along the lines of this. struct myDataArray { float* myFloatArray; int iNumO...
[3 replies] Last: Nevermind, I was forgetting to address &. Thank you moooce. :D (by Bertie)
Wierd Square Root
Hey guys. I'm currently working on a project that will ask for a number, and by using a function, will output the square root of the number. The catch is that: ...
[6 replies] Last: Woo, that makes sense. I have it now! Thanks for all of your help :) (by xcrossmyheartx)
Trouble with accessing friend
Hello, I'm trying to make a simple tic-tac-toe game and am having trouble with using 'friend'. During the computer's move I want the computer's class to access...
[4 replies] Last: Cool... that works... Thanks a lot hamsterman... (by Yoshima)
by fds
Array of char pointers
Hi there, I've just started to pick up C++. I've been trying to figure out what's wrong with the following code for a few hours. It probably is a simple and tr...
[6 replies] Last: Don't do it like this -> char *array ; Do it like this -> char *... (by m4ster r0shi)
Randomization / Random Generator
Heya!! I am really new here, and thus it's my first post. Let me know if there's any problem regarding this post, and I'll either delete it, move it or edit ...
[3 replies] Last: What binarybob said still applies. If you run the program twice, 16 d... (by Athar)
pointers...trouble :(
ok...i am having serveer (<--forgive me for mispelling) difficulty in understanding pointers in the case that its been described...the "&" and the "*" confuse m...
[10 replies] Last: PERFECT! :D ty (by TreyBrehm)
BlackGame Problem!
if(bet >= 1) { cout << "Let's Play!" << endl; do{ cout << "Hit[" << hit << "]" << "Stand[" << stand << "]" << endl; cout << "Cards: " << resu...
[2 replies] Last: thanks for explaining it, the error makes sense now. I fixed it ^^ ... (by xanimeangiex)
Payroll Program with Class
Any help with this program would be greatly appreciated. I'm trying to create an employee class for this payroll program to compute the net pay salary for hourl...
[6 replies] Last: Awesome...thanks so much! So my errors are resolved but now I'm not ge... (by guru189)
A Few Questions
I am currently making an address book on C++ and I have a few questions. Firstly, how can I use memory so that previously enter contacts are still in the addres...
[2 replies] Last: Use a vector rather than an array. That way you can easily increase th... (by spaggy)
Avoiding predeclaration with codependent headers
Is there a good/proper way to get around this? It seems like I'm doing something wrong. first.h #ifndef FIRST_H #define FIRST_H #include "second.h" cla...
[5 replies] Last: Obligatory link: (by Disch)
by Kat B
OutputStreams and buffering
I'd like some information, stored in a buffer, to be written to the file, when I call close() on the file. I have looked at FileBuf and pubsetbuf, among othe...
[4 replies] Last: Use a stringstream for buffering: (by moorecm)
can a character be converted in an integer inside the main function? how?
i need some help.
[5 replies] Last: [quote=Bazzy]first: the switch is not a function ... It is a Control... (by mcleano)
Have a look at my code please
Hi, I posted here with my last programming project and got some good feedback, so I'd like the same again thanks! The task is from the Programming Projects in W...
[7 replies] Last: [quote=gers1978]Thanks. I must be learning something if that was the o... (by Galik)
July 2010 Pages: 1... 1011121314... 31
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