Beginners - July 2009 (Page 20)

by kramer
Creating Velocity program
I am trying to create a program that calculates velocity and acceleration, the following information is given: After each of the position measurements has been...
[6 replies] Last: Well, I was being helpful. (by helios)
How do you clear a screen
Hey! So, lets say its like this: cout << "blahblahblah" <<endl; and the program that we ran sais this: blahblahblah Press any key to continue... ...
[15 replies] Last: I am not sure if there could be any compatibility issues. You wou... (by Disch)
Pure Virtual Functions Problem
Hello, I'm trying to write a base class and then several derived classes to work with some usb devices from 'Phidget' ( I want th...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Disch, I've rooted round in some Phidget header files and fo... (by CodeBugs)
numbers in different bases
I'm trying to make my program convert a number specified by the user in base 10 into another base specified by the user. I need to calculate out 6 digits for t...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much. It seems to work. (by bella09)
by chria
Problems with return a vector (I think)
Hi, I have two classes, Yatzy and YatzyPlayer. In YatzyPlayer.h i create vector<int> mResults and in the constructor in (YatzyPlayer.cpp) i resize it by mRes...
[8 replies] Last: Thank you again! (by chria)
Dynamic Memory allocation for 4 Dimensional array
Hi i have to make a function to Dynamically Allocate memory for 4 dimensional array like A Plz. suggest me the programme for particular problem.
[13 replies] Last: @katyalgju is the problem with loading an array or is it with loading ... (by smilodon)
Finding the size of an array
long *values; /* Synopsis: int GetDataValues(long data_values ) Arguments: data_values Array storing data values. */ if (GetDataValues(va...
[7 replies] Last: I think your problem is not clear to answerable extent. Agreed. ... (by kempofighter)
overloading operator
#include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cstring> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; //////////////////////////////...
[4 replies] Last: silly me.i review this code again.this is a trash. (by areyoupp)
How do you make time to wait before another command?
title ^
[13 replies] Last: @firedraco, thanks thats exactly what im tryin to say (by jloundy)
2 Questions
Help needed Fellows..... 1) The memory is reserved for variables during compiling or during execution????? 2) I want to find a^b. Is it better to use cmat...
[6 replies] Last: Hit right on the target.Thanks wmheric. (by AR Khan)
by pccX
I am looking for a good, user-friendly text editor for programming C++ and Verilog. Which editor do you use? Why? Usually, I use gedit. Comparing with Sc...
[9 replies] Last: Code::Blocks, here. It's a full IDE, though, not just a text editor -... (by Disch)
by cheesy
Find the size of a char array
How do you find the size of a character array such as this. char message // function parameter
[12 replies] Last: How about this (Windows only): #include <iostream> #include <st... (by npath)
Beginner Program Assistance
Im attempting the Hello World program, but it always gets the build errors menu, even when i copy a correct version from the internet. Here is the one i am curr...
[6 replies] Last: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { cout <... (by NoobsDeSroobs)
by pccX
vector, map and array
I do not know much about map. Could anyone please tell me? Among following ways, which one is better in term of performance and space? Why? // 1st ver...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, helios. I tried as your suggestion. I cannot use push_back(s... (by pccX)
#define debug(...)
can someone explain this #define debug(...) i guess it allows you to write debug("foo","bar"); debug(1,2); debug(&fo,&baz,&bar); .... but is...
[1 reply] : They're called variadic macros. They're not standard C++ but are stand... (by helios)
This is very beginner, but...
I'm attempting to make a a simple program, very basic, and I've come across a problem. Whenever I try to get a string value, it only gets the string up to the ...
[8 replies] Last: ' ' Apart from all the horrors and failure that comes from using syste... (by Duthomhas)
having constructor troubles, using class w. pointers
I have a class and am trying to build the constructors so I can declare a new class element... here is my class: struct nucleotide { char nucl; nu...
[3 replies] Last: 99.99% of the time, "unresolved external error" means the linker canno... (by Disch)
July 2009 Pages: 1... 181920
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