by Ulik
Help me write this code
[4 replies] Last: As a starter, to produce random numbers in the required range: #inc... (by seeplus)
problem with struct/array |
[4 replies] Last: Andy thank you very much for your help. As a beguinner in programming... (by Artur Gouveia)
by jmeadowsusn
Please Help
[2 replies] Last: Also, when you copy/paste code remember to change as required! genre o... (by seeplus)
Convert .txt file into a 2D float matrix? |
[7 replies] Last: Thank you Furry Guy. (by DanielDeChamps)
by hbcpp
Working with threads
[1 reply] : So one of these? (by salem c)
by Mif
Need help with structs ?
[16 replies] Last: Yup.. I was learning right after C , windows programing and actually ... (by Mif)
by medosz
2d array with range-based for statement
[5 replies] Last: Well with the code you posted you really should be using initializatio... (by jlb)
by Sevvy
Infinity Loop. What am I doing wrong here?
[5 replies] Last: Hey guys, first off, I wanted to say thank you for the help and suppor... (by Sevvy)
by abdoali5672
why const references are the exception that they allow apparent indirect access to a literal?
[no replies]
by MaxGreen
methods overloading
[5 replies] Last: @seeplus, I have to provide my own versions of cstring functions, men... (by MaxGreen)
by snoisia
New to templates
[4 replies] Last: Thanks Repeater) (by snoisia)
by frog1990
Primary-expression error
[3 replies] Last: Also when passing string to a function, you'd usually pass as const st... (by seeplus)
by medosz
Assigning value to 2d array
[3 replies] Last: Hello medosz, To go along with what keskiverto has said consider th... (by Handy Andy)
by popcornman
Error on operator overload
[3 replies] Last: It's working now. Thank you so much (by popcornman)
by siid14
Taqueria Record Sale Program (Struct issue?)
[1 reply] : salesRecord *taqueriaRecord = new salesRecord ; //ask user n... (by salem c)
by chebyrek
Check my code, please!
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help! Everything works as it should! (by chebyrek)
by DonnaPin
[7 replies] Last: That too ^^. Its gotten very rare to need to second guess the compil... (by jonnin)
calculate the difference between two time periods |
[5 replies] Last: struct hm_time { int hours = 0 ; int minutes = 0 ; stati... (by JLBorges)
by usedlube69
How do I compare a user input to items stored in an array
[5 replies] Last: Hello usedlube69, You say "is it fine now?". Does that mean it is wor... (by Handy Andy)
by yem
Graphs (1,2)
[22 replies] Last: dhayden I actually did it based on your method in the end. https://g... (by yem)