Beginners - January 2021 (Page 11)

Change the arguments of a function depending on template?
I'm very new to C++ so I'm curious if this is possible. I'm building a little module to control some lights of mine. I have an enum called "ControllerTypes". It...
[5 replies] Last: That's fixed it! Thank you so much for the help I really appreciate it... (by DreamingInsanity)
Ascending and Descending order with n size
Hello. I am a beginner at C++ and I am trying to create an Ascending and Descending order with n size. My problem is that if input higher than 6 in the size the...
[3 replies] Last: The sort loops have a buffer overflow issue as i is from 0 to size - 1... (by seeplus)
ASIO Standalone with CMAKE compiling problem
Hi All, and happy new year! I'm new with asio, and i've a problem to compile example with ASIO STANDALONE. The project directory structure: ├── cmake-b...
[2 replies] Last: Hi mbozzi, Thanks for reply. For convenience i've modified the project... (by ciclonite)
strcmp() Always Returns True.
Hi Guys! I have the following code: #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstdio> int main() { const std::s...
[1 reply] : print exactly what is in value, in hex, every character... there is pr... (by jonnin)
by Ulik
How can I write this code ( sorry I can't understand)
Assignment: Write a program according to the following condition using the structure: Display information about employees whose salaries are above average and...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks oggin. You helped me a lot (: (by Ulik)
by Ulik
Help me complete this code
I wrote this code but It needs to read several input and print. How can I take multiple input and output it ? // Header file for input output functions ...
[6 replies] Last: Thank you guys, It helped me a lot ^^ (by Ulik)
by siid14
Selection Sort for String
I wrote a code in order to sort a file of 20 names, I do not get any error but it does not show me the new order of names. I do not understand what I missed and...
[11 replies] Last: Using a custom sort (selection sort for example) or even the old sort... (by oggin)
Avoiding circular includes even when neccesary?
Hello. I have been designated a task where I need to have 4 independant classes, instatiated only once, make calls to get information from each other without di...
[3 replies] Last: One more thing ... Get rid of those global variables. You most likely ... (by keskiverto)
Calculating Standard Deviation & Variance
hi programmers :) I have these numbers in a file : Random.txt 1.8575 2.99204 1.06594 0.592149 3.3509 1.46936 0.671915 2.23096 -2.0554 -0.5209 I want to calcula...
[12 replies] Last: This is a numerically stable single pass algorithm: #include <iostre... (by JLBorges)
RegGetValue returns 1 character.
Hi Guys!!! I have a bit of an issue where the RegGetValue is returning 1 character of the registry keys contents. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? #...
[4 replies] Last: Yet another case of not nul-terminating the strings. https://www.cplus... (by salem c)
solve makes 10 random numbers and save it in a file
Hi. I have to write a program that makes 10 random numbers between -2.5 and 3.5 and save it in a file. I have gone so far with the help of this forum, but can...
[8 replies] Last: #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <random> #include <ct... (by lastchance)
Corrupted printf() Results.
Hi Guys!! I am having some trouble with the following code: void Reg() { wchar_t value ; DWORD BufferSize = sizeof(value); RegGetValue(HKE...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> #include <cstdlib> #include ... (by JLBorges)
(printf) Garbled Output.
Hi Guys!! I have the below code: #include<windows.h> #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h> #include <random> #include <strin...
[2 replies] Last: If you are going to copy a C++ string to a C string you should get the... (by deleted account xyzzy)
January 2021 Pages: 1... 91011
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